Who wants to do the military diet with me

XcelenaX Posts: 21 Member
Any one? I will start tommorrow. The diet lasts 3 days and you could lose up to 10 pounds (apparently!) So who wants to do it with me


  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    So what happened to the James Duncan diet?

    You'd be better off just eating fewer calories than you burn. Simple.
  • randymthompson
    randymthompson Posts: 1 Member
    Tell me about the diet
  • majigurl
    majigurl Posts: 660 Member
    So what happened to the James Duncan diet?

    You'd be better off just eating fewer calories than you burn. Simple.

    ^^^ This.

    You can't do a diet for 3 days and expect it to be the miracle cure. You need to work at it. Took you time to gain weight, will take you time to drop it.

  • XcelenaX
    XcelenaX Posts: 21 Member
    So what happened to the James Duncan diet?

    You'd be better off just eating fewer calories than you burn. Simple.

    I might try this one first to be honest

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    The food choices are disgusting, it has no benefits beyond eating at a deficit (claims about eating foods in particular combinations are scams), and while I think a VLCD for 3 days is relatively unharmful it's not a good approach to weight loss. Also, it offends me that they call it the military diet when it has nothing to do with the military.

    So that's a no.
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    XcelenaX wrote: »
    So what happened to the James Duncan diet?

    You'd be better off just eating fewer calories than you burn. Simple.

    I might try this one first to be honest

    What part of 'eat fewer calories than you burn' did you not understand? There is no need for these ridiculous faddy diets with miracle weight-loss claims.
  • XcelenaX
    XcelenaX Posts: 21 Member
    Tell me about the diet

    Well it last for 3 days, you eat 3 small meals a day and lose weight lol i dont know how to explain it very well but if you search on google all the details will come up
  • XcelenaX
    XcelenaX Posts: 21 Member
    XcelenaX wrote: »
    So what happened to the James Duncan diet?

    You'd be better off just eating fewer calories than you burn. Simple.

    I might try this one first to be honest

    What part of 'eat fewer calories than you burn' did you not understand? There is no need for these ridiculous faddy diets with miracle weight-loss claims.

    I already do that i go on my cross trainer for 50 mins a day and lose about 600-700 cals
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    edited March 2016
    XcelenaX wrote: »
    Any one? I will start tommorrow. The diet lasts 3 days and you could lose up to 10 pounds (apparently!) So who wants to do it with me

    Hell no. Fainting at work is just not a good look for a man in my position.

    It's a pretty dumb diet but if you are determined to do it I can't see you doing yourself real harm in 3 days (well, unless you do actually faint and hit your head or something...)
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    You lose 10 pounds because you cut your calories way down, which results in a big water weight loss. Less calories means less food and food waste in your digestive track. It also results in your glycogen stores being reduced, which results in water loss. You can't actually lose 10 pounds of fat in 3 days.

    Why not change your lifestyle to something sustainable (meaning you can last longer than 3 days with it) and lose 10 pounds the slow and steady way?
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Why not just eat whatever foods you like, but in the correct portions ? Weight loss comes from a calorie deficit. There's no reason to do all these fad diets. Just eat less then you burn and you'll lose weight. No need for this diet
  • majigurl
    majigurl Posts: 660 Member
    You don't lose that amount of weight in just 3 days. It's not fat you are dropping. Just the poop in your bowels. lol You would be surprised how much junk we carry with us at all times. When you reduce this much you are still going to the bathroom.

    Once you start eating again you will be adding food to your bowels again and the scale will go up. It's not FAT and real "weight" that is you drop. It takes TIME for actually lose weight ..

    Think about it.

    It's why these diets don't work. If it was that easy, MFP would promote it and we would all be doing it.
  • iecreamheadaches
    iecreamheadaches Posts: 441 Member
    edited March 2016
    I actually have done this "diet". I heard about it then watched a lot of videos and read a couple things on it and decided, no way can you lose 10 lbs in 3 days and I love experiments and again, its only 3 days it won't kill me. No magic pills or detox shakes, so I was in.

    I lost 6.4 lbs but I was pretty hungry a lot of times between lunch and dinner and when I tried to do it a second time, two weeks later, just to see if results would vary depending on substitutions it allows and gave up on day 2 because I kept getting dizzy and nauseous. I wrote a blog post on my first experience. Will link.


    ETA** this "diet" did kind of help me with understanding portions a little better. I also did keep off those 6.4 lbs
  • sourcandies
    sourcandies Posts: 42 Member
    Dropping your Calories too low could cause you to binge once the diet is over causing weight gain.
    I wouldn't chance it, it's not a permanent weight loss choice.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    These diets don't work. If they did, there would be no fat folks.
  • klkateri
    klkateri Posts: 432 Member
    I agree with no reason to do any kind of special diet - for the most part (Personally I do follow a special WoE however it's for medical reason. I do Keto, a variation of low carb, as diabetes runs in my family and my doctor and myself where becoming concerning with my fasting blood sugar number ).

    Usually, and for most people, CICO tends to work over the long run even when combined with other ways of eating (vegan, paleo, clean, south beach, skinny mama, etc.) If you are doing this as a "jump starts" as sorts, I guess it'll be fine but most likely you will gain some of it back once you get back to your non-diet eating.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    OP what's with the desire for extreme quick fix diets?

    What are your stats (height, weight, goal weight). You said you are exercising, are you tracking your calories? What calorie goal did MFP give you, and why do you feel that's not working for you?
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I just posted this on your other thread


    May I suggest you stop and take a deep breath

    I recognise this I think

    it's when there is so very much information out there that you get stuck between this diet and that diet and this quick loss against that quick loss

    So, are you breathing?

    Right - think about what you want to achieve - picture yourself in a year, in 5 years

    Do you want to have conquered your feels of being overweight or unfit or do you still want to be running around trying one fad diet after another

    Because I can assure you, with 30 years of dieting experience behind me, that stopping and breathing and focusing means you can break that cycle of constantly not being quite good enough / not quite thin enough / not quite fit enough.

    My advice would be to throw away everything you think you know about dieting and every pre-planned diet and just start to weigh and log your food accurately - double-checking every single entry because most of the database is incorrect

    Those calorie burns you're logging for your elliptical - halve them - they're too high by far - you aren't burning that much in that short a time

    Do that
    Then repeat - log your food accurately, halve your calorie burns

    don't get caught in another fad that will see you manipulate water weight

    or do - it's your decision

    but seriously - stop

    and breathe
  • XcelenaX
    XcelenaX Posts: 21 Member
    I actually have done this "diet". I heard about it then watched a lot of videos and read a couple things on it and decided, no way can you lose 10 lbs in 3 days and I love experiments and again, its only 3 days it won't kill me. No magic pills or detox shakes, so I was in.

    I lost 6.4 lbs but I was pretty hungry a lot of times between lunch and dinner and when I tried to do it a second time, two weeks later, just to see if results would vary depending on substitutions it allows and gave up on day 2 because I kept getting dizzy and nauseous. I wrote a blog post on my first experience. Will link.


    ETA** this "diet" did kind of help me with understanding portions a little better. I also did keep off those 6.4 lbs

    Thank you for letting me know that it works
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Lost cause :s
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