Smokers & Ex-Smokers



  • BiggDaddy58
    BiggDaddy58 Posts: 406 Member
    I started smoking when I was 13 (I'm 57 now) I quit 9/28/2014 on my birthday. I had quit once before for a number of years(7 years) until I too ended up in divorce court for 12 hours!!! You read that right !!!

    TWELVE HOURS of Hell! So Back to smoking again in 1999..I decided to quit Cold Turkey. Wasn't really sure if I was ready. I had about 1 pack and a half of cigs left..just kept them in the house. I'd go down to the smoking area for my breaks , just like before. My wife smokes. However, I had made up my mind..and have not had one drag or puff since I quit. If you're trying to quit, my advice have to have your mind made up to quit and just do it. Every day you have to tell yourself you have quit and that's it.

    YOU can do it!i8kwdfkhkvjv.jpg
  • Jenyfyr
    Jenyfyr Posts: 5 Member
    PamamaJane wrote: »
    After decades of pack a day, I became a non-smoker over night with no cravings, no urges, no subsequent weight gain and no regrets. I owe it all to Allen Carr's book, Easy Way to Stop Smoking. It puts to rest all the lies you've been told about why you smoke and why it is so hard to stop. In case you would like to check it out:

    I was going to suggest this book! I quit 4 or 5 years ago with the help of this book. Carr has some awesome suggestions on how to get through cravings, etc. One of my favourite ideas that I took away from this book that I still use today when I'm facing a challenge is that it will be as hard as you make it. If you decide that quitting smoking will be the hardest thing you've ever done, it will be. If you approach from the mindset of 'there will be difficulties, but I know I can conquer them' - you'll do just fine. You can do it!!