My nemesis

Hi everyone! I'm Dora and I have been obese all my life. I'm a diabetic and have made my body go through a lot due to my lack of control, but I'm trying.
Ok so I've been at this for a while--this personal weight loss challenge and I do good for a while and then fall off the wagon. I'm a food addict and I feel I take control over my urges to eat and then any emotional twist turns me to food: the fatter,sweeter,carb filled food will make me smile. I hate it. I honestly need help and I can't figure out what to do. I've gained 7 pounds since my last weigh in and that makes me feel sick but I cannot stop thinking about the cin-a-bons in the fridge. I need to take control:dig deep and you'll find it, or so they say. Well, I'll start digging and hopefully I will find some control:one day at a time. -thanks for reading :)


  • CassidyScaglione
    CassidyScaglione Posts: 673 Member
    Step one is probably don't keep cinnabuns in the house. If you don't have the self control to keep from eating that stuff, then keeping it around is setting yourself up to fail.

    Moving forward, try just eating at maintenance for a while and getting used to that. Then cut just a few calories from your allotment(200-300) rather than trying to go for maximum weight loss... This way you will be less likely to get fed up and quit because you are always starving. For treats like cinnabuns/whatever, buy them individually from a bakers when you decide to spoil yourself, that way you don't have the option of going back to the fridge for seconds.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Agreed- get the cin-a-bons out of the house! I am prediabetic and am try to control with diet and exercise. Try keeping a journal and writing down your feelings when you want to eat the high sugar foods along with the date and time. It may help you figure out your triggers and you can learn how to avoid the triggers or look for ways to change the old habits. Good luck.
  • minijoanna
    minijoanna Posts: 27 Member
    I agree with the poster above. Don't keep that stuff in the house. When I have goodies in the house I think about them all the time and eventually I eat them. But the goal of all this is not to deprive yourself of things that make you happy. This shouldn't be viewed as a punishment. When you view a healthier lifestyle as a punishment and junk foods as a reward then you set yourself up for failure, because you're always going to be striving towards getting the reward. Try and flip flop your idea of the real reward which is feeling better. I can go in and eat a sweet treat and get instant gratification and it feels like a reward. I can't lose weight and get healthy instantly and it takes a long time and a lot of continued ongoing effort so it's not as easy to view it as a reward but I have to have faith that my continued effort WILL provide results and feeling good. I know it's not easy.
  • Dora_Campbell
    Dora_Campbell Posts: 13 Member
    First of all, thanks to all for responding. I agree about getting temptation out of the house but they're not mine (my son's and i didn't buy them). I have eead what has been suggested and come to find out I've started some of them. I have started my journal again because it does help me take control of my emotional eating and instead of looking for answers in the fridge it helps me stay in check. I've also started an exercise regimen to start feeling better. I've also started counting my carbs to keep blood sugars in check. I have to keep in mind that it's hard but not impossible.
    Thank you for responding and trust me I do take into account all that has been said. It's greatly appreciated. :)