Lose 1/2 a pound by tomorrow?



  • rhody_
    rhody_ Posts: 18 Member
    ebaroldy wrote: »
    I do weigh in once a week, and yes I am very obsessive over my weight! I know it's not always linear.., but most of the time mine is, and I hate when my weekly weigh in I'm up at all

    Being biologically female makes this even more difficult. Female bodies are constantly fluctuating because of hormones and periods, so scales that only do lbs aren't as helpful as we'd like them to be. Try looking at it in another way, like inches you're losing off body parts, more energy during the day, or target clothing that will fit when you're smaller, etc.

    I have a hard time with scales, too :/
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    Just relax and trust the process. Eating disorders can often gain a foothold by perfectionist thinking such as feeling a need to lose a certain amount in a certain time-frame. Our bodies don't react quickly or on cue. Stay the course. If you lose, fine, if not, fine.

    I don't place a lot of value on a daily fluctuation of weight - it's about the long game. Daily fluctuations of up to five pounds occur for a variety of reasons and giving them my attention can be crazy-making for me. It's not fat gain or loss, it's just a process. One day at a time I do the right thing and it all works out in the long term.

    Amen to this being the beginning Of ED behaviors. Be on the lookout and keep your head on straight. Does a half a pound really matter when you stack it up against your whole life? Nope. So don't stress it.