


  • StacyChrz
    StacyChrz Posts: 865 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    Have you been logging your calories and maintaining a deficit? You don't need to do a two shake, X amount of meals "diet" to lose weight. You need to consume less calories than you burn. Snacks like string cheese, nuts, and fruit really add up if they are not portioned properly (ideally weighed on a food scale) to fit your calorie goal to lose weight. You can also undo whatever deficit you have created during the weekend by over eating on the weekend.

    What would you suggest I do about breakfast ? Should I change from drinking protein shakes & fruit smoothies to having maybe oatmeal or yogurt? If I give up up the slimfast shakes, what would you say would be best for me to do the days I don't get off til 9 P.M? Eat a regular meal? I always get scared to eat since they say you shouldn't eat past 8.

    Not eating after a certain hour is nonsense.

    As long as you are eating in a deficit you will lose weight. It's important to be eating enough of the right balance of foods. I have been incorporating 2 protein shakes/day into my meal plan for just over a week and have had great results. They are not replacing my meals but rather supplementing them. I am also eating other foods. My diary is open, feel free to take a look.
    I would also suggest you take a moment to really think about your long term goals. I like to remind myself that I am not on a 'diet' but that I have made a lifestyle change that I need to be able to sustain.
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    You've had some good suggestions. I would also say to get a food scale & weigh out your portions. Those nuts are high calorie & really add up fast.
  • GYATagain
    GYATagain Posts: 141 Member
    Food... real, whole, nutrient dense food weighed and calculated. I, too, went down that Slim Fast road (among every other gimmick diet in the world) Discouraging to say the least! Eat foods that will fill you up within your calorie deficit and move, move, and move more! I have lost and gained back probably 10 people in my lifetime (58) and each time gained back a good amount more than I had lost.... I was so dumb! Now 3+ years in to this lifestyle of moving more, eating foods I love in the correct portions, logging correctly TaDa!! Do I get discouraged - Yep! Then I climb back on that bus and get going.....
  • murp4069
    murp4069 Posts: 494 Member
    There is a lot of great advice above. Let go of preconceived notions of losing weight, like that you are on a diet or that you can/can't eat certain foods, or that you must eat "healthy" - whatever that even means. Eat the foods you enjoy in reasonable portions by weighing on a food scale, stay within your calorie goals, and you will lose weight. Doing this will also likely be more sustainable for the long term than meal replacement shakes, which teach you nothing about portion control once you stop drinking them. That being said, if you like the shakes, there's nothing wrong with them either. Just be cognizant of your long terms goals and teaching yourself healthy, sustainable habits for that time when you have reached your weight loss goal and go into maintenance.
  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    I just want to reiterate the comments of the posters above who remind you (and everyone else) that nuts and seeds are very calorie dense. Recently my colleague was eating delicious pumpkin seeds (I think) by the tablespoonful, and kept offering me some which I consistently declined. She asked why, and I told her to read the nutritional info - she discovered that according to the packaging, 1/3 of a cup of whatever it was she was eating had over 300 calories! She was blown away. A small portion (I think its 12) of almonds is generally over 100 calories, so if you are eating those foods in excess of those amounts, you may be eliminating whatever deficit you initially created.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,115 Member
    I agree with those who say to eat what you like and fit it into your calorie goal. 2 shakes a day might be sustainable for you but that would be a sad way to live for me. My sister has a protien shake for breakfst and I think that sounds terrible, but she has a long commute to work so that works for her. So if you like the shakes then there is nothing wrong with having them, but if you are only drinking them because you think you need to then I wouldn't bother with them. I usually have a couple of boiled eggs and fruit or oatmeal for breakfast And of course coffee. Don't worry about the meal timing. Just look for foods that make you fill satisfied and fit in your goals. I mostly concentrate on protien, but different people have different foods they find the most filling. If you are not weighting and measuring everything then you really should. That is the best way to make sure that you are actually eating the number of calories you think you are. Hang in there. You can do this.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,115 Member
    Just to add, you can boil eggs ahead of time and keep them in the fridge for about a week. I do that to save time in the morning. I haven't tried the overnight oats, but I know a lot of people do that too so I'm sure there are recipes or instructions in the forums about that. I'm all for making mornings as simple as possible.