Do you do a cheat meal/day?



  • rsenor
    rsenor Posts: 57 Member
    edited March 2016
    For me, I have done several experiments :), I can definitely eat beyond 3000 calories in one meal but not thousands more before I'd feel sick (how many more above 1350 to add 1.1 lbs in a day?) but in the next couple days I just wind down to 500-700 per day and remind myself to move more. That should take care of things nicely.

    Without being aware of the term "cheat meal/day" I'm already doing it on a weekly basis and this practice is what keeps my life going, ie not too much change/upset.]

    Yea, something like that. It would be interesting to actually see a scientific study on where the "cap" is although I am sure it differs per person
  • yogsvr4
    yogsvr4 Posts: 149 Member
    Never. If I were to do that I would come up with an excuse for another meal to be a 'cheat' and then the 'cheat' would be the regular meal.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I have high calorie days. Not every week, but there are occasions (usually holidays, parties, gatherings) where I don't worry about calories. I don't plan them because these type of occasions come along often enough on their own. Som
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    edited March 2016
    I used to have a cheat meal once a week, where I could eat whatever I wanted (within reason - ie get an order of lasagna, or steak and a potato), and it was great. Now I just try and make it fit as best I can, and if I'm a little over that day I don't panic and try and make it up somewhere else during the week. Helps me keep from getting crazy on foods just because I can. I also try and make those meals something within reason and still very tasty - Chili's Lighter side sirloin with avocado, the turkey BLT from Panera (no mayo!), etc.
  • Anabug81
    Anabug81 Posts: 161 Member
    No Cheat days just work food into my meal plan.
  • caurinus
    caurinus Posts: 78 Member
    Sort of. I do a carb refeed day once every two weeks that puts me up to about 100 calories over my maintenance calories. So for 13 days, I eat balanced macros at 1750 calories, then I do one day at 2600 calories, mostly carbs. Water weight goes up a lot for a couple days after, but it comes back off quickly. Supposedly it helps keep metabolism from slowing down, among other things. All I know for sure is I love pancakes, fruit, pasta, and rice crackers and I get to eat a lot of them. :-)
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    edited March 2016
    zyxst wrote: »
    What's the "rule" of a cheat meal/day?

    The "rule" for me is to eat as much as possible without bothering to stay within my goals.

    For me, a cheat day is going all out. I'm not staying in my calorie goal for the day and I'm eating what I want until I'm satisfied. I tried doing it like other people suggest - a cheat meal or day once a week or month - and I learned quickly that my idea of a cheat day/meal will wipe out any deficit. A year ago, I decided to have 3 designated cheat days - wedding anniversary, birthday, and Xmas. I can easily clock in 3000 calories a day and not be bothered about it.

    I incorporate treats into my every day meals so I don't get deprived or the urge to overeat.

    Interesting. You probably feel that you must keep up (eat) with all your daily allowance everyday so a huge surplus would take many days for you to repay.

    For me, I have done several experiments :), I can definitely eat beyond 3000 calories in one meal but not thousands more before I'd feel sick (how many more above 1350 to add 1.1 lbs in a day?) but in the next couple days I just wind down to 500-700 per day and remind myself to move more. That should take care of things nicely.

    Without being aware of the term "cheat meal/day" I'm already doing it on a weekly basis and this practice is what keeps my life going, ie not too much change/upset.

    Yes, I eat up to my calorie goal most days. If I didn't (and there were very early days when I only ate 1200 calories because "that's the only way to lose weight") and I got ... hangry would be a kind word for my behavior. When my hunger gets bad, my body starts causing me severe pain (akin to active labor or kidney stones pain). The way for me to not be in pain is to eat enough every day. I also have mental issues with going down the binge & starve ED cycle.

    ETA closing parentheses added
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    No. Since going to a 100% plant-sourced nutrition plan I no longer have the desire for cheat meals or anything processed, or anything with more than a few ingredients for that matter. If you're body is getting all of the nutrients it requires on a daily basis, it doesn't need (or crave for) anything :smile:
  • xKoalaBearx
    xKoalaBearx Posts: 181 Member
    Like others I don't "cheat" but instead I have planned higher calorie days on Saturday and Sunday, and then have less Mon-Fri. I was able to get to my goal weight and have been maintaining ever since. Logging for me is key, and I use the average calories per day, instead of strictly hitting an identical calorie goal each and every day.