In my 40s and weight loss



  • avasherr
    avasherr Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm 48 in Aug. and have had health issues, since I was born a premie in the late 60s. I've beat cancer, battled Crohn's, and slowly but sure, became so ill, after years of working out everyday, to where I'm almost bed ridden, Crohn's makes a person eat healthy, but the inactivity was brutal. Personal friend of mine told me to read about "trim healthy mama" lifestyle, and even though it's a completely different way of thinking about eating, from a low carber girl from the 1990s, it teaches you to switch fuels, always have protein, but switch from good carbs one meal to good fats another meal. It's sugar free, uses butter and coconut oil, lean meats (OR) chicken with skin included another time, no regular potatoes, but fantastic desserts and dark chocolate. My mom has lost 45 pounds since we started in Nov. and I've lost 35. If you google it, there is a planning book, that helps understand separating your fuels (carbs OR fats) then a cookbook each are about $12, many libraries have them to check out. There are ingredients used in SOME recipes, even as a self proclaimed foodie, I'd not heard of, but there are many "NSI" recipes, which stand for "No special ingredients" I am only able to do yoga twice a week, right now, dealing with lots of fibromyalga pain, and am considered a "turtle" or slower loser because of my age and my limitations, but my stomach and insides already thank me. I used to fitness dance, and weight train, elliptical and keep going like a machine, and now, the body pain, most days I have trouble walking, so I am a rare case, but I will tell anyone, you do NOT have to starve yourself to be healthy, and you do not have to kill yourself working out..... Learning Moderation, even at my age, is about as difficult as learning to love the body, I feel like, has failed me.... is to my unusual life.
  • jmdkurt
    jmdkurt Posts: 14 Member
    All of you are so much more dedicated than me, I need to really step up after Easter. Now I know I can't blame my age...