People are strange.



  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member

    Sorry for destroying the rest of your day :)

    They walk among us. :laugh:
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    A man came into the newspaper office where I used to work to look through our archives. It was a really small, old building and we literally had only one toilet. A coworker was in there (not very long) and he needed to use it.

    Instead of waiting, he turned to the side and peed on the carpeted floor.

    When you gotta go you gotta go?

    I once worked with a gal who would put her hands in her pants, root around for a pubic hair and then floss her teeth with it. No joke. She was let go after a few months because she refused to bath and customers complained about her smell.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    A man came into the newspaper office where I used to work to look through our archives. It was a really small, old building and we literally had only one toilet. A coworker was in there (not very long) and he needed to use it.

    Instead of waiting, he turned to the side and peed on the carpeted floor.

    When you gotta go you gotta go?

    I once worked with a gal who would put her hands in her pants, root around for a pubic hair and then floss her teeth with it. No joke. She was let go after a few months because she refused to bath and customers complained about her smell.
  • Ivey05131980
    Ivey05131980 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Last week we had a patient, at least 65 years old, pay me her copay out of her Justin Bieber wallet. I don't think she was his granny.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    People tell me I'm strange because I promptly sniff the bicycle seat or bench when a woman is done working out there at the gym. I don't get it. What's so weird about that?

    By any chance, do you read the Dear Prudie advice column?
  • Krizzo87
    Krizzo87 Posts: 14,186 Member
    Last week a customer called the store and my manager answered. He asked if there was a manager he could speak with, to which she said, "My name is Jen, I'm a manager. How can I help?" He responded with "Yeah, could I talk to the actual manager? Like an actual MAN? There's no way they're allowing you women to run the store." I mean, really, I wouldn't have believed that if I hadn't heard it myself.

    I have dealt with this sort of thing. I disagreed with an older male colleague (of equal rank) on an issue, and since it was my responsibility and my decision, I went with what I thought was best. He basically threw a temper tantrum about it and said to me "I miss the days when women were content to make coffee and answer the phones."

    I'd be content to shove the phone up his *kitten* and pour scalding hot coffee over his head.. :flowerforyou:
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Not sure it this counts as strange or stupid, but all the time, people will make a left turn from the right lane...Im just driving along and suddenly the person on my right will turn right in front of me across like 3 lanes of traffic to make a left hand turn. Its happened so much I dont even flinch anymore, but I dont get it.

    Happened yesterday on the way back from a movie, it was only one lane on a fairly busy street. But I was like wtf dude there is a whole nuther lane for you to go in why cut us off?

    So anyway my people are strange story pales in comparison to the perfume bath lady. But, one night I when I was working a dude comes into the store (I didn't see him actually come in) I first noticed him at the t-shirt display no shirt on. Then he proceeds to put on a t-shirt from the stacks. I was like "hell no he isn't trying on t-shirts in the middle of the aisle" it's not like we have a changing room, but what evs. Then I realize as he is coming to the counter he isn't carrying another shirt. I didn't notice that he was also barefoot. And this was on a rather cool night. I don't even want to know the cluster fvck of events that lead to a guy walking barefoot and shirtless across a fairly busy shopping mall on a fairly cool night.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I had a coworker who once borrowed my scissors. Then a few minutes later I saw him sitting at his desk using them to trim his nose hair. And these were the big orange handle type for cutting paper.

    I just told him to keep them when he tried to return them.

  • pippywillow
    pippywillow Posts: 253 Member
    I used to work at a drug store. One night I was at the photo booth. The pharmacist had already gone home for the day. A customer came and asked me what to get to put on her foot. I told her I couldn't give medical advice and the pharmacist wouldn't be back till morning. She proceeded to take her shoe off and put her foot on the photo counter.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Once worked at a moderately high end department store. During back to school time, the Junior's dept always had a mess of jeans just left in the fitting rooms by customers. Well, close to closing time they would pile the jeans up in front of the 3 way mirror and begin sorting and re-folding them. There was a bit of business, so they had to leave the pile to finish up the remaning customers before close. Apparenlty, someone still in the fitting room thought they were in the restroom and proceeded to urinate & deficate on this pile of jeans. Probably 60 or better pairs of jeans that were now, effectively, ruined.

    People are strange!
  • lraien
    lraien Posts: 29 Member
    A woman sat down on a bench in the lobby of the restaurant I work at on the weekends. She proceeded to pull off both of her shoes and pick all the dead skin off the bottom of her feet for a good 20 minutes while carrying on a conversation her husband and in-laws. After she finished the peeling, she started running her fingers inbetween all her toes to clean out the jam. I am also amazed by the number of women I see walk directly out of our restroom stalls with no stop at the sink.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Once worked at a moderately high end department store. During back to school time, the Junior's dept always had a mess of jeans just left in the fitting rooms by customers. Well, close to closing time they would pile the jeans up in front of the 3 way mirror and begin sorting and re-folding them. There was a bit of business, so they had to leave the pile to finish up the remaning customers before close. Apparenlty, someone still in the fitting room thought they were in the restroom and proceeded to urinate & deficate on this pile of jeans. Probably 60 or better pairs of jeans that were now, effectively, ruined.

    People are strange!
    Thankfully this never happened when I worked retail, but I've heard more than one story of people "mistaking" fittikng rooms for bathrooms.
  • branson101
    branson101 Posts: 173 Member
    I once watched a woman at the gas station wash her whole car with the little squeegie thingie for cleaning your windows. That was like, 5 years ago and I still shake my head when I think about it.

    Not sure it this counts as strange or stupid, but all the time, people will make a left turn from the right lane...Im just driving along and suddenly the person on my right will turn right in front of me across like 3 lanes of traffic to make a left hand turn. Its happened so much I dont even flinch anymore, but I dont get it. Death wish?!

    I've actually done the washing the car thing. I was traveling and we had thrown a thing of ketchup out the drivers window and a chocolate shake out the passengers. When I stopped for gas I found the messes of the sides of the van and wanted to quickly get it off before it hardened.

    I have also had people driving in front of me pull over to the right curb, stop, and cut me off as I pass as they make a left turn.

    As for work, I work at a bank and I had a lady call and ask if we were going to be open on Thanksgiving. She wasn't happy when I said no. I do have elderly people that call me to ask what the date is. I am more than happy to sit with them and help them out.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I was traveling and we had thrown a thing of ketchup out the drivers window and a chocolate shake out the passengers. When I stopped for gas I found the messes of the sides of the van and wanted to quickly get it off before it hardened.

    Why wouldn't you just wait to stop for gas and, I don't know ... use the trash can?
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    My old boss used to chew on nail filers, she'd have a bunch in her top desk drawer and just go to town during phone conversations, meetings, etc..the sound of the sandpapery texture against her teeth during meetings was really distracting. The more stressed she became the faster she chewed. :noway:
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    When I worked in retail(Sam's Club) we'd have a gentleman come in all the time wearing women's clothing. Even though this alone is odd we really couldn't do or say anything. Well one day I get called to the front and was told to ask the gentleman to leave. I figured he was probably doing something he shouldn't of been doing but whatever so I hunt him down and find that he was wearing daisy dukes but his boys had descended far enough that they weren't in the daisy dukes.

    Yep this man was walking around with his balls hanging out of his shorts. I asked him to either change clothing in the restroom or he would have to leave. He refused to change so we have a cop that's typically on duty but she was running late so basically we waited the couple minutes for her to show and he was arrested for indecent exposure.

    When I worked at Taco Bell we had a family of Mexicans come in and apply for a job. Now I'm not racist or any of that stupid stuff but anyways the what I assume mom was having to hike up her shirt so that the other 4-5 people could write down their names, social, address, etc. Now this isn't even the weird part. So we take their applications which honestly were unreadable and told them that if we had an opening we'd call them. Now they all went into the restroom and then left.

    Shortly after I hear a man kinda say loudly "What the Fu**!!" .. and he walks over all white n stuff and says that one of us need to check out the restroom. Well it appeared that a poop bomb had went off, there was crap all over the walls, ceiling, doors, etc I'm talking tons of poop like they had to store it in bags or something. We all debated on what to do and I finally called OSHA and asked them. We had to hire a cleaning crew to come in and clean the bathrooms and couldn't keep the restaurant open until it was cleaned.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Some of these are gross! :noway:

    More stories!

    Okay so a couple of weeks ago a girl came in with two completely tattered, yellow, smelly bras. She already has an attitude just walking up. I'll just write down the convo.

    Her: "I bought these a couple weeks ago. I've only washed them twice and they're falling apart."
    Me: "No problem, do you have a receipt?"
    Her: "No. Can't you look it up with my card?"
    Me: "No ma'am, not without the tags on the bras, which aren't there. The best I can offer you is 12.99 store credit for each since there is no receipt and no tags."

    At this point, my manager overhears. Now, regardless of what people seem to think, cashiers are not stupid. I knew those bras were more than a couple years old. She knew it. My manager knew it. So she comes over and checks the date on the bras. Yeah, whoops, the bras are printed with dates! These were from 02/2011. So then my manager takes over the convo.

    Manager: "Ma'am, these bras are from 2011. Our return policy is 90 days with receipt, and even that is pretty lax. But we can tell these bras have been worn and washed way more than twice. I'm in a good mood, so I can do 15.99 store credit for each bra."
    Her: "Well it's only been two years, they shouldn't be that torn!"
    Manager: "You're right, which is why you should hand wash your bras in cold water and lay them flat to dry."
    Her: "Well no one told me that! 15.99 is ridiculous, I paid 52.00 for those bras!" (Those particular ones have NEVER been 52 dollars, the highest they've gone is 48.)
    Manager: "Well fine, if you like, I can go back down to 12.99."
    Her: *silence*

    She was really lucky that Jen was in a good mood, 'cause she can be a real *****. The day after a girl the same age came in with old bras and said she heard from a friend that if you bring back old bras you can get 15.99 store credit for them. -.-
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Ewww body ordor and perfume :sick:
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    one time my daughter and I had to stop to use the restroom at a gas station and were patiently waiting in line. Some woman comes in, smoking, waving her cigarette around in my daughters face and said something like "you see this" pointing to her eye and telling my daughter she had been stung in the eye with a bee. She then proceeds to ask if we're waiting to go to the bathroom.... um, yea, hence the reason we're in line. Next a man comes in there (women's restroom) looking for her, but by this time she had pulled her pants down and started peeing in the trash can.

    This after we found a naked 2-year old wandering aimlessly around our apartment complex park. Alone. We called the office to see if they knew who he belonged to who had to call the cops, because they didn't. We waited with them for 2 hours with him and finally a disheveled looking girl comes stumbling in the leasing office to ask if anyone had seen her baby, because she had been sleeping. WTF?!?

    It was a weird day....
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    A few days ago my friends and I had a party in the marketplace, brought our own equipment and danced and invited people around us to join. Some old guy came around and said that the street will soon be locked so we better hurry back home and stop the party, otherwise we'd be stuck inside and couldn't leave until morning.

    No, the street can't be locked.