People are strange.



  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    Last year my boyfriend and I were watching the Canada Day fireworks and I looked over beside us and there was a lady with her cat in a harness in her arms petting him saying "good boy, it's ok... good boy" The poor cat looked terrified. Not really sure why this woman thought her cat would enjoy watching fireworks, but she stayed through the whole thing. :huh:
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    Not sure it this counts as strange or stupid, but all the time, people will make a left turn from the right lane...Im just driving along and suddenly the person on my right will turn right in front of me across like 3 lanes of traffic to make a left hand turn. Its happened so much I dont even flinch anymore, but I dont get it.

    Do you live in Tallahassee???

    LoL! Nope! Miami... Maybe its a Florida thing?!
  • Teardrop81
    Teardrop81 Posts: 132 Member

    Sorry for destroying the rest of your day :)

    you single handily made my day better. thank you:love:

    lol mine too!
  • SlimJanette
    SlimJanette Posts: 597 Member
    When I was working as a waitress a couple of drunk guys came in to have breakfast. The one guy went to the washroom first then came out to pay. He forgot to tuck and zip and it was all hanging out. I was so embarrassed. His buddy told him and he didn't care. He packed it all back in and went to hand me a tip. I said NO it is ok, you can keep it. Eww:sick:
  • sc10985
    sc10985 Posts: 347 Member
    I used to be a receptionist in a urology office and most patients had to leave a urine sample before they were seen. No matter how many times I told them to "leave it in the cabinet above the toliet", patients would CONSTANTLY try to hand me their urine. Half the time without putting the damn lid on the cup!!! We also had this one 97 year old patient that had his girlfriend (who was probably 90) wheel him in each week for his viagra script :laugh:

    Thank god I don't work their anymore lol
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Just here because now I'm singing The Doors' song. it's stuck in my head.



    am I the only one who looked it up on you tube and I'm now listening to it...?
  • FeelingLessChubby
    FeelingLessChubby Posts: 152 Member
    This one is not about anything gross :D

    This happened to a colleague of mine when we used to work at the same seafood restaurant. We had a special on beer-battered shrimp in them days.

    A man came in and ordered 45 beer-battered shrimp, my colleague served him. When the man was nearly done eating, he asked if he wanted anything else. The man said "I'd like another 45 beer-battered shrimp". He got it, and ate it. Again, my colleague asked him, would he like anything else? The man said "I'd like another order of 45 beer-battered shrimp". My colleague was pretty happy at this point because his tip was going up with each order, so when the man was nearly done with his third portion, he said "sir, you must really like our beer-battered shrimp!"

    The man said "I'm a recovering alcoholic and this is the only thing I can have that tastes like beer!"

    And he ordered another 45 beer-battered shrimp...

    True story! And the weird thing was - that shrimp tasted nothing like beer, I have no idea how it got its name, but I couldn't taste any beer in the batter...
  • MyzGina
    MyzGina Posts: 32 Member
    I'm VERY Strange. So strange that my style is different..I get frawn an and lips bent..????..
  • paygep
    paygep Posts: 401 Member

    Sorry for destroying the rest of your day :)

    Day = ruined
  • snoopytwins
    snoopytwins Posts: 1,759 Member
    Just here because now I'm singing The Doors' song. it's stuck in my head.



    am I the only one who looked it up on you tube and I'm now listening to it...?

    No need,,,I have the song. Lol
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I once watched a woman at the gas station wash her whole car with the little squeegie thingie for cleaning your windows. That was like, 5 years ago and I still shake my head when I think about it.

    Not sure it this counts as strange or stupid, but all the time, people will make a left turn from the right lane...Im just driving along and suddenly the person on my right will turn right in front of me across like 3 lanes of traffic to make a left hand turn. Its happened so much I dont even flinch anymore, but I dont get it. Death wish?!

    I've seen elderly people doing this. One guy hit me. He made a left turn from the center lane, right into me. He had to have been 90. Cops came, reports filed..everything done and we both drove away.. I let him get ahead of me, and he did the same damn thing again a block further up the road.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Mind you, she used to pick her nose and wipe it in her curly hair which was also very strange behaviour for a lady in her twenties/thirties! x

    ok... EEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok, there's no vomiting emoticon smiley on this site.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    This one is not about anything gross :D

    This happened to a colleague of mine when we used to work at the same seafood restaurant. We had a special on beer-battered shrimp in them days.

    A man came in and ordered 45 beer-battered shrimp, my colleague served him. When the man was nearly done eating, he asked if he wanted anything else. The man said "I'd like another 45 beer-battered shrimp". He got it, and ate it. Again, my colleague asked him, would he like anything else? The man said "I'd like another order of 45 beer-battered shrimp". My colleague was pretty happy at this point because his tip was going up with each order, so when the man was nearly done with his third portion, he said "sir, you must really like our beer-battered shrimp!"

    The man said "I'm a recovering alcoholic and this is the only thing I can have that tastes like beer!"

    And he ordered another 45 beer-battered shrimp...

    True story! And the weird thing was - that shrimp tasted nothing like beer, I have no idea how it got its name, but I couldn't taste any beer in the batter...

    Weird... they DO have non alcoholic beer. people are strange. obviously. LOL
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Mind you, she used to pick her nose and wipe it in her curly hair which was also very strange behaviour for a lady in her twenties/thirties! x

    ok... EEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok, there's no vomiting emoticon smiley on this site.

    This one is close :sick:
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    God is great,
    Beer is good,
    And people are crazy.

  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Well I am going to tattle on myself. Once I lived in the worst apartment complex in the midst of a well a 2nd ring suburb. So, anyway, the neighbors liked to play loud music at all hours of the night. I would go and bang on the door and tell them to turn it down. They would for about 15 minutes then I would go back and do the same thing. But, that isn't the strange part the strange part is I did this after knowing the guy has a couple of guns and after a friend of mine had a gun pulled on him for the doing the same exact thing. Of course I never thought it was strange/weird/suicidal but other people have said yeah that's um not advisable. And I would do it again.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Time for another one!

    Drunk and/or high woman comes into the store. She's making a scene and being rude to other customers so the managers asked Lynn (by far the sweetest and most well-mannered manager we have) to ask her to leave the store. The lady refused, so Lynn said she would have mall security come and escort her if she'd like. So with a big fuss she headed to the exit. Lynn followed her to the exit to make sure she didn't steal anything/hurt herself/hurt other people on the way out. The woman caught herself on one of our alarm things and tripped.

    She immediately grabbed her ankle and screamed and asked everyone if they saw Lynn push her out of the store! Lynn called security for first aid, they took some picture of her ankle (since it happened right outside our store, thank god) and got her ice, blah blah blah. She kept carrying on about how Lynn pushed her and she was gonna sue and she wanted the cops to come. Lynn told her she could call the cops for her if she'd like, and she'd even be more than willing to hand over the security tapes. The woman ended up leaving without wanting the cops called, surprise surprise.

    The next day the same woman came back in wearing at least 5 inch heels asking for an incident report to fill out because she had an x-ray done and she had sprained her ankle, and it was sooo painful. LMAO. Longer story short, we are now to refuse service if she comes back to the store:)
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    Oh Sunshine, I would have done the same thing! lol I had a strange neighbor...whenever I played music even if softly, my downstairs neighbor, I swear it would take a broom to the ceiling and could hear her screaming to stop it. After a couple times of that, I just stopped playing music but shed still do that and even went out on the balcony to scream and curse me out.

    The police came to my place a couple times, saying neighbors complained I was throwing a loud party and disturbing noises were coming from my apt...once kiddo and I were just having dinner, the second time, I was giving her a bath when they came by. Both times, no music or even the tv was on.

    One day, a girl comes by with flowers apologizing, and said it was her roommate. She had called the police so many times, they ended up fining her because a couple times, I wasnt even home when she called. They ended up kicking her out because of all sorts of reasons making her hard to live with. Never had a problem after that..but yeah, that was a really...really strange neighbor lol
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Do you work at Victoria's Secret? I worked at Sephora and we would get together with the Vikki and Guess girls (we were all in the same area) and trade stories. Some of the best ones were when people got caught stealing by our LPO. Tackles, screaming, scratching, biting. After I had to leave when my husband got stationed our guy ended up in the hospital because someone got him in the arm with a box opener. One of the best ones I had was a woman who spilled nail polish on her own shoes and then tried to get us to pay for them. She said they were $200 Coach shoes. But I had the same ones. $30 from Target. There was also a group of frat guys who were doing some kind of initiation thing and we did all their makeup for them. They bought a whole bunch of cologne from us so that they weren't wasting our time, which I thought was considerate.
  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member
    Just here because now I'm singing The Doors' song. it's stuck in my head.


    thought the exact same thing LOL