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  • IndianaGolfer
    IndianaGolfer Posts: 16,220 Member
    I don't watch much tv either
    Tyson you gave away a secret? You write? As in?
    Write us a poem T..

    Chris i have some left over from supper..

    Yes I write , it's not meant to be read by others tho, I've only shared a handful of things ever with anyone, not even shown the wife , ever
  • Justpeachy02
    Justpeachy02 Posts: 11,817 Member
    tfrasur wrote: »
    I don't watch much tv either
    Tyson you gave away a secret? You write? As in?
    Write us a poem T..

    Chris i have some left over from supper..

    Yes I write , it's not meant to be read by others tho, I've only shared a handful of things ever with anyone, not even shown the wife , ever

    I love this though
    Would love to read if you ever decide to share
  • jenmar222
    jenmar222 Posts: 9,271 Member
    tfrasur wrote: »
    I don't watch much tv either
    Tyson you gave away a secret? You write? As in?
    Write us a poem T..

    Chris i have some left over from supper..

    Yes I write , it's not meant to be read by others tho, I've only shared a handful of things ever with anyone, not even shown the wife , ever

    What do you write....Twilight fan fiction?
  • jenmar222
    jenmar222 Posts: 9,271 Member
    And look at you all....so cultured with your lack of television watching :unamused::tongue:
  • VikMcAnik
    VikMcAnik Posts: 17,222 Member
    Tyson wrote the star wars prequels, specifically the part of jar jar binks
  • Hey_Its_That_One_Guy
    Hey_Its_That_One_Guy Posts: 21,763 Member
    Personally I write down my ideas for Jerry Springer. Then I envision what the people on the episode would be like, and how the crowd would react to them. Also Steve is still in my stories.
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    jenmar22 wrote: »
    And look at you all....so cultured with your lack of television watching :unamused::tongue:

    Did you just say that with a plum in your mouth sipping your tea :D ..ok I will quit it now :*
  • Justpeachy02
    Justpeachy02 Posts: 11,817 Member
    Personally I write down my ideas for Jerry Springer. Then I envision what the people on the episode would be like, and how the crowd would react to them. Also Steve is still in my stories.

    This^^^ lmao
  • jenmar222
    jenmar222 Posts: 9,271 Member
    Personally I write down my ideas for Jerry Springer.

    That's called journaling my family history :confused:
  • IndianaGolfer
    IndianaGolfer Posts: 16,220 Member
    I don't share cause I don't want feedback, good or bad, I don't like hearing about myself one way or the other. If I knew people could keep away from commenting, whether to me or someone else, I'd be able too.

    Maybe I'll look tonite an see if I have anything, but if I do, don't tell me anything, I don't need to hear opinions, good or bad
  • jenmar222
    jenmar222 Posts: 9,271 Member
    jenmar22 wrote: »
    And look at you all....so cultured with your lack of television watching :unamused::tongue:

    Did you just say that with a plum in your mouth sipping your tea :D ..ok I will quit it now :*

    Do English people go around with plums in their mouths? O_o
  • pie_eyes
    pie_eyes Posts: 12,964 Member
    Goodness my hands look like a 60 year old woman in this nail polish
  • Justpeachy02
    Justpeachy02 Posts: 11,817 Member
    tfrasur wrote: »
    I don't share cause I don't want feedback, good or bad, I don't like hearing about myself one way or the other. If I knew people could keep away from commenting, whether to me or someone else, I'd be able too.

    Maybe I'll look tonite an see if I have anything, but if I do, don't tell me anything, I don't need to hear opinions, good or bad

    Ugh that would be so hard to do!
    I'm sure they are good!
    I mean we saw your drawings and they were phenomenal! Do t be so hard on yourself!
  • Justpeachy02
    Justpeachy02 Posts: 11,817 Member
    pie_eyes wrote: »
    Goodness my hands look like a 60 year old woman in this nail polish

    What color?
  • pie_eyes
    pie_eyes Posts: 12,964 Member
    pie_eyes wrote: »
    Goodness my hands look like a 60 year old woman in this nail polish

    What color?

  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    jenmar22 wrote: »
    jenmar22 wrote: »
    And look at you all....so cultured with your lack of television watching :unamused::tongue:

    Did you just say that with a plum in your mouth sipping your tea :D ..ok I will quit it now :*

    Do English people go around with plums in their mouths? O_o

    It means to sound posh ..lol..very upper class english lol
  • Justpeachy02
    Justpeachy02 Posts: 11,817 Member
    Oh pretty Pie
    I don't really wear color but I do like it
  • IndianaGolfer
    IndianaGolfer Posts: 16,220 Member
    Ok let me see if this copied, just read I don't need comments here or privately
  • Justpeachy02
    Justpeachy02 Posts: 11,817 Member
    tfrasur wrote: »
    Ok let me see if this copied, just read I don't need comments here or privately

    I can't comment?! Sheesh that's hard!
  • IndianaGolfer
    IndianaGolfer Posts: 16,220 Member
    The peace inside me is overwhelmed by rage and fury. But, it's just strong enough to withhold any attacks. Always on the edge it seems, struggling to maintain power, my peace can never rest. It must remain attentive, on the lookout for an uprising that always looms just out of site. It's been a long time since my peace has lost a battle, and even then, a higher peace saved me. I'm thankful every day that I had backup that nite. Allowing my peace to grow again, get stronger, and allow myself to continue on my path. I'm concerned that one day, my peace will lose again, with no backup to save me. It won't lose in the same way, so for those that know, be safe in knowing that. I know that the rage and fury inside me is growing, I can feel it and I can tell, by how I've been the last year or so. It's not a rapid growth, but a very slow one, a much different tactic than it last appeared. So, how do I defend against it? Who and where can I turn to, to help fend off my own weakness? Know this, I am writing this in total control, I'm under no influence of rage or fury, I just know it's always lurking, testing my own defenses, looking for the weakest link. Don't think that I am so down and depressed and sad, please. I am not, I am realistic about it tho. I am at peace now, but that's not what I want, I want more. I want my own utopia, my slice of perfect. The realm of it does exist, the reality of it says it won't happen. Which is where I'm stuck, my reality appears closer to rage and fury, lingering beyond the sight line, building and growing. My peace is strong, but how many times can it defend me. It grows also, but enough? If by chance you have read this, I wrote this smiling, because I'm happy. There is no evidence of rage or fury nearby, I'm fully at peace, content with just being. But, that itself is a problem, the fuel to spark the attack I'm afraid. I will defend myself, from myself and from others. My peace won't go down easily, and neither will I.
