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  • J383
    J383 Posts: 4,573 Member
    Good Morning yall.
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    Morning jennypoo
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    lauranorr wrote: »
    My 12 year old is in the ..."hey does play football stage?!" Because he is due a growth spurt and is solid and husky. Poor kid. He's getting worried about it

    Mine didn't grow till 14 then like 6" in a year and slimmed out
  • J383
    J383 Posts: 4,573 Member
    edited April 2016
    lauranorr wrote: »
    My 12 year old is in the ..."hey does play football stage?!" Because he is due a growth spurt and is solid and husky. Poor kid. He's getting worried about it

    What size of shoes is he wearing? I just bought my son an 8.5 mens and Im sure they wont fit him next month. He is in a 14/16 clothes. Up two shoe sizes since Jan.
  • J383
    J383 Posts: 4,573 Member
    Tomk652015 wrote: »
    Morning jennypoo

    Gooood Mooorning :)
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    lauranorr wrote: »
    If anybody sees @finny11122 tell him I thought about him during my walk yesterday .....I saw what must have been an Irish fairy lol Just laying on the grass. Course Finny immediately pops into my mind as that's how my brain works.sru7ubeyyd3z.jpg

    OMG that's hilarious. So Finns reminds of you of a mermaid?
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    He's full of whimsy perhaps? That's funny though

  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    oh yay...it was decided for my skating team competition this coming weekend worst case scenario would be having toe skate last as one of the girls has to be somewhere for an exam and if we skate last she won't make it..well starting orders are out and where do we skate?!?! ya the worst case scenario is happening.
  • IndianaGolfer
    IndianaGolfer Posts: 16,220 Member
    Breakfast and a walk around downtown and along the river, weather is perfect. Hope its like this on the golf days!!
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    tfrasur wrote: »
    Breakfast and a walk around downtown and along the river, weather is perfect. Hope its like this on the golf days!!

    beautiful here too. Lunch hour will be WAY to short! :(
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    Would anyone miss me if I snuck out I wonder
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    Would anyone miss me if I snuck out I wonder

    I would :p
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    From work silly

    I'm still riding the MFP dragon
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    lauranorr wrote: »
    I'm at our play date

    sorry i'm late...be right over... :D
  • pie_eyes
    pie_eyes Posts: 12,964 Member
    Hey you boring people