"Why didn't you eat any _____? Are you on a diet??"



  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    I turned down cheesecake at work. Coworker said, lighten up on your diet! I replied I had already eaten a donut and ice cream that day, how much more should I lighten up? Plus side I had room for leftover cheesecake the next day.
  • stephanie20314
    stephanie20314 Posts: 81 Member
    ericaconti wrote: »
    My mother is the worse. Whenever I eat a meal with her, at home or out, she feels the need to very loudly talk about how I'm on a "diet". Her comments include: you better be careful, you're on a diet; that's not diet food; you're gonna gain your weight back if you stop eating your diet food; better enjoy this real food because tomorrow you'll be back on your diet food.

    It doesn't matter how many times I explain to her that I'm not on a "diet," but instead my diet consists of eating healthy foods and making better food choices, she just doesn't get it.

    Yesterday was a bad day. I went out to lunch with my mother and my sister. I ordered a sandwich that I normally wouldn't order. My mother starts screaming her diet comments. (I've lost half my body weight. I am currently maintaining at 135lbs.) The people at the next table over start talking to each other about how they can't believe on I'm a diet and how skinny I am. To avoid continuing to listening to that convo, I got up to use the restroom and our waitress approached me to tell me how good I look and that I shouldn't be dieting; men don't like skin and bones.

    People seriously need to mind their own business.

    You should just stop talking to your mother for a while. She sounds awful.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    SonyaCele wrote: »
    regardless of what the food is, i tell people it has too much gluten in it and i've reached my gluten limit for the day. That gets them to walk away puzzled.

    And this would be why people are so misinformed about what foods contain gluten and which don't.
  • starwhisperer6
    starwhisperer6 Posts: 402 Member
    I don't mind. People are curious, or jealous, or making conversation, or thinking that they are complementing. I think it just depends on if you are a private person or not. Im not so they can bring on their questions or comments. If I was private I am certain I could come up with some fantastic smart *kitten* replies for them.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I never liked people commenting on my diet, that's why I hardly tell anyone I'm working to lose weight. But I'd do my best to brush off any comments like that and realize it's mostly a cultural thing. Even here, when people comment, I just try to brush it off.
  • Mersie1
    Mersie1 Posts: 329 Member
    Stick to what works for you! I have a hard time not being sarcastic "that's so sweet you are so concerned w what I'm eating!" Do what you can to not let them get on your head. I did, and relapsed after recovering from an eating disorder in part bec of it. I am in recovery and I'm still and likely forever, will be viewed through an ED lens! Ok. As long as it's not my lens!!

    Hugs and high fives to you!
  • augustremulous
    augustremulous Posts: 378 Member

    YES this! The other day there was salad with honey mustard dressing, and as I've never been a fan of mustard, I didn't take any. Cue two of my Korean coworkers asking "Oh, Americans don't eat mustard??"


    lol yep. I've had so many interactions like that. Oh, Americans don't put sugar in their coffee? Yes, we do, I just don't feel like some right now.

    Back to the OP, though - I realize I may be more sensitive than I should be given that people really do study what I eat because I'm obese. The comment I get the most is "that's really healthy" with a tone of surprise, and sometimes suspicion as if because I'm obese I'm sitting around eating fries all the time. I think a lot of people don't realize that many obese people are just eating more food and that we don't necessarily eat *kitten*. Since I've started this journey the only thing I'm changing is portions.

    I hope to create a supportive environment around food, and sometimes I wonder how to cultivate it. Once I took one of my employees out to dinner, and we spent the evening talking about the project we were working on. As we were leaving, he was like "oooh, I'm sooo full!" and I laughed and said I wasn't full - I felt great. Then he said "that makes sense - you only ate like 550 calories. You didn't have any of that dipping sauce." My mouth literally dropped open; never in a million years would it EVER occur to me to count someone else's calories and track their food. Big surprise, a month later during a conversation I learned that he has an anorexic sister who's had to be hospitalized on several occasions. I wonder if living in a family environment like that could have contributed or made things harder.

    So, when people ask me that question, I just firmly (even abruptly, even rudely if necessary) just say I don't want any. The fact is the reasons don't matter. It could be because I'm counting calories, because I don't like the food, or because I like the food but don't think it's worth the calories (for me, pretty much always the case with sweets, cake, etc). I'm not going into a whole spiel about my thought process around eating it and open it up for discussion, because that sets the precedent you have input on my food choices.

  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    It definitely gets annoying. It's crazy how word will spread through the office that you're "on a diet" just because someone caught you carrying your gym bag one day, or you turned down pizza one time.

    I go out of my way NOT to mention anything about my weight loss or eating/exercise habits because I don't like attention drawn to myself. However, people catch on, and then want to comment on everything I eat. "That's not diet food!" If it's something they don't deem "healthy", or "why aren't you having any ________ / are you on a diet??"

    Leave me alone, people!
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    I agree. It definitely gets worse when I'm traveling overseas because all of a sudden my eating habits aren't representing just me - they're representing AMERICAN eating habits. And everything I do leads to a comment or discussion about how Americans eat. No surprise - our eating habits have a bad reputation!

    YES this! The other day there was salad with honey mustard dressing, and as I've never been a fan of mustard, I didn't take any. Cue two of my Korean coworkers asking "Oh, Americans don't eat mustard??"


    Ha. I've gotten critiqued on not what I was eating but how I was eating. I apparently really annoy my German FIL because I switch hands while eating with a fork and knife. He says it is extremely inefficient and why do you Americans eat like that. This is a man that can eat an entire Dr. Oetker frozen pizza in less than 5 minutes. I'm like 'Did you even taste that before it got sucked into your black hole?". Also since when is eating food a race and test of efficencies? :|
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    It doesn't really bother me. Someone wants to know why I didn't eat X, I'll tell them. Usually it's because 'I don't like X', 'I ate enough already', or 'I'd rather have Y'. Simple.

    Someone pushes me about it, that's when I get irritated.

    If someone pulls the 'how can you have X - aren't you on a diet' crap (which annoys the hell out of me - probably because I've only gotten it from people I already dislike), then I just cheerfully tell them that absolutely I can eat X, and proceed to eat every crumb with plenty of signs of enjoyment. Usually I get silence and a look of total confusion that lasts through the rest of the meal. Love it.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It happened to me at a birthday party... It was lunch time and I was hungry, but I was also PMSing like crazy and I knew that carbs would put me on a carb-eating rampage, so I passed on pizza and cupcakes, and I got a ton of questions about why I didn't eat pizza... Ended up with the host thinking I didn't eat gluten and I had to correct her when she 'threatened' to bring a gluten free dessert when we invited her over (she was being nice, of course!).

    So yeah... so annoying!
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Yeah, I get that stuff all the time. It doesn't bother me unless they say something like "I didn't get you any cookies because I know you are on a diet."
  • lisawinning4losing
    lisawinning4losing Posts: 726 Member
    edited March 2016
    It happens to all of us, no matter where we live, and it's super annoying. It's also never going to stop. But the people you know and see on a regular basis might eventually get over it, if you stay consistent. If they see you going back and forth, then they'll really bust your chops. Wait until you lose weight and everyone starts crying that you're getting too thin. I wear a size 10, but apparently I'm wasting away into nothing.

    nebulasprout is perhaps the coolest name I've read here yet!
  • lisawinning4losing
    lisawinning4losing Posts: 726 Member
    Oh yeah, and when people say "live a little", I tell them that I'd rather live a lot.
  • ashleyjongepier
    ashleyjongepier Posts: 130 Member
    If I could go back I wouldn't have told anyone that I was losing weight/ making a life style change. If I grab a donut, (splurge or fit it in, idgaf) never fails my MIL will say "what about your diet?" to which I have told her many times that I am not dieting and it won't cause me to regain 145lbs magically just because I eat ONE donut.

    My mother is a lover of only eating a few things, lots of junk food and pop. She was always very thin and is now about 175lbs. She has a comment about everything I eat. I make a salad or eat sweet potatoes shes all "its okay to have a treat" if I have a treat shes all "oh what about your healthy food.''

    I have also (not as often as when I was over 300 lbs) gotten "oh are you shopping for someone else" from the cashier when my cart is full of veggies. I did not ever get to 360 lbs from eating junk food, it was over eating pasta and cheese and whole pizzas.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    "Because I don't want it" usually works. If it gets further, I'll add "because I don't f***ing want it". If that doesn't work, I'll go into detail about why I don't like it and start asking them how they can eat such disgustingly vile food. It's hilarious how me talking to them about their eating habits is me being an unfeeling b!tch, but when they do it, it's out of "concern".

    I always expect people to talk about how I eat, so I give them something to talk about.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Everyone in my office pretty much knows I'm a health and fitness nut so I don't get that much...if I did, I'd probably just give them a little flex and then they'd realize that they were dumb.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    My mother did that to me the other day. She basically said that I look great, and healthier than ever, but she's worried about me... When will I go back to eating normal? LOL

    I love her for her cocern but "normal" is what led to my poor health and my earlier heavier weight. I'm avoiding normal as much as possible.
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    It definitely gets annoying. It's crazy how word will spread through the office that you're "on a diet" just because someone caught you carrying your gym bag one day, or you turned down pizza one time.

    Yeah for some reason I have a reputation for being a "health nut" in my office. I'm pretty sure it's because someone saw me eating a banana one time.

    Hahaha what is the deal with that? Like the other day someone was asking where they should eat for lunch, as soon as I start to open my mouth to make a suggestion, they stop me and say, "NO. I don't like health food!"
    Like where did this come from??
    The same day another person asked if I wanted a soda from the vending machine, I said "no thanks", and they replied, "oh right, you don't indulge in unhealthy things, do you?"
  • hrhleg
    hrhleg Posts: 49 Member
    I get it. When I started WW last year, people would ask me, "How much have you lost?". They would make comments, "Can you eat that?" etc, etc, etc. Being me, and my fabulous self, I wold respond, "None of your business." Stopped them, shocked them and they never made that mistake again. :) (Wicked wink but weight loss is personal and no one should get in my business unless they are invited. :) )