What to do at night when your hungry?!?!

Every night for the past couple of days I eat dinner and then hours later right before bed I get super hungry. By that time I usually don't have enough calories left to eat anything. I try to suck it up and just go to sleep but I'm too hungry. Help! What can I do? Any suggestions on small calorie foods maybe?


  • imogene912
    imogene912 Posts: 32 Member
    Maybe have a smaller portion of your dinner and put something aside for later. Preferably a protein item.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    I always save myself calories to eat right before bed so that doesn't happen. Try saving 100-200 calories to eat right before bed
  • grizzlygift
    grizzlygift Posts: 22 Member
    I drink hot tea (caffien-free) with slice of lemon or miso soup put some scallion for more taste(around 25 calories) and that make me be able to sleep without feeling hungry.
  • frankiesgirl21
    frankiesgirl21 Posts: 235 Member
    Go to bed and imagine myself the way I want to be. Wake up be happy isuceededed yesterday ..if I did.... Start again today. Repeat.
  • Karen112345
    Karen112345 Posts: 2 Member
    I read somewhere that hunger at night is actually thirst. Try drinking a glass of water. :)
  • medelaney13
    medelaney13 Posts: 9 Member
    Sometimes hunger is really thirst. Pay attention to how much water you are drinking throughout the day. Try to drink water during meals which will help. Also, make sure your meals are balanced with carbs, proteins and fats to help smooth out your blood sugar levels and slow digestion. And as mentioned above, try to plan out your calories to allow a small snack in the evening.
  • MegSchuy16
    MegSchuy16 Posts: 189 Member
    Glass of water or tea. I also eat a 100 calorie snack about an hour or two before bed.
  • that_fat_guy_5
    that_fat_guy_5 Posts: 6 Member
    Hit up a Weight Watchers store. They have low fat, calorie, salt and sugar snacks, such as chips, pretzels and chocolate bars that are for calorie counting people. They are really good
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    I go to bed soon after dinner, so I don't ever have that problem.

    Plenty of good advice above. I'd echo the suggestions to save some calories from your earlier meals.
  • MaydayAquiles
    MaydayAquiles Posts: 3 Member
    Cold glass of water should help with that.
  • kelly450
    kelly450 Posts: 9 Member
    I usually eat dinner at 5 or 6 and then keep a big bottle of water for the evening. Fills me up well x
  • aechastain
    aechastain Posts: 1 Member
    All my life, I have felt the need to go to bed with a full stomach. I have adjusted my meals so I can have something filling before bed. I typically don't eat until the afternoon anyway so my breakfast might be as late as someone's dinner. Other than that, try to make sure you are eating filling foods, especially for your dinner or late snack. Drink plenty and be mindful of why you want to eat. I had a bad habit of eating late just because I was bored or watching a show but I wasn't physically really hungry. That was the most difficult thing to break. Kind of like quitting smoking. Even once you get past the nicotine need, you have the physical hand to mouth thing to kick. For the habit part, I find chewing gum or just finding some sort of distraction helps. I just have to get out of the environment. Take a walk, a bath, clean or pretty much anything that will distract me for a minute while the urge to eat passes.
  • laurenjennifer1987mfp
    I don't tend to get hungry after my evening meal, but my husband regularly ate 'supper' in to his mid-20's and cannot sleep if he's hungry. If you're genuinely hungry save some calories for the evening - 100 calorie or less snacks - fruit or vegetables, an egg, some meat slices, yogurt pot, hot chocolate? Or eat your evening meal a bit later. If I'm hungry in the evening a hot drink usually does the trick.
  • Jams009
    Jams009 Posts: 345 Member
    Definitely saving calories... I'd rather be hungry in the morning at work when there's no food around, so I eat smaller meals during the day and have the bulk of my calories in the evening.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Eat your dinner later?

    Smaller breakfast to save some calories for an evening snack? Berries are high taste / low calorie.

    Often it is the act of eating you are craving not actually food as fuel, you may just have to break the habit.

    But consider if you have you perhaps gone for too high a calorie deficit / too fast weight loss?
  • MaureenDarst1
    MaureenDarst1 Posts: 11 Member
    i have done two things eating popcorn but also i find if i get busy doing something like playing solitaire i dont want to stop to eat if im on a role and then when i start nodding off i go to bed but the gum and water thing does work too done both or even just ate ice
  • lyndsay692
    lyndsay692 Posts: 2 Member
    Small mug of hot skimmed milk. Very low calorie and it helps send you to sleep.
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    edited March 2016
    I save calories for nighttime before bed. If I am hungry, I cannot sleep, so I make sure to have something satisfying. A lot of nights I'll have a bowl of hot cereal. If I don't have a lot of calories left, I'll make hot chocolate with skim milk, Hershey's baking powder and splenda. Makes a nice warm cup for about 100 calories.
  • phyllis731
    phyllis731 Posts: 58 Member
    Make sure you have plenty of protein and whole grains in your diet. I go with air popped popcorn with Mrs dash, cucumbers, peppers, or just water at night. I chew fruity gum to fight sugar cravings.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Plan your day and save some calories for a snack. I usually have at least 100-200 calories for snacks.
    Drink some water and wait 20 minutes to an hour to see if the feeling passes. If it doesn't then try eating something small. Try to stay at or below your maintenance calorie level.
    Look at what you ate on those hungry days. Did you get enough protein and fats? Was your dinner smaller than normal?
    Vegetables are usually pretty low calorie. You could eat a bunch of spinach, broccoli or celery for less than 100 calories. If you need more protein maybe a hard boiled egg would be a good snack choice.