Untreated yeast infection...really scared!

I'm really scared! Last March, I started having difficulty holding my urine and it would start coming out before I could get to the bathroom. I also wouldn't feel completely relieved and I would press down and more would come. That symptom I had a couple years ago and it was a yeast infection. They gave me Fluconazole and it cleared it up. I've been tested for a UTI several times and it has come back negative. This has gone untreated for a year. Now in addition to those symptoms, there are these clear circles coming out in my urine and clusters of bubbles and it almost has like a haze over it. Also a light beige mucus thing just came out. I also have itching at times. I'm really scared! It definitely looks like an infection. And I'm not taking an antibiotic when it's not showing anything there. They prescribed Fluconazole for me but my anxiety was so bad I was only able to take half of a 150 mg pill and that didn't clear it up. I would think it has to be a yeast infection. I also have toenail fungus and my tongue is coated in it. Has anyone ever experienced anything like this? What can happen if you leave a yeast infection untreated? I don't see how I can take Fluconazole when my anxiety is so bad, it's hard to take it. Also I know it can cause dizziness and I already have dizziness as well as shortness of breath from other health problems so I'm really worried.


  • qofdisks
    qofdisks Posts: 31 Member
    Stop eating sweets and any sugar immediately. Lay off the white carbs like bread, white rice and tortillas. Sugar feeds infection. Yes, you need to see the doctor. Those antifungals will not work long term if you continue to eat sugar and simple carbs. You should even give up fruit for awhile. Yes, Fluconazole is bad for you. You may have to take it short term. Go look it up and eat to counter it. Some say dairy may make fungal infection worse. Milk does have the sugar, lactose in it. Drink lots of water and use cider vinegar in it. Use just enough cider vinegar to make the water slightly sweet. unsweetened cranberry juice. corn silk tea. yerba manzo. A good OMD, Oriental Medical Doctor can give you herbs. A Mexican curadera can give you herbs. Both herbs and western medicine can be used together. Good luck.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    You really, really need to take the antibiotics prescribed to you according to the directions. Yeah, it can be hard on the body, but nothing else will treat the infection.
  • kuranda10
    kuranda10 Posts: 593 Member
    ^^ what they said, but I'm having trouble understanding how anxiety is preventing you from taking a pill? they are small pills.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Take the prescribed medicine.

    Not treating your infection will just make you more anxious.

    Worrying about side effects is giving you more anxiety than the medication.

    And ignore this below:
    qofdisks wrote: »
    Stop eating sweets and any sugar immediately. Lay off the white carbs like bread, white rice and tortillas. Sugar feeds infection. Yes, you need to see the doctor. Those antifungals will not work long term if you continue to eat sugar and simple carbs. You should even give up fruit for awhile. Yes, Fluconazole is bad for you. You may have to take it short term. Go look it up and eat to counter it. Some say dairy may make fungal infection worse. Milk does have the sugar, lactose in it. Drink lots of water and use cider vinegar in it. Use just enough cider vinegar to make the water slightly sweet. unsweetened cranberry juice. corn silk tea. yerba manzo. A good OMD, Oriental Medical Doctor can give you herbs. A Mexican curadera can give you herbs. Both herbs and western medicine can be used together. Good luck.

    Utter rubbish.
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Keep carbs below 100 grams/day. Quit feeding the candida!
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Listen to your Dr and take your meds as prescribed.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    So... treat it?
  • CassidyScaglione
    CassidyScaglione Posts: 673 Member
    If you're really scared, then go to your doctor, get medication, and take it... If he hasn't given them to you yet, then demand a urine test, and possibly a blood test (why not, since it is just a needle stick.)

    You could just as easily have a bacterial infection as a yeast infection by the way, and treating them is different, so you pretty much need a doctor's diagnosis to proceed.

    In the meantime, make sure that you drink plenty of water, the more you pee the better, just on the off chance that it is a UTI. Also consider trying to replenish your good bacteria... drink some kefir, or take some acidophilus, both promote healthy gut flora.

    But mainly go to your doctor.
  • chastity0921
    chastity0921 Posts: 209 Member
    WTF. If you're really that scared, then go to the hospital. If I had bubbles and mucus coming out of my urethra, I would take anything the doctor gave me. Or be admitted to the hospital. You only get one body.

    For yeast infections, I shoot some plain greek yogurt into the "area of discomfort". My NP told me to do that, and it works miracles. But, I think it might be better to get a diagnosis now that symptoms are changing. It could be a UTI or STD or yeast infection. The important part is that we are not the experts, so you need to find one of those.

    Good luck!
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    Take the prescribed medicine.

    Not treating your infection will just make you more anxious.

    Worrying about side effects is giving you more anxiety than the medication.

    And ignore this below:
    qofdisks wrote: »
    Stop eating sweets and any sugar immediately. Lay off the white carbs like bread, white rice and tortillas. Sugar feeds infection. Yes, you need to see the doctor. Those antifungals will not work long term if you continue to eat sugar and simple carbs. You should even give up fruit for awhile. Yes, Fluconazole is bad for you. You may have to take it short term. Go look it up and eat to counter it. Some say dairy may make fungal infection worse. Milk does have the sugar, lactose in it. Drink lots of water and use cider vinegar in it. Use just enough cider vinegar to make the water slightly sweet. unsweetened cranberry juice. corn silk tea. yerba manzo. A good OMD, Oriental Medical Doctor can give you herbs. A Mexican curadera can give you herbs. Both herbs and western medicine can be used together. Good luck.

    Utter rubbish.

    Agree with this. Just to add, take your prescribed medication AS IT IS PRESCRIBED. I don't general caps stuff, but this is so important. It is believed that when you take half doses, or stop early, all you have done is killed off the weak bacteria/fungus, and have left the stronger ones to grow. This can promote the proliferation of resistance.
  • DearestWinter
    DearestWinter Posts: 595 Member
    Well, I have to agree with the others here. If I had a discharge in my urine I would run to the hospital or the clinic as soon as possible. That said, it sounds like you recently saw the doctor and were given the meds and then had problems taking them? If that's the case ...

    Is your anxiety preventing you from keeping the pill down? Can you put the pill into a spoon of maple syrup and swallow it that way? (Or pudding or yogurt or whatever else goes down easily with a pill. Check interactions first.) If you can take the pill with food then eat a meal you enjoy after you swallow the pill.

    You can also talk to your doctor about a short term prescription of anxiety medication (like Xanax) while you're on the meds.

    I don't know what happens in the case of an untreated yeast infection but just the symptoms are unpleasant. If you're unable to take the meds then definitely talk to your doctor about this issue. See what other solutions she/he may offer.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    What does any of this have to do with fitness and weight loss and why do you think strangers on an online forum will help in any way? Talk to your dr. Seek psychiatric help if anxiety prevents you from taking meds.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Blondeee? That you?
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Blondeee? That you?

    Yes, my thought too
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Blondeee? That you?

  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member

    Yeast is normal. It is the state of overgrowth that can be a pain.
  • NaturalNancy
    NaturalNancy Posts: 1,093 Member

    Go to the Dr. ASAP. Like if you haven't gone since you posted this, run there now or take a cab, seriously. Go to the ER or a an Urgent Care Center if you can't get an appointment right away.

    You need antibiotics, and you need to take them all, until they are gone. If you do not finish the dosage given to you by the Dr. it will not help you.

    I'm not suggesting anything except that you need professional help w this and it's important that you get it, ASAP.

  • coalz
    coalz Posts: 308 Member
    I didn't read this whole thread but yeah you need to go to the Dr. Seek medical help, the sooner the better. Tell them everything & get yourself taken care of.
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    edited March 2016
    Assuming this is on the up and up ... you're playing with fire. A course of antibiotics or antifungals is prescribed to knock out the organism it's targeting. If you take less than prescribed or for a shorter time, natural selection kicks in: the nonresistant critters are killed off, leaving the resistant critters.

    This is why you HAVE to follow the doctor's instructions when taking an antibiotic or anti fungal drug. Failing to do so means they'll have to try another antifungal and if you don't follow instructions, eventually they'll run out of options.

    This isn't the place to get medical advice -- neither are other forums or self-help sites. Get to a doctor ASAP as a few others here have told you. And be 100% honest with the doctors about your situation; report all your symptoms, and be open with them about your anxiety.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,238 Member
    What a first post for the OP. Go to doctor, get meds, take them.