After 14 days of sticking to plan not loosing weight- I am feeling desperate

Hello it's 14 days today that i started calorie counting and I am on a 1389 calorie a day plan. I started at 167 pounds, i am 5'.8' mid 30's and at a certain point i was 164 so i thought good! its working!

then today again 166 (what?!!) and i am really sticking to my plan! is it maybe because i am exercising a lot? Please tell me that I am loosing body fat in replacement to muscles. It's my only hope. This week i swam 4 times for 50 minutes plus I run about 4 or 5 miles and after running i mixed in barre.

The program keep saying to me "very good, this is how much you will weight in 5 weeks: 152 or 155 or 156 (depending on the day) ....but keeping this way I think I'll stay the same weight forever. I have to make a note here: If i am NOT on calorie plan i do NOT gain weight, the last 10 years I never gain weight - BUT I CAN'T LOOSE EITHER !!! How is possible to maintain always the same weight? has my body reached a permanent plateau no matter what???

I do not want to loose much, to me going to 159 is already a good result ! Last thing....i want to loose on my legs hips while I am totally thin rest of the body . I am feeling so desperate that I am thinking to give up! how hard can it be to loose 8 damn pounds?????????


  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    edited March 2016
    It is very likely just a temporary fluid gain...weight does fluctuate on a daily basis but all is good if the long term trend is down.

    It is doubtful that you are building muscle at a greater rate than you would be losing fat.

    Just to be clear though, are you weighing and measuring everything that passes your lips? Tracking everything? If not, you are probably consuming more than you think you are.

    Your BMI is already very close to the healthy weight range for your height. Weight loss is going to be slower and lower.
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    sorry, not losing fat and replacing with muscle in two weeks on 1389 calories!
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,099 Member
    edited March 2016
    Your body can fluctuate daily by however much hydration you have. Also after you work out your muscles retain fluids so you will weigh more days after a harder workout as well.

    If you are not using a food scale though i recommend you get one. Many foods "Serving size" is not what is packaged or is hard to guess with tablespoons and measuring cups.
  • Rit1603
    Rit1603 Posts: 122 Member
    hello thank you for your reply, yes my scale is always there and i weigh everything i also have cups measures and I am also in deficit of calories because I exercise , but all those years i feel like my body is content with this body figure and does not intend to move from there!!!! but I will prevail ! (sooner or later)
    It is very likely just a temporary fluid gain...weight does fluctuate on a daily basis but all is good if the long term trend is down.

    Just to be clear though, are you weighing and measuring everything that passes your lips? Tracking everything? If not, you are probably consuming more than you think you are.
  • Rit1603
    Rit1603 Posts: 122 Member
    Your body can fluctuate daily by however much hydration you have. Also after you work out your muscles retain fluids so you will weigh more days after a harder workout as well.

    If you are not using a food scale though i recommend you get one. Many foods "Serving size" is not what is packaged or is hard to guess with tablespoons and measuring cups.

    thank you i do have a scale and measure everything that is why I am feeling at loss!
  • Rit1603
    Rit1603 Posts: 122 Member
    sorry, not losing fat and replacing with muscle in two weeks on 1389 calories!

    so what you are saying is that I am doing some big mistake? do you have any tip?
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    I understand the frustration. All that effort and it feels like such a small reward on the scales. Perhaps it IS fluid retention from the extra exercise. BUT you lost .5lb/week, which is to me the ideal weight loss rate. I'm completely convinced that when you have 30lbs or less to lose, it's the right pace to avoid LBM loss and establish lifelong habits.
  • ncfitbit
    ncfitbit Posts: 1,058 Member
    edited March 2016
    It's extremely unlikely you are gaining muscle mass in a calorie deficit, especially since you are doing mostly cardio exercises. You don't mention weight lifting so that is why it is unlikely. People brand new to weight lifting can gain some muscle mass in a deficit, the so-called "newbie gains" but this is unlikely in your case and certainly would not be perceptible after two weeks.

    My guess about your "plateau" over the years is that you are just generally good at eating your maintenance or close to it when you are not "dieting".

    If you eating at the deficit you think, you should start to see the trend down. Don't get discouraged by one or two up days. As long as it keeps going down as a general trend you are in good shape! Good luck.

    ETA: If you open up your diary people can be more helpful about what might be throwing you off, if in fact, there's an issue with your deficit, which there may not be. I think it could very well be water fluctuations.
  • Jazzdaisy
    Jazzdaisy Posts: 20 Member
    I have the exact same issue here. Lost only 1 lb in a month! I do weigh my food, track everything and exercise 3 to 4 times a week. I'm not giving up but it is discouraging to see the scale staying at same 139. I do see changes in my body though, clothes are looser and my stomach has gotten smaller so that's the bright side.
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    Rit1603 wrote: »
    sorry, not losing fat and replacing with muscle in two weeks on 1389 calories!

    so what you are saying is that I am doing some big mistake? do you have any tip?

    you need to keep going a lot longer than 14 weeks - it needs to be a lifestyle change, not a quick fix. keep going and weigh all your food. also, you said you are thinking of giving up - where would that get you?
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member

    Two things.
    Weight loss isn't linear. .... and ..... be patient! The weight didn't pile on in 2 weeks and it won't come off in 2 weeks.
  • Rit1603
    Rit1603 Posts: 122 Member
    Rit1603 wrote: »
    sorry, not losing fat and replacing with muscle in two weeks on 1389 calories!

    so what you are saying is that I am doing some big mistake? do you have any tip?

    you need to keep going a lot longer than 14 weeks - it needs to be a lifestyle change, not a quick fix. keep going and weigh all your food. also, you said you are thinking of giving up - where would that get you?

    thank you you are right , it will lead me to be more satisfied because i will start to eat as before (which generally is very healthy) with few more treats but this summer I am going to regret it. so I will stick it.

    I am very sad because today I planned my first TREAT DAY that was a salad at lunch, very light, and tonight i planned a nice good pizza now I am so guilty and I didn't even took a bite of that pizza! I planned a nice meal every two weeks (either a pizza or a nice pasta dish, no fast food or french fries or sweets) but now I do not know anymore if I am entitle to that!
  • Rit1603
    Rit1603 Posts: 122 Member
    CollieFit wrote: »

    Two things.
    Weight loss isn't linear. .... and ..... be patient! The weight didn't pile on in 2 weeks and it won't come off in 2 weeks.

    oh wow thank you !!!!!!! i will save this on my phone and have a look at it whenever i feel discouraged!!!! you all are great thanks!
  • Rit1603
    Rit1603 Posts: 122 Member
    ncfitbit wrote: »
    It's extremely unlikely you are gaining muscle mass in a calorie deficit, especially since you are doing mostly cardio exercises. You don't mention weight lifting so that is why it is unlikely. People brand new to weight lifting can gain some muscle mass in a deficit, the so-called "newbie gains" but this is unlikely in your case and certainly would not be perceptible after two weeks.

    My guess about your "plateau" over the years is that you are just generally good at eating your maintenance or close to it when you are not "dieting".

    If you eating at the deficit you think, you should start to see the trend down. Don't get discouraged by one or two up days. As long as it keeps going down as a general trend you are in good shape! Good luck.

    ETA: If you open up your diary people can be more helpful about what might be throwing you off, if in fact, there's an issue with your deficit, which there may not be. I think it could very well be water fluctuations.

    Thank you I open up my diary can you give a look ???? thank you !!!!
  • Rit1603
    Rit1603 Posts: 122 Member
    I OPEN UP MY DIARY FOR THE LAST TWO WEEKS, IT IS PUBLIC CAN YOU GIVE A LOOK? Then I'll make private again. thanks so much
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    Don't fall into that way of thinking that "my body doesn't want to lose weight." I thought that for a very long time and was heavy since I was a teenager.

    I'm now at a weight that I can't remember ever being at. It's probably been since I was 13 or so since I've been at this weight.

    Although it's taken me a few years to get here.

    Just keep going and realize that it may take a while.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    edited March 2016
    I'm still looking, but so far it doesn't appear that you weigh your food like you claim you do. I see a lot of things like 1 slice, 1 tsp, 1 cup, etc. Can you elaborate on this, please?

    ETA: Every time you log an avocado, it says it's half of a medium one; are you truly weighing out 75 grams of avocado every single time? Also, other fruit doesn't appear to be weighed at all. I'm also curious about the "1 serving" smoothies. Are they your own recipes?
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    edited March 2016
    I am 5'8", older than you, and my intentional exercise level right now is maybe a little less than yours, but I aim to get 10,000 steps a day at least 5 days a week. I lose at a slow but healthy rate of about .5lb/wk at around probably an average of 1700/day.

    You are losing, just not at the rate your want. Weight fluctuates all the time. Keep doing what you're doing, but after looking at your diary I would suggest being more accurate with your logging and eating more in order to nourish your body. Since it doesn't look like you're weighing your food, you're probably eating more than you think you are, but you can also afford to with your exercise. With so little to lose, your goal should be .5 lb/wk and you have to very accurate with logging and very patient. I know you probably don't want to eat more because you think you're not losing, but you need to nourish your body. The 1300+ calorie goal already gives you a deficit. You are making it larger by exercising. You're not going to lose 5 pounds and keep it off by trying to be aggressive about your goal.
  • Xrotarebil
    Xrotarebil Posts: 7 Member
    It's a slow process. It's taken me 2 months to lose 14 pounds. What I did was learn how many calories in the food I was eating. I would lov each meal to make sure I was under the total by 300 calories. Second I walked at least 3 miles every second day. I switched from beef to tuna and started eating steamed broccoli and small amounts of pasta. I weigh myself after going to the toilet so I weigh less. I also lift small weights to keep my upper body muscles working.
  • Rit1603
    Rit1603 Posts: 122 Member
    synacious wrote: »
    I'm still looking, but so far it doesn't appear that you weigh your food like you claim you do. I see a lot of things like 1 slice, 1 tsp, 1 cup, etc. Can you elaborate on this, please?

    ETA: Every time you log an avocado, it says it's half of a medium one; are you truly weighing out 75 grams of avocado every single time? Also, other fruit doesn't appear to be weighed at all. I'm also curious about the "1 serving" smoothies. Are they your own recipes?

    hello, thank you so much for looking! you are very kind! when i say 1 tsp or 1 tbsp is because i really use 1 tsp or 1 tbsp. so are you saying that if i use 1 teaspoon of coconut sugar in the morning with my cappuccino I have to weigh it? when i log in one cup, it means that i have a cup measures (you know that set of cups where it says 1, 1/2, 3/4) and i really fill up the cup and log in.

    The serving smoothie yes it is my recipe: i weigh some of the ingredients and then save the recipe: for example for the protein smoothie i do this : 1 cup coconut milk (i scan the barcodes of all products) , 1 tbsp organic raw cacao powder, 1 banana (i generally do not weigh the banana) , 1 scoop of sun warrior protein (i scan this as well and it is really a scoop as inside the package there is the scoop measure cup), 3 drops stevia . water. this makes one serving . I have three different recipes for this protein smoothie, on one i added 3 brazil nuts when i have more calories to spend.

    For the fruit smoothie, they are all my recipes. I weigh the pineapple (300 g) , 2 kiwi (don't weight the kiwi) 2 gala apple , 2 (minneola orange) , 20 oz zico coconut water - this makes 3 servings, i divided in three and drink one serving.

    so i should weigh the fruit as well? i thought that when you consume a whole fruit like one kiwi, one banana or one apple they calorie counting was more or less accurate.