After 14 days of sticking to plan not loosing weight- I am feeling desperate



  • Rit1603
    Rit1603 Posts: 122 Member
    Hello guys, when you say that I am not weighing the food, on most food what I do is I scan the label , and then log the serving size. For instance, the EZEKIEL 4:9 BREAD i scan the bar code and then add the slice into the diary. The thin spelt and flax seed cakes i scan the code and log in the quantity of slice. I do not weigh when i scan the bar code and log the quantity as it automatically comes up the serving size with all of the calories/nutrients. I thought by doing this i was not require to weight because the bar code /company says it all.
  • mrschikin
    mrschikin Posts: 45 Member
    edited March 2016
    Rit1603 wrote: »

    so i should weigh the fruit as well? i thought that when you consume a whole fruit like one kiwi, one banana or one apple they calorie counting was more or less accurate.

    Yes, you should weigh the fruit. I've had bananas that weighed 90 grams (80 calories) and bananas that weighed 125 grams (111 calories). That extra 30 calories adds up, especially if you eat multiple pieces of fruit and don't weigh them.

    You should also weigh the protein powder, and everything else. The scooper doesn't give you an exactly equal amount every time, depending on how compressed the powder is. I've had scoops that weighed 30 grams, and scoops that have weighed 50 grams. Again, all of those unlogged calories add up.
  • Rit1603
    Rit1603 Posts: 122 Member
    thank you then i WILL DO, but when i buy a medium banana is really a tiny banana not the big ones (yes I see your points, some bananas are really big)
    mrschikin wrote: »
    Rit1603 wrote: »

    so i should weigh the fruit as well? i thought that when you consume a whole fruit like one kiwi, one banana or one apple they calorie counting was more or less accurate.

    Yes, you should weigh the fruit. I've had bananas that weighed 90 grams (80 calories) and bananas that weighed 125 grams (111 calories). That extra 30 calories adds up, especially if you eat multiple pieces of fruit and don't weigh them.
  • Rit1603
    Rit1603 Posts: 122 Member
    edited March 2016

    so my last question is you think tonight I can have that long dreamed pizza out or should i forget about it?

    I am very sad because today I planned my first TREAT DAY that was a salad at lunch, very light, and tonight i planned a nice good pizza now I am so guilty and I didn't even took a bite of that pizza! I planned a nice meal every two weeks (either a pizza or a nice pasta dish, no fast food or french fries or sweets) but now I do not know anymore if I am entitled to that!

    only thinking about it and i am drooling.....
  • Zee48
    Zee48 Posts: 789 Member
    Reassess your calories - what are you eating? You may be within your caloric boundaries but how many carbs, sugars, unhealthy fats are included there? Are you getting plenty of water - not sodas but water? Plenty of protein to keep you from those #inbetweenmeal dips? Have you taken all fats from your diet? There are many factors involved in weight loss and like one person above showed those pounds didn't get there in 14 days so give yourself time to totally readjust to a healthier way of eating. It takes at least 21 days to set a new habit. You can do this - YOU ARE WORTH IT!
  • Zee48
    Zee48 Posts: 789 Member
    Rit1603 wrote: »
    Hello guys, when you say that I am not weighing the food, on most food what I do is I scan the label , and then log the serving size. For instance, the EZEKIEL 4:9 BREAD i scan the bar code and then add the slice into the diary. The thin spelt and flax seed cakes i scan the code and log in the quantity of slice. I do not weigh when i scan the bar code and log the quantity as it automatically comes up the serving size with all of the calories/nutrients. I thought by doing this i was not require to weight because the bar code /company says it all.

    I do the same thing. That is considered correct IF you are actually taking the exact portion the NI is for. 1/2C beans must be measured to make sure it is 1/2C not 2/3 or 3/4. One slice of bread is one slice of bread; 5 crackers is 5 crackers.
  • caeliumspecto
    caeliumspecto Posts: 42 Member
    2 things I discovered (at least for me.)

    1) Measure everything accurately, even exercise. It sounds like you are on the edge of eating too little anyway, so if you happen to be eating less than you think, or burning more than you think, that can stall progress as much as eating too much.

    2) Don't be afraid to experiment with what you are eating, as opposed to just the amount. I was doing traditional CICO, and I was miserable because my blood sugar was haywire. I became an emotional basket case (I was also eating too little, and not losing anything.) When I flipped my fat-to-carbs ratio (more in line with paleo) I no longer had that problem, and I shed much more weight, even when I increased food by 200-300 cals.

    Everyone is different. If the diet is either not working at all, or you feel miserable on the diet, you won't stick with it long term. So adjust it until it fits your body better.
  • Rit1603
    Rit1603 Posts: 122 Member
    2 things I discovered (at least for me.)

    1) Measure everything accurately, even exercise. It sounds like you are on the edge of eating too little anyway, so if you happen to be eating less than you think, or burning more than you think, that can stall progress as much as eating too much.

    2) Don't be afraid to experiment with what you are eating, as opposed to just the amount. I was doing traditional CICO, and I was miserable because my blood sugar was haywire. I became an emotional basket case (I was also eating too little, and not losing anything.) When I flipped my fat-to-carbs ratio (more in line with paleo) I no longer had that problem, and I shed much more weight, even when I increased food by 200-300 cals.

    Everyone is different. If the diet is either not working at all, or you feel miserable on the diet, you won't stick with it long term. So adjust it until it fits your body better.

    i think it makes completely sense...i will try.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    Okay, thanks for getting back to me. Here is what I think you should do:
    1. Yes, weigh everything. Fruits and packaged items are not excluded. Package weights vary greatly from the label. I've had protein bars that were 50 calories more than the label stated due to the weight; that adds up throughout the course of the day. Measuring cups and spoons are not accurate enough. If you're not seeing results or don't have much weight to lose, this matters a great deal.
    2. Yes, you should still eat your pizza. Losing weight should not be an arduous process and you should be able to enjoy foods you love. Eat your pizza, take the advice you've been given into consideration, then tomorrow start fresh by weighing everything you put into your mouth on a food scale. I promise you that as long as you're honest with your food intake, you will see results.
  • Rit1603
    Rit1603 Posts: 122 Member
    edited March 2016
    synacious wrote: »
    Okay, thanks for getting back to me. Here is what I think you should do:
    1. Yes, weigh everything. Fruits and packaged items are not excluded. Package weights vary greatly from the label. I've had protein bars that were 50 calories more than the label stated due to the weight; that adds up throughout the course of the day. Measuring cups and spoons are not accurate enough. If you're not seeing results or don't have much weight to lose, this matters a great deal.
    2. Yes, you should still eat your pizza. Losing weight should not be an arduous process and you should be able to enjoy foods you love. Eat your pizza, take the advice you've been given into consideration, then tomorrow start fresh by weighing everything you put into your mouth on a food scale. I promise you that as long as you're honest with your food intake, you will see results.

    Thank you! from now on my food scale will be my best friend!
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Now you got the food thing sorted out, if you are going to weigh yourself every day do yourself a favor and use an app like Trendweight. That way the fluctuations won't make you so crazy.


  • fldiver97
    fldiver97 Posts: 341 Member
    Also look at the choices you get when you enter an item....... It can vary greatly not only in cals but also macros. Bar scanning is good, then weigh wilds, measure liquids. If you are in doubt of an item or you get an item (let's say avocado again) that has different cals listed for same item then I would use 'usda avocado' and look for grams or oz to get the best info. It sounds cumbersome but if you don't have a large amount of weight to lose it makes more of a difference if you are 100 or 200 cals a day off.
  • Rit1603
    Rit1603 Posts: 122 Member
    sorry I got a friend request , but for some reason the app deleted it??? i do not know who that was, he/she wanted to look at the diary. It is public now. if you want you can resend the friend request.
  • 2snakeswoman
    2snakeswoman Posts: 655 Member
    When you eat packaged foods, don't go by what it says on the label. I remember once the label said that a serving size was 1 ounce or about 14 tortilla chips. For a day or 2, I counted out 14 chips for my serving. Then I decided to weigh them, and 1 ounce was actually 8-9 chips.
  • Rit1603
    Rit1603 Posts: 122 Member
    Now you got the food thing sorted out, if you are going to weigh yourself every day do yourself a favor and use an app like Trendweight. That way the fluctuations won't make you so crazy.


    hello, does this or any app like this sync with my fitness pal that you know of?
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    In addition to the weighing and logging accurately, you may just have to be patient. It took me 5 weeks of being very consistent and accurate to start losing weight. We're all different - some people drop weight right away, others don't. And, the closer to goal you are the more accurate, consistent, and patient you have to be.
  • Nena8_8
    Nena8_8 Posts: 23 Member
    I started counting my calories 3 weeks ago I'm on a 1,350 calorie deficit and I haven't gone over, I work out for 70 min 6 days a week, and the first week I lost 7lbs, but this past 2 weeks I haven't lost anything and I'm doing exactly the same thing I did the first week. It does get pretty annoying knowing that you're trying your hardest and yet no results, but I guess just be patient and don't give up.
  • WendyLaubach
    WendyLaubach Posts: 518 Member
    Pizza can't hurt you much as long as you're in control of the number of slices you eat. Budget for it, figure out how much you can eat of it, and stick to that amount. That way you'll still stay in calorie-deficit mode, but you won't be tortured with those thoughts of "I can never eat my favorite food XYZ again." Also, you're doing great at a slow, steady loss rate, considering how close you are to your ideal weight.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,619 Member
    I'm guessing you're trying to lose 2lbs a week. Based on your BMR, you're likely eating too little to support your activity and thereby your body is adapting by reducing your RMR which is where you burn the most bodyfat (homeostasis).
    Your BMR is approximately 1550 and then add in your exercise along with every day activity and I'm guessing it's well over 2600+ calories. And you're eating half of that. Body is very smart and if it can't conserve energy due to exercise, it will conserve it at rest.
    May sound dumb, but you like should just reduce 500 calories from your TDEE and see how that goes first.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
