I am an idiot



  • Isabelle_1929
    Isabelle_1929 Posts: 233 Member
    edited March 2016
    farmerpam1 wrote: »
    You're not an idiot, just hormonal. And trying too hard. I don't know how tall you are, but it doesn't seem like you're eating enough. 1100 calories? No wonder you're always thinking about food. You need to fuel your body, especially if you're biking and walking everyday. Take a deep breath, slow down, eat more, move more, and most importantly, believe in yourself. You can do this! One day at a time, slow and steady wins the race, right? :smile:

    If I eat a little more, I maintain (i know by experience) and if a eat even more, I will gain weight (I also know that by experience).

    Look, what I need is to learn how to deal with physical discomfort and pain - like those of you who workout do - and be patient. It will be very long to lose those 10 pounds, maybe a year, but will not last forever. I have to hang on to that idea: after a year, that will be over.

    I suppose also that now that I am in pre-menopause my SPM will last 10 to 15 days, and not just two or three days like it was until very recently. This is a change and I have to adapt.

    But 10 pounds in one year equals 87 grams per week or a deficit of 87 calories per day - if that were true, you wouldn't notice any difference when you enter maintenance, and if you think it's "over" after a year, you're in for a surprise :#

    Not sure I understand ... But one thing I know, is that once I rrach the weight of 125 lbs, if I eat 1300 cals per day, I do not lose a single gram.

    At 1200, I barely lose, so I aim to eat 1100 cals when I can. Therefore, at 1150 - 1200 cal per day, once I reach 125 lbs, I lose an average of 1lb per month. And it's not linear.

    And I know it will not "over" in 10 months, as there is always the chance of gaining again, and having to diet again. I know that. But I try for the moment not to think about it. It's hard enough as it is. Please let me be in denial and believe that this time, I will not gain the weight back and be able to maintain.
  • leahkathleen13
    leahkathleen13 Posts: 272 Member
    Sorry you are feeling down. I also get exremely discouraged by the wickedness of the scale and the difficulty of living in a calorie deficit. Great job making it through the week. Just keep going! Never surrender the ship no matter what happens. If you fall get up again. All your efforts will surprise you one day with success. It's math. And it does work! We all have had these moments and if I could I would give you a hug right now!
  • mmmx392076
    mmmx392076 Posts: 25 Member
    Go on the web and look up the Venus factor diet. I started it cause I was in the same boat as you. I have been doing it for 8 weeks now and there hasn't been a week that I have gained. There might have been a week of not lost anything but no gaining. In 8 weeks I have lost 8.5 inches and 10lbs in 8 weeks. I love it. I'm 40 years old and a mom of 3 so I know how hard it is to loss the weight. Best of luck to you. But dont give up
  • imogene912
    imogene912 Posts: 32 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    I'll just throw this out: if you look the way you want to look, fit the clothes you want to fit, and people basically give you commendations on your physique...........................................does it REALLY matter than much what the scale says? Do you go around with your weight displayed on your forehead for everyone to see?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    Good point.
    Also, I'd like to point out that you aren't an idiot, but do what I have done and put the scale away...or like on a train track or a busy highway (kidding!). I have mine tucked in a cute little corner in the guest bathroom under the sink, behind a bunch of things I'd have to move out of the way to get to it.
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    Don't panic Wednesday last week I was 299lb, then I was so thirsty and just could not seem to drink enough to make thirst stop for days, This Monday I was 310lb !! but it was day 1 of my period. I have been peeing crazy amounts all week. Today I am 296 lb. It sounds crazy but I promise this is true and normal for me. Some of us just get crazy fluid retention around period. So it temporarily appeared I had a huge weight gain but it was all fluid, in reality I was still losing weight. I too have bad habit of looking at scales all the time but I only count and log the weight change every 2-4 weeks. Also my weight loss from past diets was never consistent. Eventually I learned that if you just stick at it the weight does come off just not evenly or consistently.
  • hunkofmexican
    hunkofmexican Posts: 128 Member
    I had a similar experience and it turned out i was not eating enough , as well as not enough protein ... But i was not exercising as much as i should have , so my weight loss slowed down . then stopped and hit the dreaded Plato . After a while of eating only 1200 cals the body shuts down ... To get out of this start eating more balanced meals and exercise more starting with just walking ... Try to consume more meat and less carbs if you eat a lot of breads/crackers and not veges ... I cant tell cause your profile is private ... If you can call yourself an Idiot in public , then why not open your profile for others to look into you and maybe make a better assessment of you .... FEEL Better Isabelle ...... this is just a phase your having ... start eating all your cals and every 3 days eat till your full healthy stuff with no worries that your body will unlock and start losing weight again .... Nick.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Eating 1000 calories and you feel like you are starving?
    Yeah, that is likely true.

    Gaining weight during TOM is normal.
    Stop panicking, eat more. Use a reasonable cut and don't try to starve yourself.

    Adherence works when we work with reasonable objectives and actions.
  • hunkofmexican
    hunkofmexican Posts: 128 Member
    Rocknut53 wrote: »
    Nice rant. Now move on. Get your mind where it needs to be to continue your journey. Beating yourself up doesn't work, so try something that does. Lecture over, consider your butt kicked. There are so many knowledgeable people on here that are more than willing to offer you good sound advice about how to make weight loss easier and sustainable for you. You just need to listen to them.

    Whale said ..... Thanks for kicking some *kitten* ...
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    Rocknut53 wrote: »
    Nice rant. Now move on. Get your mind where it needs to be to continue your journey. Beating yourself up doesn't work, so try something that does. Lecture over, consider your butt kicked. There are so many knowledgeable people on here that are more than willing to offer you good sound advice about how to make weight loss easier and sustainable for you. You just need to listen to them.

    Whale said ..... Thanks for kicking some *kitten* ...

    The "butt kicking" was from her original statement, I just ran with it. :)
  • Isabelle_1929
    Isabelle_1929 Posts: 233 Member
    Rocknut53 wrote: »
    Nice rant. Now move on. Get your mind where it needs to be to continue your journey. Beating yourself up doesn't work, so try something that does. Lecture over, consider your butt kicked. There are so many knowledgeable people on here that are more than willing to offer you good sound advice about how to make weight loss easier and sustainable for you. You just need to listen to them.

    Whale said ..... Thanks for kicking some *kitten* ...

    Hey ! Are you talking to me ?


    I am back from errands and now have $100 worth of Lindt chocolate in my home, all for my brother and nieces and parents. Talk about willpower. To be honest I have a headache and the last thing I want is chocolate. So the bunnies are safe with me.

    Thanks everyone for letting me rant a bit. It does feel better. I can't talk about this (food, diet, my weight, etc.) to anyone, so it's so helpful to have this place to let the steam out.

  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    This is the best place to rant.

    You're probably not eating enough, so your body is, like, "let me hold on to this because she's starving me." At 45, you are not in your dotage, so your metabolism is probably not the issue.

    As someone said, what possessed you to weigh yourself while you are menstruating?

    Probably time to take a walk.
  • coalz
    coalz Posts: 308 Member
    You could benefit from weight training to balance the cardio. Muscle eats fat & the body likes variety. & yeah I hold like an xtra 8 lbs during TOM & hormones run wild. Aldo consider meditation and or keeping a diary to help process your thoughts and find persoective
  • hunkofmexican
    hunkofmexican Posts: 128 Member
    Rocknut53 wrote: »
    Nice rant. Now move on. Get your mind where it needs to be to continue your journey. Beating yourself up doesn't work, so try something that does. Lecture over, consider your butt kicked. There are so many knowledgeable people on here that are more than willing to offer you good sound advice about how to make weight loss easier and sustainable for you. You just need to listen to them.

    Whale said ..... Thanks for kicking some *kitten* ...

    Hey ! Are you talking to me ?


    I am back from errands and now have $100 worth of Lindt chocolate in my home, all for my brother and nieces and parents. Talk about willpower. To be honest I have a headache and the last thing I want is chocolate. So the bunnies are safe with me.

    Thanks everyone for letting me rant a bit. It does feel better. I can't talk about this (food, diet, my weight, etc.) to anyone, so it's so helpful to have this place to let the steam out.

    Even tea kettles run out of steam , but watch out cause you don't want to burn up , that causes high blood pressure and health problems ... take care , and you can send me all the chocolate Bunnies you want .