Ladies 50+ pounds to lose



  • Esme140
    Esme140 Posts: 26 Member
    I would love to have some supportive and active friends for the journey. /quote]

    Me too! Just sent you a friend request!!
  • Feel free to add me! Im 5'11 and currently 217lbs with a goal of 160(:
  • mumbles2013
    mumbles2013 Posts: 289 Member
    Hi add me please. I've fallen off the wagon many times and I'm hoping this time I do it!!! Started at 224 now down to 210 and goal weight would be 130 so 80 more to drop and I'm 5'5
  • Rowood101
    Rowood101 Posts: 98 Member
    Add me 2. Back for about a month. Currently 195lbs at 5ft5, want to lose 15-20 pounds by summer. In it for the long haul, lifestyle change not fad / calorie restrictive diet. Log-in everyday although not so active on the weekends (I have a young daughter).
  • BoomstickChik
    BoomstickChik Posts: 149 Member
    I started at 228, at 177 now. I'm 5'2, my main goal is to get to 136 right now.
  • theresalaroux
    theresalaroux Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all!
    My starting weight is 210, I want to get down to 145! Hoping to lose 30 lbs by June! Starting out with Paleo and moderate work out!
  • cariduttry
    cariduttry Posts: 210 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me! 250 (ugh) looking to get down to 170. Same story as so many of you :wink:
  • StacyChrz
    StacyChrz Posts: 865 Member
    Hello everyone! After getting down to 180 lbs about 4 years ago I gained the weight back over 3 years. I restarted last March. I'm 5'2" SW 251, CW 210.6, GW 150. I've had many more successes than setbacks in the past year and am looking forward to more positive changes. I'd love to expand my friend list and support others.
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 721 Member
    Hey everyone!! I would love to join in. I have about 30 more pounds to lose. Been doing weight watchers and am down 20 lbs even though my ticker says I've lost 12. Just could not bring myself to write down the weight so I waited until WW and MFP were the same weight. I work out 6 days a week mostly cardio, weight machines 3 days per week. I have never been more focused!!!! Anyone feel free to add me I am here several times a day. Good luck to all of you!!!
  • swheeler0602
    swheeler0602 Posts: 110 Member
    Hello everyone! I started my journey at the beginning of this year and started at 315 lb. I'm looking to get down below 200 as a long term goal (for now). I don't know my current weight because I'm not weighing myself. That has always been my downfall and discourages me. If you want to add me I'd love it as I'm looking for people similar to my situation and that are active in communication, sharing food and workout ideas.

    Good luck to all!
  • seottawa
    seottawa Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Everyone
    I am in a similar situation, just starting out with 50lbs to lose. Please feel free to add me - it would be great to be part of a supportive group.
  • jgundz
    jgundz Posts: 2,735 Member
    I'd love more active people in my feed to keep me motivated to be active too!! Feel free to add me!

    I'm 5'7" and weigh 195lbs, looking to get to 145lbs!
  • mountainponies
    mountainponies Posts: 13 Member
    Hi there! Add me! Right now, I'm focusing on losing weight in increments. It's a little less daunting for me that way. I'm 237 right now and want to get down to 170 eventually, but my first goal is 230.

    I'm starting this approach as well. I've been reading posts from this amazing MFP member named
    "" (sorry, tried to use html code here to do link but didn't work) She started at 300+ and decided to lose weight in increments to avoid many of the traps associated with the daunting prospect of trying to achieve significant weight loss. This will be the third or fourth time I've lost the same 30-40 lbs (now accompanied by postpartum weight) and I'm starting to think that setting out to lose 50+ pounds right off the bat isn't working for me so I'm going to try this incremental approach and see how I do because I don't want to be in this position ever again. I started at around 210 (my heaviest ever) and went down to 200 pretty quickly just from my body readjusting to post-pregnancy but now the real work is ahead of me. I'm 5'6 and apple shaped so I'd like to end up around 145lbs but the number will mean less than my measurements and general physical fitness so I'm starting with a goal of 190. I would really love to be a part of a supportive community so please add me:)
  • StrawberryAllBran
    StrawberryAllBran Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I am from Montreal and I need to lose 80pounds, in the past I have achieved to lose 100 pounds but I regain most of it in the past years. Feel free to add me if you want more friends!
  • mws891
    mws891 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all! I definitely need all the accountability I can get. Wanting to lose 73lbs has REALLY snuck up on me. Three years ago, I wanted to lose 20lbs. Sigh. This is my third try in about two years total with MFP, and I'm pretty certain my failures are all because tracking without any sort of support is discouraging. So if you don't mind random musings in your feed, feel free to add me! :smile:
  • yvonne999
    yvonne999 Posts: 2 Member
    Newly started, 50+ lbs to loose, very motivated, need help staying that way! Please add me
  • mcquistions
    mcquistions Posts: 6 Member
    Yo-yo all my life... Need to stop the cycle once and for all. 70 lbs to loose once and for all!
  • bizzr90
    bizzr90 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm also 5'8, started at a similar weight and have a similar goal weight. I'm about half way through - at the tough bit where weight loss slows down!
  • jamiejstephens
    jamiejstephens Posts: 1 Member
    I'm brand new to MFP and am 5'7" and starting at 210 pounds (the heaviest weight of my life). I would love to get back down to around 155-160 pounds! Being a part of a community of like-minded people with similar goals would be really awesome :)
  • piepdx
    piepdx Posts: 17 Member
    Hey pals! I've got a bit more than 50lbs to lose, but could use the motivation and support! :) starting at 180 and I'm 5'2" -- my goal weight is (eventually) 115! Feel free to add me!!