Full time workers, when do you go to the gym?



  • kleonard42
    kleonard42 Posts: 204 Member
    I work full time and have 2 little ones under 3 so I haven't been to the gym since I've started on here. I've done stuff at home...zumba, leslie sansone walk at home dvds, jillian michaels workouts on youtube. I would say the jillian michaels workouts work best because most of them are 30-20mins and VERY effective.
  • jdp9130
    jdp9130 Posts: 18 Member
    Normally first thing in the morning before work or about an hour after dinner. Wasn't sure about moving it to later in the day but after doing it for a week or two it hasn't been bad at all.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Lately I've had to switch up my schedule because my husband is out of town so I have to let the dogs out and feed them, etc...so I've either been not going to the gym and eating under on kcals or I've been going after work...today it's after work. Kinda sucks.

    Usually I prefer to work out before I go to work and then I have the rest of the day to myself.
  • melfitnesspal13
    melfitnesspal13 Posts: 377 Member
    I go after work, at around 6:30 with my workout group. Most of the ladies are moms and have prepared dinner and fed the kids by then, leaving them free to workout and have dad watch the kids.
    When I don't workout with the group I pop in y workout dvds or go to to the youtube zumba workout I like and workout at home.
  • DorothyR87
    DorothyR87 Posts: 113
    During the week I come home from work, change, and head straight to the gym or a nearby park to run. On the weekends I usually workout sometime midafternoon. I've been toying with the idea of also going to the gym in the morning as well and dividing strength training and cardio into two different sessions.
  • mumtoonegirl
    mumtoonegirl Posts: 586 Member
    I work from home full time and my DH works out of the home full time. We have a 6 year old, he goes in the morning I got after our DD goes to bed or we do our workouts together.

    I will often bring them with me when I train/run. They follow me on their bikes while I run.

    Great way to bring fitness to the whole family.
  • mrswine
    mrswine Posts: 263 Member
    I always work out first thing when I get home After work. If I am making dinner and it will take a while, I start it either mid workout or right before I hop in the shower. I also workout at home, which I think helps a lot with time.
  • Tattx
    Tattx Posts: 11 Member
    My gym has a pretty awesome child care set up with slides, movies and coloring. I go pick up my daughter and go straight to the gym. If I show up at her daycare not dressed for the gym I get the "stare of doom" and she says "um mom aren't we going to the gym? I wanna go play on the slide!" She helps keep me on track.
  • lenkearney
    lenkearney Posts: 116 Member
    I am fortunate to have a gym in the building - I have 3 options
    1) squeeze in a hard 30 minutes cardio at lunch.
    2) right after work -around 5->5:30 - I alternate long cardio with weight training

    remember that exercise is cumulative and 3 ten minute sessions are as good as one 30 minute session. key is intensity...
  • Jenism1
    Jenism1 Posts: 149 Member
    Tough with little ones at home but I go to the gym at 6:00 am every weekday morning. My little ones are little teenagers now, so I can manage the early mornings.

    When the kids were little, I would go after work, before I went home. This was a bit of a drag as I would not get home until 7pm, but with my husbands help with dinner, it worked out or rather, I worked out. haha!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    6-7am on alternating days (I run the other days).
  • mycrobemini
    mycrobemini Posts: 122 Member
    I work 4, 10-hour days, and dislike mornings immensely, so go on my way home from work.
  • pinktoesjb
    pinktoesjb Posts: 302 Member
    first thing, work out, shower there then straight to the office. Pointless going after work it's too busy, have to wait for machines and there's never any floor space. I try to get one in at the weekend too, sunday morning always quiet and then I feel ok about a big sunday dinner!
  • ajominy
    ajominy Posts: 87 Member
    I am so not a morning person and even with the best of intentions, I am never able to wake up early to go before work. I change into my gym clothes and go right from work. If I go home first I can find too many excuses not to go.
  • Allonsee
    Allonsee Posts: 4
    There is a Wed zumba class that I ADORE - so I go after work on Wed evening (I don't see my 5 year old much that day).

    I also work out on Tuesday before work, and Friday before work
  • Perixi
    Perixi Posts: 116 Member
    I try to go before work, im just too tired after work.
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    I go at about 9pm after my 2 little kids get to bed. It's really hard for me to go in the morning b/c I'd have to be back by 6:15 when my husband leaves for work and I'm NOT a morning person so getting up at 4:45am every day is NOT going to work for me, and I don't like to go right after work because if I do then I only get a few minutes with my kids that day. So, 9pm it is.
  • welly5
    welly5 Posts: 293 Member
    I work full time plus have a multitude of freelance projects.

    I often do morning workouts but because my schedule changes so much I found the best thing to do is sit down with my planner at the beginning of each week and schedule in my workouts for the week, then schedule in freelance and chores and other obligations so that there is time for anything.

    If I don't do that then I'm scrambling during the week trying to find time to get to a class or hit the gym
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    I leave my house at 5 am to get there at 5:30 and I'm done by 6:30 am. Shift starts at 7 am so I have it timed down to the minute I have to leave the gym at the latest. My shifts go from 12-14+ hr and then the commute home; going after is not the better option for me so I suck it up and go in the morning. I've gotten use to it and actually love bc no one bothers me bc there is no one there! Am I a morning person? Far from it. Was I happy it came down to this? No but you do what you have to do, no excuses.
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    Weekdays I use the gym near work which opens at 6:30am and I'm there waiting for them to open wearing my gym gear with works stuff in my sports bag. Approx 30min workout, quick shower and I'm in work for 7:30am. Weekend I use the gym nearer home and take my time (full body weights session and a bit of cardio or a swim usually). I'd love to be able to spend longer but need to be in work before 8am. Family stuff means I don't have time after work often.