Calories, fat and carbs. Do u monitor it all?



  • tillerstouch
    tillerstouch Posts: 608 Member
    Christih12 wrote: »
    Christih12 wrote: »
    I only focus on calories. And 4 weeks in lost 19.8 lbs.

    4 weeks in 20 pounds lost..... that's 5 pounds a week....

    Ya I lost about 8 lbs the 1st week and slowed little bit every week. I rarely been exercising last 2 weeks because when I'm done with daycare for the day my daughter wants me to herself so no time. I'm sure it'll slow down more soon.

    That's probably good it's slowing because that's extremely fast weight loss. Also when you lose that fast typically it comes with a lot of muscle mass loss.
  • kandeye
    kandeye Posts: 216 Member
    I track calories, of course, and make sure I hit my protein. I've noticed when I hit my protein, my other macros are pretty close to where I want them too.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I watch calories, protein, fibre, and iron. If I am not watching the last three, I tend to not hit them, I don't worry too much about over or under any particular day. As long as I'm close more often than not, it's all good.
  • rakowskidp
    rakowskidp Posts: 231 Member
    I watch calories (of course), but since I'm vegetarian, I have to work hard to hit my daily protein targets. I eat very little dairy, so I watch calcium, too.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,118 Member
    I only look at calories and protien. I also try to get plenty of fiber. The rest I just let fall where it will. Some days I'm higher on fat and others on carbs.
  • jaynee7283
    jaynee7283 Posts: 160 Member
    I ignore for the macros for now. I'm sure at some point when my weight loss stalls I'll need to pay more attention to it, but for now I don't. I'm consistently losing an average of 1.5 pounds a week thus far (13 weeks in, down 22 pounds).
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    I pay attention to protien fat and calories, not in that order, cals seem to be a priority these days. I aim for at least .8 g of protien per pound and .4 grams of fat per pound, the rest is carbs and I eat a fair amount of fiber foods.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I pay attention to everything. Calories, protein, fat, carbs,fibre,sugar,sodium and also micros, vitamins C, A etc.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    As long as you stay under those calories, you can eat any way you want.
    There was a professor that ate only twinkies for 17 days to prove this point.

    @JanetYellen I love the Twinkie diet guy, but you should look into it because you're misrepresenting what he ate. It wasn't just Twinkies. He also ate Doritos, sugary cereal, oreos, protein shakes, canned green beans, and some celery.
  • mattprelude
    mattprelude Posts: 5 Member
    edited April 2016
    I watch:

    - Carbohydrate: I'm on keto so limiting net carbs (carbs not including fiber) severely.
    - Fiber: Eating a carb-limited diet makes getting enough fiber a challenge, but fiber is essential to the digestive system.
    - Protein: Make sure I get enough to avoid muscle loss, not too much to break ketosis.
    - Sodium/Magnesium/Potassium: Need enough of these, especially on keto where your body is less able to retain electrolytes.
    - Calories: If I'm not eating at a deficit, I won't lose weight.
    - Water consumption: I aim for 10 glasses (2500ml) a day minimum.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    I don't pay attention to them too much, but I do like to be under on carbs and close to goal on protein. I have a minimum of 100g of protein to try to save muscle mass and I always am under on it. Fat I don't worry about too much because that's the macro that keeps me full and satisfied. For the primary example, cheese. A day with cheese is a happy day.
  • emilycat214
    emilycat214 Posts: 84 Member
    I monitor total calories and carbs per meal. The latter is because I'm diabetic.
  • ashliedelgado
    ashliedelgado Posts: 814 Member
    I watch calories and protein, and now that I am pregnant I watch iron as well.