Why are people so nice on this forum?



  • Mr_Stabbems
    Mr_Stabbems Posts: 4,771 Member
    To lure you into the basement
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    dodsworth1 wrote: »
    I'm new to this whole forum stuff and people seem nice but it does sadden me at how attention seeking many seem. Like all they have to offer is their outer shell
    (fantastic outer shells at that) and need acceptance of their outer shell from other people who also need acceptance for their outer shell thus creating...i don't even know, just alot of empty boring shells.
    I have said shells so much now that it has lost all meaning.

    Are you new to the internet, per chance?
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    143tobe wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Let me know if that deposit comes through PayPal ;)

    Seriously though, I've read the boards on Bodybuilding.com and a few pregnancy sites.

    Oh my gosh, worst community ever was some pregnancy community I belonged to. I mean, the women were generally nice and supportive, but there was always a group of 'Mean Girls' who somehow found one other and just made it their own personal goal to just make everyone else miserable. I was like, seriously? You're about to bring a kid into this world. Do the world a favor and grow the heck up before you spawn.

    I signed up for a pregnancy forum at like 5.5 weeks pregnant and deleted it this week. I'm just shy of 8 weeks. OMG....it wasn't that people were terribly rude...but they were criminally stupid. One of the questions was "OMG. I just ate tomatoes with salt. Is it bad for the baby?" then I got flagged because I asked if they were serious. Someone else was spouting off about the chemicals in DECAF and how you should just have regular caffeine...lol. Then I saw someone call someone else a racist because they said their nipples were like National Geographic sized. What the hell does that have to do with race? So stupid.

    MFP, I'll take you with all your juice cleanses, keto, evil sugar, weight lifiting making me bulky, and apple cider vinegar. The internet has proven to me that fat people who internet are way smarter than pregnant people who internet.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Sorry, but I liked MFP alot more as it was when I joined 3 yrs ago. The information given out by the "meanies" (most now banned) was interesting and so useful. Now, before posting, you have to constantly worry that you'll step on those "overly sensitive toes". So things have changed-- that's life. Now we're all niceys-- or out the door. Some posters really need the truth. They are living in an unreal world, and spinning their wheels with weightloss, because the fad dieters, people making money off dieting magazine articles, TV talk shows, etc.. have brainwashed the average dieter. They cling to the "quick fix" and won't let go easily. I actually feel sorry for them, but being nice doesn't always work and those are doomed to frustration. I keep telling them to look at the posting numbers to see who's got alittle experience here, because their advice is usually the best.
  • Mr_Stabbems
    Mr_Stabbems Posts: 4,771 Member
    dodsworth1 wrote: »
    To lure you into the basement

    tis joke love! i joke'ed.

    @dodsworth1 @enterdanger

    Like many have said, there are mostly feelgood folk here, nicey nicey stuff its not to be taken seriously, every been to the misc forum on bodybuilding.com? that stuff is brutal, complete opposite to here.

    I treat this place as a playground, i get to talk rubbish and make stupid jokes, if i'm honest this place (all subforums included) doesnt come close to a fitness forum. It's a mass market beacon of politeness and in some cases shallowness. Also the shell stuff u were talking about is twofold, yes sure its self centered and attention seeking but it's also about self esteem and self confidence in (mostly) post weight loss folks. Training wheels for the wider fitness world lol.

    I also agree about the mind numbing stupidity...i try not to think about the amount of shockingly bad advice that i see but meh what can you do! besides i get more and more patients so i should probably encourage it!!
  • LeonardRoan
    LeonardRoan Posts: 53 Member
    edited June 2016
    At least for me, this is a place of escape. I know I am among like minded people here that are into health and fitness and are non judgemental. That's the way I am as well towards people. I love MFP.
  • HStheBusyBee
    HStheBusyBee Posts: 1,366 Member

    Agreed, the majority of people here are super welcoming and lovely!
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    edited June 2016
    dodsworth1 wrote: »
    To lure you into the basement

    tis joke love! i joke'ed.

    @dodsworth1 @enterdanger

    Like many have said, there are mostly feelgood folk here, nicey nicey stuff its not to be taken seriously, every been to the misc forum on bodybuilding.com? that stuff is brutal, complete opposite to here.

    I treat this place as a playground, i get to talk rubbish and make stupid jokes, if i'm honest this place (all subforums included) doesnt come close to a fitness forum. It's a mass market beacon of politeness and in some cases shallowness. Also the shell stuff u were talking about is twofold, yes sure its self centered and attention seeking but it's also about self esteem and self confidence in (mostly) post weight loss folks. Training wheels for the wider fitness world lol.

    I also agree about the mind numbing stupidity...i try not to think about the amount of shockingly bad advice that i see but meh what can you do! besides i get more and more patients so i should probably encourage it!!

    Yeah, misc is rough. But dang is it fun lol. All the bb.com forums are a crap ton more useful than the forums here now. But you actually have to be an adult there. Whereas here, this more like a pre school. And about as useful. As such, it's just somewhere else to go to waste time. But not somewhere to find anything worthwhile.

    But hey, if you want to just get your hand held and told what a wonderful little unique snowflake you are, this is the place for you.

  • taunto_
    taunto_ Posts: 91 Member
    Why are people so nice on this forum?

  • Hey_Its_That_One_Guy
    Hey_Its_That_One_Guy Posts: 21,763 Member
    Who hacked @_John_ s account?