Wheat Belly

Was wondering if there is anyone who follow the Wheat Belly, grain free, sf, lifestyle? Been on it a year and have lost 32 pounds. Having a stall, so thought I'd track my carbs and protein using MFP. Trying to get in more protein. Been told I'm not eating enough. Think this is going to be good! Very encouraging! Also got a fitbit for my BD, so I'm more aware of getting in a few more steps every day!!


  • kas_chat
    kas_chat Posts: 13 Member
    hi there, i just found your comment, surprised there was no responses. I was having trouble with reflux and heartburn for about three years and found lentils and fresh bread was aggravating it, so I have stopped eating those and now my reflux is manageable without mylanta or tums. I am now following healthy fat intake, moderate meat and low carb eating with some intermittent fasting in the style of Dr Jason Fung and Prof Tim Noakes. I am also gradually reducing weight, about a kg a month and several cm's. As I do intermittent fast some days I barely eat, just have water or tea or salty water, other days, I have full breakfast and full dinner within a 8 hour eating window. it suits my days and the way my home runs, which is really around two busy kids and my disjointed husbands work roster. On the days he is home for a few days I eat more, when he is at work for his stretch I reduce my eating window. I also have a fitbit, a charge. I've dropped about 9kg in 2 years without any real effort or exercise. I have another 9kg to go. I'm trying to increase my steps from 10,000 per day to 15,000 per day now and aiming to get more solid sleep most nights.
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    I suggest you check out the main low carber forum group here in MFP. It's where most of us Ketofiles tend to hang out. There are also many members on the LCHF group that follow a similar way of eating (WOE) re Wheat Belly:

  • always_serenity2016
    always_serenity2016 Posts: 27 Member
    I went back on the Wheat Belly wagon on Monday and I feel fantastic!! I've lost 5 lbs this week after a long plateau :D. Feel free to add me :)