


  • markswife1992
    markswife1992 Posts: 262 Member
    I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. Most meds like these do cause weight gain. All I could suggest is cutting calories and adding more exercise. Maybe try different medications to find one that works and causes less weight gain?

    i have tried several (alot actually) and nothing works like sero. my brain is set to "quiet" with sero.
    i do agree that i probably need to up my exercise now that i'm back on it.
  • markswife1992
    markswife1992 Posts: 262 Member
    edited April 2016
    Kimo159 wrote: »
    I'm really sorry you're having to deal with this. You don't want to hear this but it is CICO, calories in and calories out. Not accounting for things such as water retention potentially causing increased scale weight. You say that you have no energy on the medication, that right there tells me you have a lot less NEAT (non exercise activity thermogenesis) which would impact your calories out. So if your calories in remain unchanged, but calories out go down, you'll gain weight for sure.

    yes i do have no energy, but i go to the gym anyway. i work-out 5 days per week + i am really into bike riding and walking already. when i say i have zero energy on sero, i mean that it takes a huge amount of motivation to get moving, but i do it. when i was on it last time, i was hitting the gym and bike riding and even sometimes jogging and still gained weight with calorie control. it's just not simple. and there is no way i gained 40 pounds of water weight.

  • markswife1992
    markswife1992 Posts: 262 Member
    edited April 2016
    darlswife wrote: »
    @markswife1992 I'm on seroquel (2nd time) and I gained 50 pounds (again) It's taken me 9 months to lose 18 of them. It totally sucks like the choice between sanity and thin.
    I go to a doctor that specializes in weight loss affiliated with the local hospital. He has put me on a low carb diet that's helpful for people like us. Seroquel has also made me prediabetic and we've talked about me going on a drug for diabetes that could help with weight loss since i can't take anything with phentermine or antidepressants in it and seroquel really messes with the metabolism. I'm going to find out on the 18th.

    For all of you who say CICO, it's really not that simple with this medication. I ate 800-1000 calories a day under dr's supervision and worked out with a trainer and didn't lose a thing the last time I took this drug. It really messes with metabolic processes which is why I've had to go low carb this time and exercise more than I've ever in my life to lose weight at a depressingly slow pace. It's a great medication which is why so many of us reluctantly stay or go back to it, and most of the alternatives in this class have similar side effects.

  • _qO_op_
    _qO_op_ Posts: 11 Member
    I don't have any advice for you. Just checking in to say I feel the pain of weight loss on an atypical antipsychotic. I ballooned up big time when I started on Risperdal and have been fighting to take it off ever since. Luckily I'm off that and on Latuda instead which seems to be making it easier.

    i just tried latuda in lieu of the sero, but it did absolutely nothing for me, so i had to switch back to sero. i'm really glad you found something that works for you! :smile:

    Me too. Risperdal was life changing for me in a lot of ways. So I just accepted the weight gain. But I started showing early warning signs for diabetes so my doctor and I decided to try me on Latuda.

    The first couple months were rough. I ended up hypomanic and the doc just kept upping the dose until I was on enough to to take down a rhino. At which point I started sleeping 12 hours/day though my mood was stable. Finally we got the dose dialed in and upped my Wellbutrin and now I've had the longest period of remission in my life.

    Also... Almost Human from WNYC did a recent episode on some of the problems with calories as a unit of measurement and the criticisms of CICO reductionism. The most interesting part to me was a bit near the end on the effects of Risperdal on gut microbes and how that's been shown to cause weight gain in mice. You can listen to it here:
  • markswife1992
    markswife1992 Posts: 262 Member
    bumping because that was an awesome clip to hear! TFS something_obscure
  • tessr760
    tessr760 Posts: 21 Member
    in my experience with nutritionists I've found they either haven't been exactly what I'm looking for, or seem slightly inexperienced in working out the issues I've presented. I recommend finding an RD and shooting them an email first, to see if they'll be able help you out and if it's what you're looking for.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    LazSommer wrote: »
    i am on seroquel (starting yesterday)
    and last time i took it, i gained about 40 pounds. i have lost about 14 of those pounds, but starting back on seroquel, i know i am doomed if i can't gain control very very quickly. my psychiatrist told me to see a nutritionist, so i was just wondering if anyone has done this (our insurance doesn't cover it, so it will be out-of-pocket) and were there benefits? are they just going to tell me to eat more veggies and less fried foods (because i already know that LOL) -

    and please, anyone who might say, "if you eat right you won't gain weight, even on seroquel" please save your comments. there are many schools of thought on that subject, and some scientific evidence that taking seroquel, or the like, can cause weight gain in those who continue with the same healthy diet/exercise regime. thanks.


    But... OP... the answer regardless will be less caloric intake. Whatever a nutritionist will tell you will boil down to this, but be peppered with information in regards to macros (protein/fat/carbs). Some medication makes weight gain easier, but if your metabolism has slowed then you don't need those extra calories (as it's just storing them as fat). It's not fair or easy, but that's really the only answer you can get.

    when i gained before, my CICO remained the same. that is, i was exercising the same, had the same macros, same calories as before i started Sero, and I gained 40 lbs. so it's not really about CICO, and if my metabolism slowed, how can i track/control that?

    my main question is, what does a nutritionist tell you? how to eat, what foods to consume, which to avoid, how many calories are required, etc. ?

    also to fromnebraska, what is an RD?

    "How Do Prescription Drugs Cause Weight Gain?

    For many drugs, it is not known exactly what causes the weight gain. Some medications can increase appetite, cause fluid retention, or slowly lead to weight gain over a period of time due to fatigue and lower activity. Drugs that trigger increases in appetite may work in the brain and affect the satiety (fullness) center. It is often difficult to distinguish between weight gain from a drug and weight gain from other reasons, like diet or lack of exercise, because it can be a slow process."

    CICO still remains. An RD is a registered dietician...