"Hahaha You will NEVER fit in that"



  • pootle1972
    pootle1972 Posts: 579 Member
    My sister in law is like that. .there's a birthday party for her husband on Saturday ....hubbub is going as it's his brother but I suspiciously have important other plans. Life's too short to put up with dixs.
  • ClosetBayesian
    ClosetBayesian Posts: 836 Member
    Hey guys OP here. My husband did stick up to me and I also said something as well as my mother in law but my father in law is out of control and he loves this kind of stuff. He just laughed like a little teenager and went for a walk. And I'm pretty sure his oldest daughter had a talk with him about it after we left because she hates when he talks like this. My father in law is very over weight and basically just lays on the couch all day and night. He says it's ok for him to be over weight because when he was younger he was at a healthy weight and "that's all that matters" I wasn't the only one he picked on that night but I was the only one he made of their weight In front of all his children and their children (birthday party/ dinner) thanks for all your comments. I always stand up for myself and my husband always stands for me but that doesn't stop making me feel bad espically when made fun of in front of the whole family. Everyone was telling my father in law that's he's losing it now and he got really mad

    Time for one less &&#@# in your life, especially if he also comments on your daughter's weight.

    At some point, you go from being a victim to being a volunteer. Know where that line is.

    (I stopped being a volunteer for my own father's verbal abuse a year ago. It's been a great year.)
  • lesleyloo7879
    lesleyloo7879 Posts: 439 Member
    You FIL is a sad pathetic man....... Good on the family for standing up to him , Good for you standing up to him. Do me a favor next time he starts acting like a kitten .... Smile at him say well bless your heart (and whatever sarcastic remark that you want) and walk out with your head high.
  • letspushthingsforward
    AJ_G wrote: »
    You can't choose how you feel about negativity like that, but you can choose how you react to it. You can let it break you down or you can use it as fuel to prove people wrong. I personally love when people tell me I can't do something. It's all about how you use it.

    Spot on. I bought a target weight shirt the other day in which I hope to fit this summer. My housemate (one of my very best friends) laughed raucously and said: "Bloody hell, you're never fitting in that surely!?".

    I was devastated and more than a bit tempted to tell him to p!ss off, but I laughed it off myself, said "Long way to go but it's good to have goals." and went about my day. It's motivation. That shirt is at the front of my wardrobe and when I lose 30 lbs it'll fit like a dream.