


  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    edited April 2016
    I actually just joined Facebook, on April 1st because it was also, my 36th birthday. I did post about my birthday because it's only once a year, as I did about it being April Fools' Day. I don't have any friends yet there & am not seeking any but did try to search, for some people; that I know of but didn't make myself, known to them. Unfortunately I don't come from a family oriented family, so I'll most likely never have; family as friends. I am single, don't have children & don't have any friends offline because of my disability, so I'll possibly never have Facebook friends; unless someone I know/know of seeks my friendship there & I'll only accept any friend requests there, if I know/know of them offline or plan to because unlike here, my Facebook page involves my overall life; whereas here is just a facet of it.

    I also began my recent attempt, at trying to get rid of weight; on April 1st as well but didn't post about it because 1 I posted about it being my birthday & 2 about it being April Fools' Day, so I believe that that was enough; for 1 day but also because since I've failed before, to get rid weight; I decided not to mention it because I might fail again. However I do plan to post about huge milestones: Every 100 days, When I am no longer overweight & When I reach goal weight because those posts, won't be often & won't include normal fluctuations. Like when on my wall here, it'll post that I've lost weight but if I gain a couple of pounds of water weight, I delete that because it's, no longer true. I don't desire to create posts, that I know I'd be deleting there. My Facebook page is about me & what I desire to share, about myself. If someone doesn't like my posts, they don't have to keep me; as a friend or read it. I don't cater to someone else's preferences, concerning my posts. However I do understand how annoying it is, to constantly/consistently read about every little achievement; so I won't post all of that because I don't desire to clutter my own Facebook page, especially when I have another place (here); to document everything about getting rid of my excess weight.
  • 10ssmith
    10ssmith Posts: 33 Member
    I don't even have a Facebook anymore . Deleted it a long time ago. I'd rather live in a drama free world and it was one way to step in the right direction for me haha:)
  • hdatres
    hdatres Posts: 635 Member
    I didn't tell Facebook world about me trying to lose weight, I wanna surprise my family. And the others are big critics. Here people are helpful and encourage