why have i stopped loosing?

I have been eating 1200 calories a day and loosing weight between 1-2 lb per week but the last 2 weeks i have not lost a am eating the same and exercising the same i dont understand why im not loosing?


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    You aren't going to lose weight every week, even if you do everything perfectly. I can't see your diary, so it's possible that you have a logging issue and you are eating more than you think. Or you may just need to be patient.
  • donnarooney663
    donnarooney663 Posts: 59 Member
    I have had the odd choc biscuit at night but apart from tht im eating what i had been wen i was looseing. I go on holuday in 2 weeks and really want to lose more for.then.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I have had the odd choc biscuit at night but apart from tht im eating what i had been wen i was looseing. I go on holuday in 2 weeks and really want to lose more for.then.

    But as you lose weight, errors in logging can begin to impact your rate of loss. You have more "wiggle room" in the beginning when you first begin losing weight. As you lose more, you will often have to pay more attention to accuracy in logging.

    It doesn't really matter if you have a chocolate biscuit at night as long as you log it accurately. Since your diary is close, people won't be able to offer you help with your logging.
  • donnarooney663
    donnarooney663 Posts: 59 Member
    I dont know how.to open my diary.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    How are you determining your 1200 calories? Are you weighing all your food?
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I dont know how.to open my diary.

    Go to Settings/Diary Settings. If you want others to see your diary, set it to "Public." If you don't want to keep it open after people have had a look at it, you can always change it back.
  • donnarooney663
    donnarooney663 Posts: 59 Member
    No i dont weigh it i just search what ive ate and roughly how much
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    "Roughly" how much is not a good thing, as you'll easily end up eating more than you think.

    Purchase a food scale and start weighing your foods, log accurately, and it will happen.
  • Cynsonya
    Cynsonya Posts: 668 Member
    No i dont weigh it i just search what ive ate and roughly how much

    That's a problem
  • donnarooney663
    donnarooney663 Posts: 59 Member
    Ok thank u ill do it just now
  • donnarooney663
    donnarooney663 Posts: 59 Member
    Ok i will get scales
  • donnarooney663
    donnarooney663 Posts: 59 Member
    My diary is now public
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    edited April 2016
    No i dont weigh it i just search what ive ate and roughly how much

    If your logging represents "roughly" what you eat, then your results are going to reflect that.

    Yeah, it's your logging. I recommend that you get a scale and stop using generic entries.
  • donnarooney663
    donnarooney663 Posts: 59 Member
    But.if anythin i log more lile bigger.portions than i eat
  • Cynsonya
    Cynsonya Posts: 668 Member
    For example the cole slaw you had Monday.
    1 cup = 50 calories.
    Cole slaw will vary GREATLY depending on recipe. The slaw I occasionally eat has 150 calories for .5 cup (but I weigh in grams). We have to be exact with what we're eating/logging. So just that example could be much, much higher.
  • donnarooney663
    donnarooney663 Posts: 59 Member
    Ok socim.better weighin my food and scanning the exact things ive ate. Thank u
  • OnAMissionToFit
    OnAMissionToFit Posts: 5 Member
    Def purchase a food scale. You can't accurately track what your eating with out one. Best $20 I ever spent, and I've used it for years.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    But.if anythin i log more lile bigger.portions than i eat

    If you don't have a scale, how do you know they are bigger? You logged, for example, "2 pieces" of toast for 200 calories. But bread comes in all sorts of calorie counts. Some bread is as low as 80 or 90 calories a slice. Some has 180-200 calories a slice. You have "Homemade - Baked Potatoe Tuna and Onion With Mayo, 2 potatoes" for 241 calories. But someone else created that entry . . . you don't know how big their potatoes were or how much mayo they used -- that can change the calorie count by hundreds and hundreds of calories (mayo has 90-100 calories per tablespoon usually). "Coleslaw - 1 cup," you have for 55 calories. Again, that isn't your entry so you have no idea if your recipe matches the recipes of the person who created it. If your coleslaw was just veggies and vinegar, you are probably pretty close. But if you had a creamy coleslaw, yours is going to be much more. You have "Bowl of - Cornflakes With Milk, 30 g" for 180 calories. What is a "bowl"? Is it filling a bowl up? How much milk? Skim milk? 2%? Whole? All of these things can change the calorie count by hundreds of calories -- which is why you would want to weigh the cereal, choose the specific brand, and then choose the milk and how much you actually used.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    But.if anythin i log more lile bigger.portions than i eat

    You think you're logging bigger portions, but it's hard to say off hand. Even using measuring cups it can be far off. Grab the scale, start weighing, and make sure that you're being on point, and you should start to see some progress! Sometimes you can just have no loss for 2 weeks, it's incredibly frustrating, but that's the human body for you.
  • donnarooney663
    donnarooney663 Posts: 59 Member
    Yeah i see what your saying i use the calories because i read tje.labels on my food so i know the bread i am eating is 100 calories per slice. As for the baked.potatoes it tells me how many calories is in the potatoe on the packet aswell but i agree the tuna mayo coleslaw etc is.probs way more than i have logged.