Foods you never ate previously, but which are key for your weight loss



  • walking2running
    walking2running Posts: 140 Member
    Big salads with nonfat dressing. So time consuming to chop, peel, wash and prep
    the veggies that I got lazy for a while. But now I love making salads. They are so filling and really help to add volume to my meals, which helps with a low Cal diet
  • cjdsign
    cjdsign Posts: 202 Member
    I grow most of my foods, herbs and seeds. I grew Flax & Chia Seeds last year and have lowered my bad cholesterol and raised my good cholesterol. This is the only thing I have changed in a yr.
  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    xbowhunter wrote: »
    Steel cut oats. Once I learned how to cook it I found out it beats regular oat-meal hands down.

    I good bowl of oats in the morning fills me up for many hours... :)

    Me too! I love that I can make 6 servings of steel cut oats in my crock pot and put them in 6 containers for the week and they don't get soggy or anything. I like adding frozen fruit, nuts/seeds, and cinnamon :smile:
  • Amy_loves
    Amy_loves Posts: 6 Member
    I have a handful of raw spinach on my plate under 80% of my meals - add extra iron, is filling and low calorie (and makes my plates look like for the inevitable instagram pics!)
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    i have tried different vegetables that i probably wouldn't have otherwise. brussel sprouts is one of them. also i never used to eat mushrooms. now they're in every stirfry i make.
  • biggsterjackster
    biggsterjackster Posts: 419 Member
    Nothing new. Just more of the stuff containing lots of protein like chicken breast and less processed carbs.
  • biggsterjackster
    biggsterjackster Posts: 419 Member
    LORIMCX wrote: »
    I have always eaten a lot of fruit and & veges, but now I try a lot of new recipes to change them up,
    but Califlower has helped me reduced using potatos and rice

    Yesterday I made a veggie stir fry with riced cauliflower. Delicious!
  • GoMom2016
    GoMom2016 Posts: 41 Member
    Napa cabbage and broccoli slaw mix. Incredibly filling, high fiber & low calorie--and so easy to add to any meal--omelets at breakfast, salads at lunch, stir fries for dinner.

    I can have a 250 calorie salad for lunch built on napa and broccoli slaw and not be at all hungry til dinner!

    What's your recipe?

  • BranwynTaffy
    BranwynTaffy Posts: 23 Member
    I deleted a bunch of foods, rather than added. Always had a healthy, organic diet, just added exercise to lose weight. I forgo all carbs (bread, potatoes, grains), which I used to eat en masse (even baked my own bread)... but, now that I'm over 45, I gain weight on carbs, so they're gone for now. Unfortunately, I dislike many foods, so I'm sometimes very frustrated with meals.

    Due to food sensitivities & allergies I've had to forgo a lot of foods I like (i.e., all dairy, bananas, peanuts & nuts), so that's left me with a lot of veggies I dislike (most of them, but I still eat them, changing recipes so as not to get bored & it's not fun) & many fruits, which I love but are soooo expensive, so I don't always buy them... $12 for a small, round watermelon... are you kidding?!

    I've tried juicing & like veggie juice (dislike fruit juices) because I can juice all the veggies I don't like & not gag on them, but it's not filling for long, is very expensive when buying organic (I have to or I get headaches) & with the pulp I throw away I could be full for days, so I've stopped it as a daily thing... better to eat them & feel full.

    Lately, I live on chicken, fish & summer fruit, when it's good quality & affordable. I have to gag down veggies, so it's rare now. Oh, & a handful of expensive vitamins & minerals every few days, so I don't get anemic until I can sort out my food dislikes & sensitivities. I'm not enjoying eating, of late. I just want to live on potatoes (any kind, made anyway), homemade pancakes & home baked bread, with piles of melons, grapes & berries.
  • alexuh
    alexuh Posts: 108 Member
    Where the heck do I start!!!! As a 14 year old with a 'ick... vegetables and all other things healthy' view, I lived on spaghetti hoops, white bread, chocolate cereal bars and (highly processed, high sugar + high salt) tomato soup. The below are all things I wouldn't have bat an eyelid at 5 years ago.

    Cottage cheese
    Peanut butter
    Low fat Greek yogurt
    Protein bars
    Porridge oats
    WHEY protein powder ❤️
    Wholemeal wraps (think fakeaway pizzas - made with tomato puree etc)
    Dried fruit
    Bee pollen (no I didn't typo... This stuff is GOOD)
    Cacoa nibs

    I've transformed majorly. I probably have 90+ other foods I eat now too but when you're currently biking it at the gym and dripping of lashing of sweat your brain is somewhat impaired