Foods you never ate previously, but which are key for your weight loss



  • leahkathleen13
    leahkathleen13 Posts: 272 Member
    Eggplant. Super filling and a lot for a few calories. Love it! Also strawberries. Fiber, sweetness, and a burst of energy!
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    I don't think I really eat anything new, the idea was to eat what I know I like and just eat less of those foods. I guess I grew up and now I enjoy avacado but that's not related to my new way of eating.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    ASKyle wrote: »
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Apples. I never cared for apples. But it's because I didn't grow up with Pink Ladies. Now I love them.

    You should also try honey crisp apples. I think that Red Delicious apples are the most disgusting tasting fruit and completely mis-named.

    I haven't really added any foods that I didn't eat before. I do eat eggs more often and Greek yogurt because I'm always trying to add protien. And I also eat salmon more, but I ate those things before and I don't think they are key to my weight loss. The key to weight loss is eating at a calorie deficit.

    Honey crisp are so good! And so expensive, but I think it's worth it. They're around $3.99/lb where I am.

    Try Ambrosia apples too.

    I used to only eat Granny Smith, and Red Delicious at Christmas. Red Delicious get a lot of hate. They are indeed disgusting when mealy, but fresh and crisp, they are aptly named. Lately I have started to check out new varieties. I haven't found Honeycrisp apples here (Norway), but Royal Gala was nice, Braeburn tasted ordinary, Ambrosia :heart: and Joya :yum: Next up will be Jazz and Fuji. I have an avid aversion to Pink Lady, just because the color is "wrong" for apples, but I am going to challenge myself. Soon :#

    I totally forgot - sardines, and unsweetened tea. I already drank black coffee. Being able to drink non-caloric drinks besides plain water really makes a difference.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    ASKyle wrote: »
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Apples. I never cared for apples. But it's because I didn't grow up with Pink Ladies. Now I love them.

    You should also try honey crisp apples. I think that Red Delicious apples are the most disgusting tasting fruit and completely mis-named.

    I haven't really added any foods that I didn't eat before. I do eat eggs more often and Greek yogurt because I'm always trying to add protien. And I also eat salmon more, but I ate those things before and I don't think they are key to my weight loss. The key to weight loss is eating at a calorie deficit.

    Honey crisp are so good! And so expensive, but I think it's worth it. They're around $3.99/lb where I am.

    Try Ambrosia apples too.

    I used to only eat Granny Smith, and Red Delicious at Christmas. Red Delicious get a lot of hate. They are indeed disgusting when mealy, but fresh and crisp, they are aptly named. Lately I have started to check out new varieties. I haven't found Honeycrisp apples here (Norway), but Royal Gala was nice, Braeburn tasted ordinary, Ambrosia :heart: and Joya :yum: Next up will be Jazz and Fuji. I have an avid aversion to Pink Lady, just because the color is "wrong" for apples, but I am going to challenge myself. Soon :#

    I totally forgot - sardines, and unsweetened tea. I already drank black coffee. Being able to drink non-caloric drinks besides plain water really makes a difference.

    Fujis are weird. Our local farm had some 'early fuji' that were delicious but looked more like a pink lady than a fuji, so I haven't actually tried eating a fuji since...

    The only apples I knew in France was granny smith, red delicious, and golden delicious. Talk about boring.

    Honeycrisps are ridiculously overpriced here and my last batch was just nasty. I'll stick to pink ladies (someone on my feed recommended Pinatas, I can't say I've tried those yet, but it will be an option).
  • laurenpjokl
    laurenpjokl Posts: 118 Member
    Not necessarily since I started losing weight, but over the past couple of years I made a commitment to myself that I would retry all the veg I told myself I didn't like. I used to pretty much just eat peas and carrots.

    Now I know I actually like asparagus, Brussels sprouts, sweet potato, butternut squash, parsnips, and cucumber. The only things I definitely still don't like are aubergine and sweet corn.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Apples. I never cared for apples. But it's because I didn't grow up with Pink Ladies. Now I love them.

    You should also try honey crisp apples. I think that Red Delicious apples are the most disgusting tasting fruit and completely mis-named.

    I haven't really added any foods that I didn't eat before. I do eat eggs more often and Greek yogurt because I'm always trying to add protien. And I also eat salmon more, but I ate those things before and I don't think they are key to my weight loss. The key to weight loss is eating at a calorie deficit.

    Don't like most honey crisp apples. The last ones I got tasted like cardboard :(

    I find farmer's market apples to be far superior to supermarket apples, so I eat a ton of apples when they are in season and much less when the farmer's market shuts down for the winter.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    New foods - chia and flax seeds.

    Other than that, I eat more of some and less of other foods, for example, less baked goods and more fruit. A higher percentage of protein to carbs.
  • Qweenilda
    Qweenilda Posts: 4 Member
    EGGS! I use not to be a huge fan now I eat at-least one a day sometimes up to three or four.
    Cottage cheese, Mixed with veggies and salad dressing is often my lunch
    Water to, I never use to drink enough water now I almost drink too much
  • laurenwilson60629
    laurenwilson60629 Posts: 9 Member
    Greek yogurt, oatmeal, cottage cheese and black beans. I eat at least 3 of these 4 every day!
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    I don't really have any new foods I consider key (or even important) to my weight loss. Mostly I eat the things I did before, just in different portions and frequencies.

    I have developed a love for soft oatmeal squares (seriously, they are amazing). But I don't think they are really any different than the food I'd eat otherwise; they aren't particularly impressive on either macros or micros.
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,222 Member
    Porridge, low fat stuff, soy sausages, quinoa (yum!), wholemeal everything, PB2, almond milk (a staple for me!), almond yogurt, brown rice, apples, courgettes. I've discovered or invented a lot of low calorie yummy meals.
    I used to eat diary of the high fat variaty, I never cared for fruit, chocolate spread with a soup spoon, lots and lots of biscuits, drink like a litre of whole milk a day and drank cans of concentrated milk.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    ASKyle wrote: »
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Apples. I never cared for apples. But it's because I didn't grow up with Pink Ladies. Now I love them.

    You should also try honey crisp apples. I think that Red Delicious apples are the most disgusting tasting fruit and completely mis-named.

    I haven't really added any foods that I didn't eat before. I do eat eggs more often and Greek yogurt because I'm always trying to add protien. And I also eat salmon more, but I ate those things before and I don't think they are key to my weight loss. The key to weight loss is eating at a calorie deficit.

    Honey crisp are so good! And so expensive, but I think it's worth it. They're around $3.99/lb where I am.

    Try Ambrosia apples too.

    I used to only eat Granny Smith, and Red Delicious at Christmas. Red Delicious get a lot of hate. They are indeed disgusting when mealy, but fresh and crisp, they are aptly named. Lately I have started to check out new varieties. I haven't found Honeycrisp apples here (Norway), but Royal Gala was nice, Braeburn tasted ordinary, Ambrosia :heart: and Joya :yum: Next up will be Jazz and Fuji. I have an avid aversion to Pink Lady, just because the color is "wrong" for apples, but I am going to challenge myself. Soon :#

    I totally forgot - sardines, and unsweetened tea. I already drank black coffee. Being able to drink non-caloric drinks besides plain water really makes a difference.

    Fujis are weird. Our local farm had some 'early fuji' that were delicious but looked more like a pink lady than a fuji, so I haven't actually tried eating a fuji since...

    The only apples I knew in France was granny smith, red delicious, and golden delicious. Talk about boring.

    Honeycrisps are ridiculously overpriced here and my last batch was just nasty. I'll stick to pink ladies (someone on my feed recommended Pinatas, I can't say I've tried those yet, but it will be an option).

    Quite the same way here in Norway - our assortment until very recently used to be "red apples", "green apples", and "yellow apples" :# Supply and demand works both ways!

    I wasn't able to get Jazz apples (either sold out or, what I suspect, dumped), so the alternative was apples from a bin marked "Fuji", but the apples themeselves weren't labeled, so I don't really have any idea what they were. They tasted ordinary.

    Then I had a terrible revelation - Joya is Pink Lady's sibling :s This means I have to try the Lady. I can't fear the Lady.

    And Pinatas is also sold under the name of Pinova - right here, I discovered - and they were wonderful!
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    Chobani flip yogurt, and cottage cheese with fruit. Protein and dessert in one.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    It's accurate to say that the only thing which I still eat, which I regularly ate before, is eggs and coffee. It is reasonable to say that everything I eat is key for my weight loss as it helps meet one or another of my nutrient needs.

    For instance, today I'm going to make a banana bread with raspberries. I won't taste it, because the nutrient value for the sugar cost is too high. My wife likes it.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Yogurt and kombucha! The real stuff, with all the strains of live bacteria! Works wonders for craving and it has definitely been a daily staple in my diet since my weigh loss journey began 5 years ago! Kombucha is seriously live changing stuff if you have never tried it! Just don't knock it till you have gave it several tries.... It doesn't taste very good the first couple times you drink it, but trust me, it grows on you and works wonders for your body!

    Not a ringing endorsement for kombucha.
  • 1shark1bite
    1shark1bite Posts: 35 Member
    Greek yogurt I see is a common one on here same for me as well. Also riccota cheese, sweet peas and bell peppers.
  • alittlelife14
    alittlelife14 Posts: 339 Member
    Plain nonfat greek yogurt
    Quick oats
    Frozen berries
    Grape tomatoes
    Smart pop kettle corn
    Baby carrots
    Bolthouse farms dressing
  • Roseygirl1
    Roseygirl1 Posts: 196 Member
    edited April 2016
    Things I do differently, food-wise, when I am trying to lose weight:

    1. Use one whole egg plus 2 egg whites for morning eggs instead of 2 whole eggs.
    2. Use PB2 instead of peanut butter, especially in cooking (as in peanut sauce for a stir fry)
    3. Use raw probiotic (no oil or sugar) italian dressing on salad for 10 calories.
    4. Use zucchini noodles instead of pasta
    5. Use cauliflower for rice and mash instead of rice and potatoes.
    6. Get 96% lean ground beef specially ground for me at the butcher.

    Food staples include eggs, nonfat plain Greek yogurt, sugar snap peas, broccoli slaw mix, and Hungry Girl's Clean and Hungry new cookbook. Fabulous!

  • khhregister
    khhregister Posts: 229 Member
    Eggplant. Super filling and a lot for a few calories. Love it! Also strawberries. Fiber, sweetness, and a burst of energy!

    Can I ask how you cook your eggplant? I've only tried a couple times (once stir-fried, once roasted) and it was a disaster. I'm usually pretty good with making roasted veggies but I must be missing something!
  • emmadonaldson95
    emmadonaldson95 Posts: 179 Member
    edited April 2016
    Cereals, i was always quite anti cereal but weetabix and cornflakes are really working for me! I also have far more eggs and salady themed meals. Im trying veg i never would have selected like spinach.
    On an opposite note i never thought i could manage without pasta and lots of carbs with meals but now i eat very little solid carbs .