Any advice for someone who hates exercise ?



  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    get over it and get to it
  • 100df
    100df Posts: 668 Member
    Also I do second what someone else said above. I used to HATE excersizing until I started forcing myself to go to the gym, and now I just love how it makes me feel! I feel myself getting stronger and now I challenge myself every time to do the stationary bike faster or lift heavier. On days that I don't go to the gym I feel sluggish. And if someone had said that I'd feel that way just 6 months ago I would have laughed!

    I suppose its just that though of going outside of my comfort zone and the thought of people staring at me while working out but then we r all there for the same reason i guess

    I absolutely hate it. Much rather do something else with my time. I walk 4-5 miles a day. Most of the time I do laps in my basement. Sometimes I walk on my treadmill. Occasionally I will walk outside. When I started I could barely get 1 mile done. The endurance from walking builds up fast. I saw improvement every week. I listen to music, pod casts, audio books, political news or watch tv/movies. I have been fairly consistent with it since July. I keep waiting for the "omg I love this" feeling but it hasn't happened yet. Sometimes it just doesn't suck as much as normal.

    I joined a gym that's opening at the end of the month to use their weight machines. I hope I can make myself go.

    Despite my hatred of exercise, I think it's necessary for me to feel good. The benefits are not as many aches and pains, being able to climb stairs without feeling like a heart attack is imminent and an extra little snack a day.

    If I wait to find something I love, I'll be dead first. For me I just have to suck it up because not willing to go back to how I felt without the walking for exercise.
  • upoffthemat
    upoffthemat Posts: 679 Member
    Find something physical to do you consider play. Maybe join a class with a friend, dance, karate, hiking/photography, kayaking, bicycling, maybe some kind of sport.

    Exercise doesn't have to be done on a machine in a gym although I honestly have never had a negative experience in a gym and I am a big guy that could definitely be made fun of. Never has happened, people aren't always friendly, but for the most part they are there doing their thing and leave me to do mine. I just am not a real social person, I see others that seem to connect and actually make friends at the gym as well.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    If my only option of exercise was to go to a gym and walk on a treadmil or elliptical for 30 mins, I wouldn't do it either. I'd be bored after 5 minutes.
    I started with yoga, then belly dancing...then bought a road bike, good walking shoes - none of it requires going to a gym for me, though I have a membership to the Y. Exercise doesn't have to be hum-drum and torture; it's just finding fun ways to get up out of the chair and move.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Also I do second what someone else said above. I used to HATE excersizing until I started forcing myself to go to the gym, and now I just love how it makes me feel! I feel myself getting stronger and now I challenge myself every time to do the stationary bike faster or lift heavier. On days that I don't go to the gym I feel sluggish. And if someone had said that I'd feel that way just 6 months ago I would have laughed!

    I suppose its just that though of going outside of my comfort zone and the thought of people staring at me while working out but then we r all there for the same reason i guess

    No - I'm not there for the same reason, I go to the gym to stare at people.... :)

    In reality most people are in their own little bubble and concentrating on themselves.
    You are 19 and self-conscious but believe me it won't be the last time you have to push yourself or just "fake it until you make it". A gym is just a room with some people in it - not really anything to fear.

    Even if you just tolerate exercise you will love the results it brings and the feeling of energy and well-being.

  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    you can work out in your livingroom. there are tons of full workouts online you can do, or if you want you can get something like Shaun T's Rockin' Body DVD Workout and do that at home. it's fun, too.
  • takobutt
    takobutt Posts: 28 Member
    going to the shopping center and walking all day is great ^.^ and fun. if you dont like exercise walking is the best option i think. or sign up to a sport thing. i go to my college's pool personally
  • chey282
    chey282 Posts: 96 Member
    I hate getting sweaty!! And between fibromyalgia and arthritis, bad neck and bad low back, was petrified of how much more pain I would be in. When I sweat it seems to all be in my face, and any kind of excess activity meant several days to a week recovery time. But, I was determined to not only lose the weight but keep up with my son and be his den leader for scouts. I also HATE asking for help doing stuff, so it killed me to ask someone to help load the camping stuff every time we went out and then needing help unloading and setting up! Well, as I lost the weight (started with a 40lb loss) it got easier, knees still weren't happy with me, but it was doable. Came home at the end and slept the entire day! Now, after a year and a half of sweating my rear off, and pushing thru the pain, I can load all but one item for a camp out, totally set up and unload by myself! Still can't do much walking, but working on it! I'm down a total of 60lbs with another 60 to go. You have to find your motivation. Your reason for doing it, or it gets too easy to quit! I've been working on that 60 lbs for almost 3 yrs now. But, I'm setting an example for my son, there's no way I can quit or give up! I've also motivated a number of others, and that in itself has become motivation! From almost bedridden to the Roman chair and yoga ball, and lifting weights regularly, do I still hurt? Every day, but when I work out I feel better for longer and the longer I've done it, the more progress I've made, the better I feel and more motivated I am! Find YOUR motivation. I use MFP to track, have several tracking watches and a hrm chest strap. Whether it's ten lbs or 110 lbs, you have to find your own personal reasons! When my friend commented she could see my muscles peeking through the fat, it made my day! Do I love exercise now? Heck no, do I love what I does for me and how I feel? He double hockey sticks YES!!!
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I hate exercise and have failed to fing anything that i enjoy any advice?

    What is your goal?
    Is it to just burn more calories? Increase your steps? Manage stress? Train for a race? Learn a new sport? Meet people? Get in your top physical shape? Have fun?
    You could take a class.
    You could find an exercise group or partner.
    You can lose weight without exercise just eat the right number of calories.
    Get a pedometer or fitness tracker.
    If you want to run a race you are going to have to run.
    If you want to get stronger you should probably lift weights.
    You could exercise at home. There are lots of workouts on you tube that you could try. You could get a treadmill or home gym.
    You could walk outside or around the mall.
    You could ride a bike or walk to work instead of driving.
    You could turn on music and dance in your home.
    You could play active video games. Just Dance for example.
    You could play with kids.
    Walk your dog. Walk a neighbor's dog.
    You could go roller skating, bowling, play golf, tennis, play frisbee, volleyball, swimming, basketball, football, soccer, boxing, jump rope, hula hoop, baseball, climbing, belly dancing, Celtic dancing, square dancing, horseback riding.

  • pomegranatecloud
    pomegranatecloud Posts: 812 Member
    Surely you haven't tried everything. There are so many options beyond going to the gym and just doing some (boring) cardio or lifting weights. Have you tried group fitness classes? There are so many different classes, and it's great to just to show up to a class and be told what to do.

    What have you tried that you haven't liked? Are you just not liking it because you feel uncomfortable or out of place? Everyone feels this way when trying a new gym, routine, or class.

    I enjoy: running (outside only), spinning, pilates, swimming, rowing, kayaking, hiking, and yoga (vinyasa). I really want to try barre, paddle boarding, and TRX. I never enjoyed running until I started running outside instead of on a treadmill. I never thought running could be something I looked forward to doing.
  • Triplestep
    Triplestep Posts: 239 Member
    I hate exercise, but hiring a personal trainer made me more motivated to do more on my own. Given that you're 19, I will assume it's not in the budget (It's worth it, but not inexpensive). So I'll suggest finding an exercise buddy - someone with whom you can schedule time to walk, get to the gym, shoot hoops, whatever. Just get the days/times on the calendar and make good on them. Success breeds success; after a while it won't be such a chore.
  • Verdenal
    Verdenal Posts: 625 Member
    I hate exercise and have failed to fing anything that i enjoy any advice?

    Walk everywhere, take the stairs. Keep exploring possibilities, for example, maybe doing a team sport would motivate you.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I suppose its just that though of going outside of my comfort zone

    Life is all about getting outside your comfort zone. I'm fairly regularly in the situation of wondering where the comfort zone is, without stretching ourselves we won't grow.
    and the thought of people staring at me while working out but then we r all there for the same reason i guess

    So that's more about finding something that works for you.

    Personally I loathe training inside a gym, I like my solitary headspace when I run, out in the woods or on the trail.

  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    Grow a beard.
  • asyroyez
    asyroyez Posts: 50 Member
    Learn to be comfortable with discomfort. Learn to appreciate your body, how it moves, and the fact that you can use it. Not everyone is that lucky. Sharpen the mind, train the body! :)
  • 100df
    100df Posts: 668 Member
    asyroyez wrote: »
    Learn to be comfortable with discomfort.

    Yes! I hate being uncomfortable, physically and mentally. I have to ignore the discomfort. I won't die if I am uncomfortable. You do get used to it with time.
  • JenHuedy
    JenHuedy Posts: 611 Member
    Just keep it simple. Do something you can live with and make it a part of your routine. I started with 20 minutes a day walking on my treadmill while watching tv. As it got easier, I increased speed, incline and time-"binge-walking" many Netflix series. Now, 18 months later, I lift weights at the gym and run outdoors 20+ miles a week, but still do almost all my tv watching on my treadmill.
  • LivvieO
    LivvieO Posts: 164 Member
    I hate exercise and have failed to fing anything that i enjoy any advice?

    Have you looked at fun 'exercises' like aerial fitness, aerial yoga, pole dancing, twerking classes (yes it's an actual fitness class) burlesque classes, belly dancing (these classes all sound 'sexy' but they are some of the most fun yet amazing ways to challenge your body) or even small things like walking and challenging yourself to beat your previous distance every time.

    The other important thing is to try and remove the word 'hate' when talking about exercise. Try and see if you can find other ways to describe it that won't make your body tense up and cringe at the thought. Sometimes a slight 'mental adjustment' (meaning the way we look at things) can make a world of difference. Think of it as going from 'I can't' to 'I will'.

  • Rockchick09
    Rockchick09 Posts: 200 Member
    heyaberg wrote: »
    I hated exercise as well - Used to donate to my gym every month.
    I accidentally stumbled into a pole dancing class and now I'm hooked. It's the most fun I've ever had and because of it I'm now showing up to the gym to get more strength for the more advanced moves :D
    Try to find something you love, try pole dancing, ballet, ballroom dancing or what ever you think you might enjoy :D

    I have never really thought outside the box its defintly something i would consider :)

    Yeah you should.. There are so many things out there to try and if you're not into dancing there are so many other options.. football (I think americans call it soccer), running, martial arts, climbing, swimming and I could go on forever. Just pick the one you've always wanted to try and go for it :D

    Keep us posted on your journey :D I wanna know what you'll end up loving ;)
  • cgvet37
    cgvet37 Posts: 1,189 Member
    make a deficit with food only
    + Go Low carb high fat
    + walk to do your groceries

    You do know that fat containes twice the calories per gram as carbs? So, if you eat a high fat diet, you are going to consume more calories eating less food overall.