Just beginning Maintainence... want to join me???

I have reduced my weight from 113kgs to 53kgs over the last few years. I am really lacking knowledge and support now, and would love some advise and company to keep accountable whilst learning how to maintain my weight. I am 39;female, 5 foot 5 eat 1200 calories per day, try to limit crabs to at or under 100gs per day and do 12000-15000 walking steps per day on my fitbit for exercise.
I'd love to hear from anyone,
Thanks so much


  • RosieRose7673
    RosieRose7673 Posts: 438 Member
    I am too! I just wrote a long drawn out post- I won't bore you with writing again!

    Long story short, gained a little weight over winter. Was in maintenance last spring this time. Now I'm starting to maintain again now. I am transitioning to maintenance again!

    I'm also 5'5. I weight ~130 though which I do believe is somewhat heavier than you. Regardless, let's start this together and stay at our happy weights! :smile:
  • RosieRose7673
    RosieRose7673 Posts: 438 Member
    Oh! I don't use a Fitbit but I do have an Apple Watch! They track the same things! I've been averaging around 20,000 steps (but that's including the running I do also).

    This will be interesting and fun to keep up with our new maintenance!
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    In maintenance here too after losing 130 lbs ( was maintaining before for more than 20 years but due to overeating after becoming sedentary gained more than ever lol)

    So maintaining now.
    And it is easy It is more calories to play with that's all. I use the same strategy as when i was losing.
    Weigh all your food, move more ( exercise every day). And weigh myself every day.

    Some days i eat over my maintaining level so i know than the next day a bit less or the days before.

    But i had my challenge of sudden hunger for days and days while i ate around 2100 calories a day. Didn't had that while i was losing.
    Seems that that has to do with the ghrelin hormone.
    Some days i gave into this hunger and ate more and than i cut back the next days. But overall i stick to my program...

    I settled for a life time of weighing and counting ( i was a former chef and nutritionist so used to weighing my food) Just because i know it is a small task to do it for keeping my weight off.
  • alesiasmith8269
    alesiasmith8269 Posts: 24 Member
    tiwipod wrote: »
    I have reduced my weight from 113kgs to 53kgs over the last few years. I am really lacking knowledge and support now, and would love some advise and company to keep accountable whilst learning how to maintain my weight. I am 39;female, 5 foot 5 eat 1200 calories per day, try to limit crabs to at or under 100gs per day and do 12000-15000 walking steps per day on my fitbit for exercise.
    I'd love to hear from anyone,
    Thanks so much

    I would like motivation and help loosing 100pounds. My name is Alesia thank you so much for all that you can help me achieve.
  • MeiannaLee
    MeiannaLee Posts: 338 Member
    Your not eating enough.