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After 2 weeks of binge eating...I am finally ready!

I spent the last two weeks binge eating, had a food party every day. The idea that I had to let certain foods go terrified me. For so many years food had been my friend and my comfort through good and through bad times. I ate when I was sad and I ate when I was happy -I always found a reason. “Let’s eat a few pieces of that pie and let’s get another greasy burger.” I spend the last two weeks in panic. How can I be happy without eating so much?

My relationship with food is unhealthy and it made me unhealthy. I am not just here to lose weight; I am here to become healthier. My immune system is fighting against me. I have an autoimmune disorder and what and how I eat, has a lot to do with it. The movie, “Fat, sick and nearly dead” was an eye opener for me. This guy was sick like I am; he juiced for a while, rebooted his system and continued a normal life with a healthy diet.

“Will it work for me as well?” I want to do give it a try so badly. I have nothing to lose, but so much to gain. I am in my early 50’s but I feel like an old women. I have to hold on to the rail when I walk upstairs, I have to hold on to the shopping cart when I go grocery shopping.

I am not hungry for food; I am hungry for a better life…still I continue to eat and eat more. I have to lose 100 lbs…is that even possible? Maybe I am just fooling myself.

Yesterday, on Sunday, I woke up hungry as always with big plans for a big breakfast. I started cooking, but then I changed my mind. I got all the vegetables out of the fridge and I made my first juice. I juiced 6 apples, 1 bunch of celery, a bundle of kale, ginger and 3 cucumbers. All the juice for one day was made and ready… now I just had to stick to the plan.

And I did…I joined my husband at the table, watched him enjoying his big breakfast and I sipped my juice. I drank another big glass for lunch and the last one for dinner.

Today is Day 2 of my new lifestyle and I wish for strengths. I had no idea I could feel that hungry and so alone without my beloved food.

I want to juice for about 30 days, under supervision of my doctor. I have nothing to lose…but everything to gain. If I am wrong and it doesn’t work, then I will be willing to pop pills for the rest of my life.

If I am right, well then I will live a pain free life without medications.
I will try anything and everything to reboot my system and get my health back like so many people before me.

I could use some friends on my side.


  • shuze71
    shuze71 Posts: 1 Member
    What a fabulous attitude and so strong too. You will get there.
  • Adelynee
    Adelynee Posts: 32 Member
    You are inspiring, keep going!!!!
  • lillyy23
    lillyy23 Posts: 136 Member
    Im currently having a problem with food that I had no idea I had. Now that I started my weightloss journey it seems to be alot harder then i thought
  • Nasira2014
    Nasira2014 Posts: 8 Member
    I am 195 pounds and have to loose 70 pounds. We can inspire each other!
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    edited April 2016
    I want to juice for about 30 days, under supervision of my doctor. I have nothing to lose…but everything to gain. If I am wrong and it doesn’t work, then I will be willing to pop pills for the rest of my life.

    If I am right, well then I will live a pain free life without medications.
    I will try anything and everything to reboot my system and get my health back like so many people before me.

    Neither of these are sustainable. You will need to learn about sustainable eating habits and nutrition.

    Edit: You don't need to try anything and everything. A few good practices will get you to were you want to go. Have patience. Read the stickies on the site. Forget the fad diets and quick fixes.
  • JoCJo2016
    JoCJo2016 Posts: 9 Member
    Just take it one day at a time. There is no special fix. Eat less and move more!

    All the best. You can do this.
  • Abbie918
    Abbie918 Posts: 120 Member
    Juicing for 30 days is going to set you up for failure, especially when you're coming from a place of eating SO much, SO often. The best thing to do is to eat within your calorie goals and get some extra exercise every day. You can lose 100 pounds, but it's going to take dedication. It's not going to be easy, but it's going to be worth it. Don't give up!! Feel free to add me as a friend and I'll cheer you along as the pounds fall off!
  • Rom3oJuli3tt
    Rom3oJuli3tt Posts: 42 Member
    One day at a time. Juicing is probably the worst idea you can have. Even pro level competitors don't follow that regimen. Your best bet is to get a solid plan in place and really stick to it.
  • The_Changling
    The_Changling Posts: 18 Member
    I think many of you guys don't understand that I have an autoimmune disorder and I assume most of you haven't watched the movie either.

    I don't juice to loose weight, I juice to reboot my system because I don't want to be on medications for the rest of my life, if I don't have to.

    Juicing for weight loss is stupid...I agree. However my goal is my health. Food and autoimmune disorders are related but our pharma industry doesn't want to hear about it. It's so much easier to pop a pill and more lucrative for them as well.

    I didn't expect too much support here -after all everybody who lost a few pounds here becomes automatically an expert. I do however expected understanding and knowledge. There is more than just black and white.
  • The_Changling
    The_Changling Posts: 18 Member
    mamadon wrote: »
    Here's the deal as I see it. I am 54 years old and I lost well over 100 pounds at age 50. It can be done, but in my opinion, not in the way you are planning to do it. I'm not trying to be mean here, just blunt. Losing weight does not have to be a punishment. It does not have to exclude any foods unless it is for other health reasons. You don't have to juice or detox. You do have to eat at a caloric deficit, in other words eating less than you burn. It's simple math. I'm afraid that doing it the way you are, you will be setting yourself up for failure. Your best chance of success, it to eat in a way that you can see yourself doing for the long term.
    Personally, the reason I succeeded this time, as opposed to the many, many other times I tried, was because I ate in a way I could forever. If I wanted a burger and fries, I found a way to make it fit. If I wanted ice cream, same thing.
    I am a binge eater, I still struggle with this at times, so I can relate. But allowing myself to continue to eat foods that I love, has helped immensely. If you restrict yourself too much, especially watching your husband eat while you "juice" could be a set off for a binge. Please reconsider your plan.

    Did you actually read my post...or were you just eager to write against something that you don't seem to understand? I assume you are a healthy 54 hear old who doesn't struggle with an autoimmune disorder. Let me be blunt..I assume you don't really know what an autoimmune disorder is, right?
  • princessbessica
    princessbessica Posts: 25 Member
    I suffer from an autoimmune disorder (AS) and have lost weight with the support of these boards and calorie counting. I look and feel ten years younger than I did a couple of years ago. I also don't think juicing is sustainable - but I applaud you for giving it a go. The first step is to want to change then do something. You're doing something. It may or may not work, but you've taken the first step. I wish you the best of luck. If it doesn't work - please don't give up, try another strategy. You only get one life and one body, so take good care of it.
    Feel free to add me if you want moral support :-)
  • coreywright2016
    coreywright2016 Posts: 3 Member
    I spent the last two weeks binge eating, had a food party every day. The idea that I had to let certain foods go terrified me. For so many years food had been my friend and my comfort through good and through bad times. I ate when I was sad and I ate when I was happy -I always found a reason. “Let’s eat a few pieces of that pie and let’s get another greasy burger.” I spend the last two weeks in panic. How can I be happy without eating so much?

    My relationship with food is unhealthy and it made me unhealthy. I am not just here to lose weight; I am here to become healthier. My immune system is fighting against me. I have an autoimmune disorder and what and how I eat, has a lot to do with it. The movie, “Fat, sick and nearly dead” was an eye opener for me. This guy was sick like I am; he juiced for a while, rebooted his system and continued a normal life with a healthy diet.

    “Will it work for me as well?” I want to do give it a try so badly. I have nothing to lose, but so much to gain. I am in my early 50’s but I feel like an old women. I have to hold on to the rail when I walk upstairs, I have to hold on to the shopping cart when I go grocery shopping.

    I am not hungry for food; I am hungry for a better life…still I continue to eat and eat more. I have to lose 100 lbs…is that even possible? Maybe I am just fooling myself.

    Yesterday, on Sunday, I woke up hungry as always with big plans for a big breakfast. I started cooking, but then I changed my mind. I got all the vegetables out of the fridge and I made my first juice. I juiced 6 apples, 1 bunch of celery, a bundle of kale, ginger and 3 cucumbers. All the juice for one day was made and ready… now I just had to stick to the plan.

    And I did…I joined my husband at the table, watched him enjoying his big breakfast and I sipped my juice. I drank another big glass for lunch and the last one for dinner.

    Today is Day 2 of my new lifestyle and I wish for strengths. I had no idea I could feel that hungry and so alone without my beloved food.

    I want to juice for about 30 days, under supervision of my doctor. I have nothing to lose…but everything to gain. If I am wrong and it doesn’t work, then I will be willing to pop pills for the rest of my life.

    If I am right, well then I will live a pain free life without medications.
    I will try anything and everything to reboot my system and get my health back like so many people before me.

    I could use some friends on
  • The_Changling
    The_Changling Posts: 18 Member
    I suffer from an autoimmune disorder (AS) and have lost weight with the support of these boards and calorie counting. I look and feel ten years younger than I did a couple of years ago. I also don't think juicing is sustainable - but I applaud you for giving it a go. The first step is to want to change then do something. You're doing something. It may or may not work, but you've taken the first step. I wish you the best of luck. If it doesn't work - please don't give up, try another strategy. You only get one life and one body, so take good care of it.
    Feel free to add me if you want moral support :-)

    I am so glad you are doing better, You are an inspiration. I am on Day # 3 of juicing and I woke up today pain free. I could walk without a problem and my fingers weren't swollen -as they usually are. I am tickled pink :-)
    Thank you for your understanding....Good luck and stay healthy.
  • coreywright2016
    coreywright2016 Posts: 3 Member
    Well done. It is a vicious cycle (FOOD). I applaud you for being strong and making a step in the right direction. Just know there are many people behind you who are a support for you too. Some people who may have been the same as you, or people who are having a bad food addiction at this very moment. Then there are other people like yourself who are being stronger and being very determined to overcome the vicious food cycle. As I read in your story, you have been battling the food cycle for quite some time. Food has been comforting for you and the fear of not having the food that comforts you makes you want it even more and then you just want to eat. I really don't believe taking diet pills or any sort of pill relating to losing weight and getting slimmer is a good way to go. I believe the best way to become healthier, fitter and lose weight is to exercise, even just 20 mins a day is better than nothing. You can exercise at home walking on the spot or if you join a walking group then you will find that you're not alone and it will give you motivation because you have other people walking with you and it makes exercising fun as well. The biggest thing is what food or drink goes in your mouth. The key to start losing weight and maintaining a healthy body is to eat healthy. You have to eat good food, high protein foods such as chicken, fish, eggs steak. If you like yogurt the best to have is greek yogurt, have plenty of green leafy vegetables such as spinach which is really good for you and sweet potato and broccoli. Natural almonds are good to have for a snack but only a handful at a time. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. The best cereal to have is porridge, or you could have an omelet with capsicum tomato and mushrooms or you can add what you want.It's also good to have a meal plan done giving you a couple of choices to have for breakfast morning tea,lunch,arvo tea, dinner and supper. I have about 3 of them which are all different I got them off a personal trainer I had in the past. You will see results if you stick by the meal plan and do some exercise as well. I was told by my last personal trainer to lose weight and be healthy and increase my fitness, 70% is your diet and the other 30% is exercise. I go to the gym 2 -3 times 6-7 days a week I know that may be a little too much and I am also counting the calories I intake. I have lost 4.5 kilo in the last 3 weeks. For the amount of exercise that i do most days I'm not quite eating enough food or not quite reaching my daily calorie goal, which for me should be between 1200 - 1400 calories a day. Even though I don't have that many calories most days, I am feeling good and feel energized and I sleep good. I do make sure too that I write everything that I have eaten or drank and add the calories up for each thing in my fit pal diary it's an app I put on my phone 3 weeks ago it's great. Each time that I exercise I put it in the my fit pal diary and put the calories and the exercise I did, like if I walk on the treadmill for 45 mins and I burnt 250 calories i put walking and 250 calories. Then when I exercise again I write what I did like riding for 10 mins and burnt 60 calories I add to my exercises and then my previous exercise which was walking for 45 minutes and burnt 250 calories gets added together to make a total of 55 minutes exercise and I burnt 310 calories. The total calories burnt from exercising makes the total calories for that day less because exercise burns calories. Anyway I went on a bit more then what I expected. Keep up the good work and just try and maybe think of a goal you want to achieve even if its for that day if you achieved that goal you know there's more little goals you want to reach. Each achievement even small ones says you can make little life changes and you can start to feel positive and start feeling confident with yourself. When you feel that you are a bit more confident and feel a bit more positive about you and your life and know you have to make some changes why dont you take a photo of yourself and put it where you can see it and on a piece of paper next to it put the date of the photo what you weigh and have a goal weight you want to achieve in 4 weeks from that day. Goals are good to have even small goals. I set myself goals I can reach. You CAN do it you just need a bit of encouragement and support as well as persistence. Distraction is a good thing too if you are having urges to have a food binge. I hope all goes well for you.
  • debradugas9
    debradugas9 Posts: 162 Member
    edited April 2016
    I have a lot to lose also... But I'm finding that I try to eat healthy but if I don't as long as I stay in my calorie intake but I'm supposed to and exercise just about every day I'm losing weight. And I'm not depriving myself. You can do this!!
  • Charlasek
    Charlasek Posts: 16 Member
    I have found incredible support and a way to deal with the emotional part of eating at Overeaters Anonymous. I went to my first meeting last July and have lost about 60 pounds. There are no food plans, just acceptance and understanding for anyone who walks through the doors. It may be helpful to have that kind of support for the emotional side of the problem while your doctor helps with the food side. Good luck.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    mamadon wrote: »
    Here's the deal as I see it. I am 54 years old and I lost well over 100 pounds at age 50. It can be done, but in my opinion, not in the way you are planning to do it. I'm not trying to be mean here, just blunt. Losing weight does not have to be a punishment. It does not have to exclude any foods unless it is for other health reasons. You don't have to juice or detox. You do have to eat at a caloric deficit, in other words eating less than you burn. It's simple math. I'm afraid that doing it the way you are, you will be setting yourself up for failure. Your best chance of success, it to eat in a way that you can see yourself doing for the long term.
    Personally, the reason I succeeded this time, as opposed to the many, many other times I tried, was because I ate in a way I could forever. If I wanted a burger and fries, I found a way to make it fit. If I wanted ice cream, same thing.
    I am a binge eater, I still struggle with this at times, so I can relate. But allowing myself to continue to eat foods that I love, has helped immensely. If you restrict yourself too much, especially watching your husband eat while you "juice" could be a set off for a binge. Please reconsider your plan.

    Did you actually read my post...or were you just eager to write against something that you don't seem to understand? I assume you are a healthy 54 hear old who doesn't struggle with an autoimmune disorder. Let me be blunt..I assume you don't really know what an autoimmune disorder is, right?

    I did read you post, which is why I felt compelled to respond. I understand what autoimmune disorders are. That said, I still do not believe that anyone, regardless of their medical condition needs to juice to help improve it or their health or for weight loss. If it makes you feel better, then I guess that's what matters, but I still stand by my belief that it will not help you on the long run. It gets frustrating when time and time again, a lot of us see people on here announce their intention to do a juice fast of some kind of detox. Many of us will give our honest opinion on it, and every time the OP gets offended, and I have yet to see one single of these people come back with their success story. I truly wish you the best and hope that in a year or so, you prove me wrong,
  • Abbie918
    Abbie918 Posts: 120 Member
    I think many of you guys don't understand that I have an autoimmune disorder and I assume most of you haven't watched the movie either.

    I don't juice to loose weight, I juice to reboot my system because I don't want to be on medications for the rest of my life, if I don't have to.

    Juicing for weight loss is stupid...I agree. However my goal is my health. Food and autoimmune disorders are related but our pharma industry doesn't want to hear about it. It's so much easier to pop a pill and more lucrative for them as well.

    I didn't expect too much support here -after all everybody who lost a few pounds here becomes automatically an expert. I do however expected understanding and knowledge. There is more than just black and white.

    People ARE supporting you, by offering their advice and encouragement. Maybe you missed all that. No one claimed to be an expert here -- just sharing what has worked for us. It may not be what you want to hear, but it doesn't mean it's unsupportive. An unsupportive perosn would say, "You know what, Changeling, you have an autoimmune disease. Give up. Pop a pill and move on." No one suggested that. People want to help. People ARE supportive here. YOU need to be receptive to it, and recognize that people aren't going to lie to you to fit into what you want to hear.

    I'm sorry you haven't been able to see the wonderful support and encouragement possible. This thread alone is full of supportive people. Insulting us isn't a way to get people to help you on your journey.
  • johnturnerbradley
    johnturnerbradley Posts: 37 Member
    Add 3 days of cardio workouts burning 300-500 calories week 1-4 then increase that to 400-600 calories per work out after you have lost the first 14lbs. With a calorie deficit you will lose weight but juicing isn't sustainable, it is for 30 days only.

    Remember you have to tell your body to use the fat you have as energy and not the calories you consume.

    Good luck!