After 2 weeks of binge eating...I am finally ready!



  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Very disturbing to read. You shouldn't replace one unhealthy extreme with another unhealthy extreme. Depriving yourself is THE recipe for more binges. You don't have to cut out anything. Just eat a bit less. Eat real food and food you like. I hope you can find a balance. (I'm working to find my own, it's not easy.) It's very difficult not to be confused by all the "information" available, but losing weight and eating healthy isn't really that complicated.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    When you describe your health it is like I am looking in to a mirror, where I was five years ago. That's when I turned fifty. I won't discuss the diet thing. I chose another way. But I want to talk about activity. I was very pleasantly surprised how fast the body responds to new demands. I had to put out more than I thought (do enough repetitions to the limits of my ability, then rest), but within days I was stronger. I can't describe how wonderful it felt to be able to reach, stretch, lean down to pick up a penny, jump up and down, run to the store....
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    I think many of you guys don't understand that I have an autoimmune disorder and I assume most of you haven't watched the movie either.

    I don't juice to loose weight, I juice to reboot my system because I don't want to be on medications for the rest of my life, if I don't have to.

    Juicing for weight loss is stupid...I agree. However my goal is my health. Food and autoimmune disorders are related but our pharma industry doesn't want to hear about it. It's so much easier to pop a pill and more lucrative for them as well.

    I didn't expect too much support here -after all everybody who lost a few pounds here becomes automatically an expert. I do however expected understanding and knowledge. There is more than just black and white.

    Let's get the ad-hominens out of the way.

    I've watched the movie.
    I know more than a bit about autoimmune disorders.

    I found the movie interesting and enticing - it is also a giant advertisement for juicing equipment. I don't base my recommendations on movies but actual clinical reading, 20 years in health care and a biology/biomedical background.

    I wish you luck on your experiment and hope you find something that helps you manage your disease. Perhaps this will help.

    What I wrote above remains valid - juicing as a way to develop a healthy relationship with food, or willingness to try anything and everything are not healthy or sustainable - you are intuiting forward to being completely open to any marketing scheme or product sale or fake "medical" solution that might work. That path tends to be non-sustainable and full of frustration.

    Yes, there are significant relationships between certain foods and autoimmune response. I can see how juicing may for certain people make things better or worse. It really depends on the individual and the condition.

    But personally I'd spend more time understanding AI response and mediators specific to my disease than watching infomercials. It you are interested and need specific avenues of research look at associations, textbooks, research... or ask. A lot of informed people on the site can possibly help identify avenues for specific AI's.

    Either way - please keep us posted with your 30 days. If it work, so much the better! But are you thinking you are going to juice your food for life? How are you going to develop that healthy relationship with food that you posted about?

  • ronjsteele1
    ronjsteele1 Posts: 1,064 Member
    I think many of you guys don't understand that I have an autoimmune disorder and I assume most of you haven't watched the movie either.

    I don't juice to loose weight, I juice to reboot my system because I don't want to be on medications for the rest of my life, if I don't have to.

    Juicing for weight loss is stupid...I agree. However my goal is my health. Food and autoimmune disorders are related but our pharma industry doesn't want to hear about it. It's so much easier to pop a pill and more lucrative for them as well.

    I didn't expect too much support here -after all everybody who lost a few pounds here becomes automatically an expert. I do however expected understanding and knowledge. There is more than just black and white.

    Hang in there. Not everyone thinks the same on these boards. Juicing for a short time (I consider 30 days short) is not a bad idea. It can certainly help reset your body and brain and plenty of people in this world have proved that. You obviously know it's not the way to weight loss. Take this 30 days to get in tune with how your body feels while giving it dense nutrients in the form of juicing. If you get part way in and decide your body is saying it needs to eat something then you don't have to do 30 days. Food has soooooo much to do with autoimmune diseases (coming from someone that has one) but not everyone believes that (heck, most doctors don't).

    When you finish the 30 days you should already have a plan in place for gently easing your digestion back into full function. Do not, do not, do not, go into a regular eating mode right away. Start very slowly with things easy to digest and full of nutrition (read, not processed). Perhaps take this 30 days and evaluate your relationship with food and how you can change that. Begin looking at food as fuel instead of comfort. But don't give up after the 30 days. Use MFP to your advantage in terms of logging and keeping track of your calories. CICO does work for weight loss! But whatever happens, don't give up after your done juicing. I've been working on healing my AI for a lot of years and am about 75% healed from it now. Give it time and don't give up. Losing weight and changing habits is a big part of healing the body, soul and mind.

    Sorry you're getting the negativity. It happens. So glad you're starting to experience less pain after a few short days. Best of luck!

  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    I think it's great that you are motivated to make a change for your health. I'm wondering what your nutrition plan is after the 30 days of juicing?
  • The_Changling
    The_Changling Posts: 18 Member
    I feel fabulous. The hunger I felt during the first days is gone and now I am looking forward to my juices. Every morning I wake up wondering if I will hurt and to my surprise I don't. I haven't stepped on the scale yet, but I am certain I lost a few pounds.

    I am pain-free and medication free what feels like Christmas. I am surprised about how good I feel and I don't take that for guaranteed. I walked up and down our stairs 10 times and even though I thought it would kill me at first - I did it. I am proud of it, isn't' that silly?

    Now there is hope that I will be able to start walking and workout when I stay pain free and that thought makes me smile.

    I will continue to juice for another 3 weeks, at least that's the plan right now.

    After that I want to l adjust my lifestyle to the Paleo diet. Dairy free, no grains, organic meat and organic vegetables...the cave woman style. :-) Many people with RA and Celiac disease live a great life with this way of eating and I start to understand why that is.

    I think I will start with homemade soups first to have an easy transition between juicing and chewing. :-) A chicken/spinach, vegetable soup without canned or processed ingredients (Gaps diet) sounds like a good start.

    Thank you guys for answering to my post and caring about me.

    I feel like I am waking up from a long, sleep and I slowly adjust to the brutal reality -if that makes any sense.

    My name is Bridget and I am a food-aholic (is there such a word).