every lost lbs with exercise ONLY?



  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I have friends of all ages that swear by birkham yoga.. I cant get into it. I couldnt do anything but drink water for two hours after. I do think that daily yoga makes one more mindful of one's posture and actions, including what i eat.

    I dont know any one with the level of fitness i want to get to that has lost weight simply by exercise...but a lot of people who have great results by being mindful of what they eat, how much they exercise, and how much they sleep. That doesnt mean you cant lose weight by exercise alone, just because i dont know anyone who has done so.
  • @700 cals lost for yoga is most unreasonable. That's akin to claiming you're doing the same amount of exercise as a cyclist going at 25mph on average.

    Of course it's possible to do, but it's 100% going to count on what your pre-exercise diet was like. I also feel people have a habit of grossly over-estimating calories burnt from exercise. The amount of exercise required to lose an equivalent amount of weight to simply shaping up diet and portion sizes is staggering.

    There is a second catch, you have a much lower maximum loss weight through exercise compared to going crazy with dieting. This is because while you don't have to eat more for low-medium exercise, if you try to create large calorie deficits through exercising a lot you will just end up eating more and cancelling out the extra exercise impact.

    Also there is the measurement error problem. A sedentary person losing the same amount of fat as someone exercising will post greater weight loss figures because they are not developing the heavy muscles of the exerciser.
  • Shea100
    Shea100 Posts: 16
    In my 20's, I lost quite a lot of weight running and I also used to bike 30 miles once a week. I ate anything I wanted to. The body is wonderful at that age. Now in my upper 40's, I can't exercise like that for lack of energy and time, plus I'm much larger now. Be careful if you use this approach though. You will jump start your metabolism into a higher gear, then when you get thin and slow down your exercise, your metabolism will come to a screeching halt, and you will put all the weight (maybe more) back on if you continue to eat the same calories. So, be sure to reduce your calories when you slow down or stop exercising.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,656 Member
    Just curious if anyone ever experienced weight loss without changing diet, but implementing exercise?

    No, I have always had to eat at a deficit to lose weight, just exercising alone will not do it.
  • Losing weight simply by incorporating exercise is possible, but only if you are burning more than you are putting in. Additionally, to help boost the cause, you need to also increase your metabolism, which will not happen until you exercise on a regular basis, i.e. daily exercise.