Calling all TALL women - 5'9" and taller

Please introduce yourselves! What do you weigh and what size? What are your goals? Any before and after pics?

I am 5'11" and 238lbs - Size 20 pants
My goal weight is 150

I started here about a week and a half ago and lost 8 lbs my first week. I know that the first week is probably mostly water, so I hope to lose a steady 2lbs a week from here on out.

Thinks in advance for your posts, it's easier to compare and contrast with woman who are around the same height.


  • MladyAlanna
    MladyAlanna Posts: 16 Member
    Im roughly 5'10 and at present 301, My best weight for my build was 204 and that was just before I got preg with my son (now 3.5). I have had some health issues, so between that and the pregnancy I gained over 100lbs. My ultimate goal is to get back to 200 but 250 will please me greatly. Ive now been on this for about 40 days and have only lost 3-5 lbs...its rather annoying since Ive been under my calorie goals every day and Im 5x at least more active then I was before!!!!
  • Dlhigh
    Dlhigh Posts: 72 Member
    I am 5' 11", currently 171 pounds and wear some 10, and some 12's. My goal weight is 165. People already tell me I am too thin, but I don't want to be on the cusp of two sizes.
  • shannahrenee
    shannahrenee Posts: 380
    Hi and welcome to MFP. I've been here for a few years now and I absolutely love it!!! I got really serious a little over a year ago, then fell off the wagon. I only gained about 7 pounds back but I felt them and I was miserable. I just recently got back on the wagon.

    I'm 5'9" (i thought I was 5'10" for years but I guess not :ohwell:

    CW: 190
    LTG: 174 (I've never been this small so I may reevaluate once I get there, but for now that's what I'm shooting for)

    Right now I'm in a size 14 pants and a size 12 dress. I carry most of my weight in my hips and thighs so I'd just be happy to get into a size 10 or 12 pant. I don't really want to be "skinny" I like having curves.

    My goals right now are to be healthy and start to love my body no matter what size I am. My wedding is Sept. 4 of this year and my first dress fitting is at the end of July so the plan right now is to lose about 8-10 pounds by my dress fitting then maintain(!) until my wedding day so i don't have to keep getting alterations done to my dress.
  • lazygirllosesweight
    I'm 5'9". I've lost 47 of the 140 I hope to lose total. (I'm too embarrassed to give my current/goal weights.) I'm a size 22 pants. I've got some before / part way there pics on my blog. (Too lazy to post them here.) I was like you. I lost 6 lbs my first week and I've varied between 0 and 5 every week since but usually I lose 2 or 3 / week.
  • lrichardson2360
    lrichardson2360 Posts: 225 Member
    Hey there,

    I know how you feel. I'm 6' 1" and 277lbs with a goal weight of 175. Currently in between size 24 and 26. After having my two kids, I put on so much weight I don't know what to do with myself. It's so strange to see myself like this. In high school I had an eating disorder and weighed 130 my senior year. Where then I ate and weighed nothing, now I'm on the opposite side of the scale. I started changing my lifestyle earlier this year. I'm eating healthy and trying to walk and lift weights 5 times a week. I don't have the money to go to a gym, so I'm on my own at home. I've lost 18 lbs so far and I've still got a long way to go.

    Good luck to the both of us!
  • jennyj5
    jennyj5 Posts: 3
    I'm 6' even. I am currently 206. My goal weight is 180 realistically. My dream goal is 165. The smallest I have ever been is a size 12. At that point the pants get too short so I am fine with that size. I am a runner but since starting with the app on my ipod I have discovered that it isn't that i'm not working hard enough, it is that I am not eating enough. I am now finally seeing some progress with weight loss. I have just been doing this for over a week and a half and I have lost 8 pounds so far!! I look forward to seeing more results!

    Since I started this and am logging all my food, I don't crave the ice cream and cinnamon rolls any more!! I have been to the store 3 times and have left without anything sweet. I didn't even think to go down that row!! Whoohooo!!
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    I am just a hair under 5'10" and currently 227 lbs in a loose size 18 pants. My initial goal is to get down to 170 which is on the high side of a healthy BMI for my height. I haven't been that small since high school, but I remember feeling heavy then since I was the biggest of my friends. When I get down to that weight I will decide if I'll be happy there or want to go a little farther.
  • jennyj5
    jennyj5 Posts: 3
    If you have cable, use the dance workouts like zumba, hip hop abs and turbojam workouts. They help you since they are on at scheduled times. They are fun and we have those same workouts at a gym. My mom does workout videos with her coworkers after they get off. Just 30 minutes. See if there are others in your area that would want to get together. Just an idea...
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Hi - Steph here. 5'10"
    Currently I'm at 141.2 - Goal is not far off. 135, but not sure that I'll get there. That's pretty light.
    Working now on toning. If you go to my profile, the pic of me and my cousin (I'm wearing the green shirt and cousin is blond) that was Thanksgiving at I was 176 - 182 there.
    The pic of my new dress, the fitting room picture was yesterday. That is a size 6. I use to be a 14...
  • nataliemrice
    nataliemrice Posts: 4 Member
    I am 5'9" and currently weight 181 lb. I started out early this year at 207 lb and went from a size 18 comfortably to a 14 now. I am like most of the people who have posted where the smallest I usually get is a size 12, otherwise the pants tend to get too short! I also have the dilemma of wearing a size medium shirt but almost having to buy my pants in the plus size section to get them to fit right in the waist/hips. I still have a another 30 some lbs to go to reach my goal wt/IBW of 150 lb- which on me looks quite thin (I haven't been that weight since I was 14-16 yo)

    I was glad to find this posting, nice to hear about other people in the same boat :)
  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    Hi! I'm 5'9, currently at 186, goal weight is 155. That puts me back 5 lbs less than where I was when I got preggo. I gained a little over 60 lbs with my pregnancy, my son is now 3 months old. I'd love to ultimately get down to 145, but I don't think that's realistic. We'll see what happens. :bigsmile:
  • kellykat
    kellykat Posts: 180 Member
    I'm 5'11 and at my absolute heaviest a few years ago I was 236. When I started MFP I was 210 and I'm currently 187. I'm shooting for 165lbs. I currently wear a size 14.
  • aliceofwonderland
    Hi, I'm Alice (you can call me ali) and I'm 5'9 and weigh 172lbs. My start weight was 195, and I wear a loose 14 getting pretty dang close to a 12! :) My goal weight is 130, which is a bit lowbut its still in the healthy range, and I have a small frame considering my height.
  • Nikki_Marz
    Nikki_Marz Posts: 35

    I'm 5'10, currently 235lbs (heaviest was 250lbs), with a first goal weight of 199lbs, and after that 175lbs. I'll re-evaluate at that time. I havent been under 200 since i was about 15, so its a long term goal for me. Size 18 pant currently, havent been under a 14 since I hit puberty.
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    Hello ladies! I'm five ten. I weigh I think 130. I'm not working towards losing weight, just toning up and SOMEHOW, SOMEDAY getting rid of these stupid love handles (help? anyone?)
    Nice to know there's a whole bunch of tall women out there, I usually feel so lonely!
  • heather62803
    heather62803 Posts: 266 Member
    I'm 5'9 and my current weight is 209, my goal is 180 because that will be the smallest I have been in my adult life - maybe I will try to go a little farther, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. RIght now I am wearing mostly size 16s, but I can fit into a few of my bigger 14s. YAY!!!!

    My heaviest was after my first child I weighed somewhere around 270, then lost a few during that year, then I got pregnant again, and miscarried, lost 65 more lbs after the miscarriage - I was down to 190 and was for the most part happy with my figure, then I got pregnant again, lost that baby at 32 weeks, major depression followed as I'm sure you all can understand and didn't lose a single pound of that baby weight, actually gained about 10 more, then only 5 months later got pregnant again and finally had a beautiful baby boy last april, but had gained a lot of weight back I was back up to 242 at Christmas, in January joined MFP and have been doing great ever since - just over 33 lbs gone and just about 30 more to get to that 180 mark - I'm hoping to get into a size 12 or better yet a 10, we'll see what number that happens to be when i get there!!!!!

    Good Luck to all of you tall ladies out there!!!!!! - I'm a shorty compared to some of you!!! :)
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    I am 5'11 201 lbs currently. I have lost 37 lbs total since joining. Although it has fluctuated...and I changed scales. I am aiming for 175 lbs. Don't really want to go lower..not wanting to look like I need a cookie. I carry my weight in the hips and *kitten*...can't really move down too much in pants sizes...still sitting in a 16 which get loose after wearing but 14 is too tight. I am swimming in my uniform pants so I bought a medium which is snug...WTH. is nice to get down to a healthier weight. I quit smoking 9 months ago I am on my way.
  • beckerj
    beckerj Posts: 6
    Welcome to MFP! I am 5'9"! I started at 225 and I am now 195! I lost some weight before MFP! I am currently a size 16 in pants and a 10-12 dress. I am smaller up top! My goal is 145. My doctor says that may be a little too low but I have knee problems and have just started running. I am running my first 5k this weekend. I think it will be a lot easier for me with my knees when I lose the weight! Good Luck!
  • shawnae2
    shawnae2 Posts: 105
    I am 5'9". Heaviest weight was 300lbs last Thanksgiving. I am currently at 261. My goal weight is 175 and then will re evaluate at that point. I am in a size 20 but they are a bit tight.
  • juliezel
    juliezel Posts: 2
    I'm 5'9" and I have about 7 more pounds to loose. About 6 years ago I lost 50 lbs. I had gained 10 back over the last 2 years and found this site to help me count calories - so far I'm doing great!! What has helped me the most is counting my calories and walking 2-3 times a week for 50-60 minutes.