I'm getting paranoid



  • This thread was entertaining to say the LEAST. OP, NO ONE here can tell you if the scale will move. BUT. If you are working out (and I cant believe no one has mentioned diet???) AND you're eating CLEAN, how can you not shape up?! And by shape up I dont mean lose weight. You want to look good right? That might mean tone and strength, not weight loss. If its fat you for sure want to lose (sounds like you're already pretty trim) why wouldnt you lose it if you're doing all the things a body needs to be fit and healthy? Just remember what you put in your body has a lot to do with your results. But that of course..is a WHOLE other thread....
  • dianeb613
    dianeb613 Posts: 121 Member
    I'd up the cardio bit but dont get upset if you don't see much diffrence on a scale. Muscle weighs more than fat.

    Muscle weighs the same as fat....it just takes up less space.
  • ldilone13354
    ldilone13354 Posts: 125

    I can say what I want and I'm not talking. I'm typing.

    Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Learn a lesson today, child

    To you I might be a child because your 41 and I'm 18 but I'm not. Don't act like your my parent.
  • phonepest
    phonepest Posts: 43
    I'm not usually one to jump in on posts and put my 2 cents worth in, especially if I think it isn't helpful or may be negative, but geez, OP, your subject kinda says it all... getting paranoid? Girl, you nailed that one already!

    Folks, THNTDWA has now been replaced!

    OP, to end on a positive note, you can also find bodyweight exercise by doing a search on bodybuilding.com. Also, it sounds like the thought of not seeing results on that scale could really discourage you. Just my opinion, you could take measurments each week or every 2 weeks and just avoid the scale altogether for now. The scale is only one of several ways to determine progress. Regardless of how you do it, I wish you great success... Keep your eye on your goals, be consistent, and you WILL get there!
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member

    I can say what I want and I'm not talking. I'm typing.

    Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Learn a lesson today, child

    To you I might be a child because your 41 and I'm 18 but I'm not. Don't act like your my parent.

    Then stop acting like a child.

    You've been given advice on this and all of your other freak out threads.
    Take time and research what they have suggested and come up with a plan that works for you and your lack of funding.

    Realize that it is going to take more than 5 seconds to see a change and STOP FREAKING OUT.
    By continually posting these freak out, "OMGOSH GUISE" threads, people are going to stop helping you.
    Trust the process.

    And yet again, it's "you're"