1200 calories a day

amy_ross86 Posts: 38 Member
So! I started on the 12th and love it. I've been strict and dedicated and losing weight already. Mine is set to 1200 calories a day with a goal of losing 21 pounds. I'm only 5'2" and feel really good on this amount. I've read so many negative comments out on the Internet about the 1200 calorie mark. Who else is having or has had and maintained with this as a losing intake?! Thanks! !!


  • BelleCakes2018
    BelleCakes2018 Posts: 568 Member
    1200 is fine... although the general recommendation is that you don't go below it. Depends what weight you are.. it can be helpful to have a higher allowance if you have more weight to lose as you can reduce it slowly as the weight comes off. But for someone without too much to lose, I see no problem with it. I've lost weight for a long time eating around 1200cals per day..and I wasn't always great at the type of foods I ate my allowance with either!
  • amy_ross86
    amy_ross86 Posts: 38 Member
    My starting weight was 146 and goal is 125. My BMI is just into the overweight mark. I've never been a big eater but I was big into sweets and fast food. Looks like once I'm at my goal weight my ideal calories will be 1500 to 1700 from what I've read into! I have a desk job and not a lot of time to work out. If I go over my limit I work our enough to burn those calories off
  • BelleCakes2018
    BelleCakes2018 Posts: 568 Member
    So that probably puts you at around 1500 cals for bmr then? I would think 1200 is fine for you at that rate. Without any exercise at all you should still be losing about 1lb a week.. so I would say carry on, and nevermind the naysayers! :)
  • mk2fit
    mk2fit Posts: 730 Member
    When I started, my calories were set around 1500 or so. As I lost, the number went down to (eventually) 1200. I survived the 1200 calorie count and made it to maintenance. SW 187, CW 115. You can do this!
  • amy_ross86
    amy_ross86 Posts: 38 Member
    Wow great job!! I'm guessing my calorie need will need to be at the 1200 calorie mark until I hit my goal weight then? I'm down 4.5 pounds since the 12th BUT a lot could be water weight I've let go. I drink 100 ounces of water a day and eat pretty clean 90% of the time. Hoping I can continue to keep at a good pace of losing
  • amy_ross86
    amy_ross86 Posts: 38 Member
    And do you calculate maintenance on here as well? I'm in love with this app
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,181 Member
    As you get closer to your goal weight, you'll likely notice that the rate of loss has slowed. There are many conversations here addressing just that issue, so browse them. The community is a very valuable resource for information and truth, so use it.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    edited April 2016
    as long as you are getting in the mininum recommended amounts of vitamins minerals and macros 1200 is fine...

    I highly doubt you are tracking any of that tho and are deficient in a number of micros and macros...

    As well at low calorie goals and no resistance training weight is lost but it's muscle and fat.
  • Pasomers1
    Pasomers1 Posts: 3 Member
    I am following to the 1200 calorie recommendation as well. I am 53, 5’ 6”, and currently, at 158 pounds. My goal is to lose 20 pounds. I am working out with Jillian Michael’s “30 Day Shred” and choosing healthy foods to eat. This is my 3rd week, and I have lost 1.5 pounds, which is great. I have lost about an inch all around from my hips and waist area. I had hoped to lose 2 pounds per week, but with my age and menopause, I think my metabolism has really slowed down. I am dropping about 0.5 pounds per week. I do love this APP. It has really helped me see my food choices and to make changes to my diet and lifestyle.
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    I'm also getting 1200 calories here at MFP. However, I do Weight Watchers as well and they must be allowing me less in calories even though it's a points system they use so I'm not sure. But I started tracking food here more than there and when I went back there and tracked the same foods I was going over my points every day so I had to cut it back down some. I'm guessing they are giving me around 1000-1100 per day. BUT, with that, I was losing steadily on Weight Watchers before I came to MFP. My weight loss has stalled since starting here. :(
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    perkymommy wrote: »
    I'm also getting 1200 calories here at MFP. However, I do Weight Watchers as well and they must be allowing me less in calories even though it's a points system they use so I'm not sure. But I started tracking food here more than there and when I went back there and tracked the same foods I was going over my points every day so I had to cut it back down some. I'm guessing they are giving me around 1000-1100 per day. BUT, with that, I was losing steadily on Weight Watchers before I came to MFP. My weight loss has stalled since starting here. :(

    WW Points used to be lower in overall calories but then fruits & veggies were "free." MFP doesn't give you free fruits & veggies....so make sure you are logging them.

    Also, MPF gives you 1200 based on "I want to lose xx pounds per week." The 1200 calorie result is a minimum default. MFP's 1200 calorie is BEFORE exercise. So any exercise you do adds to 1200.

    If you are not losing, then you are likely eating more than you think. Check your logging entries, invest in a food scale. Weight loss does slow as you become smaller.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    amy_ross86 wrote: »
    And do you calculate maintenance on here as well? I'm in love with this app

    For maintenance you want a TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) calculator. That should include exercise up front. MFP doesn't.

  • WendyLaubach
    WendyLaubach Posts: 518 Member
    I'm 59 and 5'5". I started last November 15 at 245 lbs. and about 1700 in calories. Over the months I reduced that to my current level of pretty close to 1200 most days, and never over 1300. It works fine; I feel good. I keep an eye on vitamins and have added some calcium and vitamin D. I'm down to 185.

    When I started at 1700 I felt pretty hungry; I think if I'd gone straight to 1200 I might have gotten discouraged. As it is, my stomach shrank and now 1200 feels fine (that's total; I don't eat back exercise calories). I'm sure I can keep going like this for another six months or so as I lose the rest of the weight. Then I'll have to figure out what my maintenance level is.
  • BelleCakes2018
    BelleCakes2018 Posts: 568 Member
    I'm 59 and 5'5". I started last November 15 at 245 lbs. and about 1700 in calories. Over the months I reduced that to my current level of pretty close to 1200 most days, and never over 1300. It works fine; I feel good. I keep an eye on vitamins and have added some calcium and vitamin D. I'm down to 185.

    When I started at 1700 I felt pretty hungry; I think if I'd gone straight to 1200 I might have gotten discouraged. As it is, my stomach shrank and now 1200 feels fine (that's total; I don't eat back exercise calories). I'm sure I can keep going like this for another six months or so as I lose the rest of the weight. Then I'll have to figure out what my maintenance level is.

    Perfect! That's what I did and found it worked really well for me
  • unnichacko
    unnichacko Posts: 47 Member
    I am only 5 feet and I eat about 1700/2000 calorie on an average. Also, I weigh 46/48 kilos. I can't even imagine going under 1500
    How are you surviving?
  • younke
    younke Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 44 5'3 and just on day 2 of 1200 calories. Ultimate goal is a loss of 103 pounds (currently 229). I'm on the struggle bus! Yesterday I had to much fruit which put me over on sugar and not enough calcium, fiber, or protein. If I can just push past week 1, I think things will become easier.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    edited April 2016
    Your body gives you the best answer, better than any guru, opinion, or even the online calculator. The more body fat you have the more you can get away with eating kinda low because there is more energy to draw from on a deficit. As you get closer to your goal, your body will tell you that you need to eat more - listen to that rather than trying to force a formula on yourself. The number you can trust is your maintenance number. Anything under that, even slightly, will be a defict. That's all you need to remember once you get close to your goal, and be patient. If you binge, clear sign it's too low.

    Also to apply a blanket caloire rule to everyone is just plain silly. I'm 5 foot nothing and when I had significant body fat I could eat pretty low. That of course changed when I got down under 15%.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    younke wrote: »
    I'm 44 5'3 and just on day 2 of 1200 calories. Ultimate goal is a loss of 103 pounds (currently 229). I'm on the struggle bus! Yesterday I had to much fruit which put me over on sugar and not enough calcium, fiber, or protein. If I can just push past week 1, I think things will become easier.

    Don't worry about sugar (unless you have medical issues). Meeting your protein goal is important, but it will get easier.

    1200 is a minimum (before exercise). You can choose to lose slower and get more calories. The most important thing is staying the course. Pick a number you can live with for awhile.
  • amy_ross86
    amy_ross86 Posts: 38 Member
    I actually struggle eating 1200 calories. I've had terrible eating habits before this. Skip breakfast, eat a ton a couple times a day and late at night. Now I eat a small but healthy breakfast a snack in between lunch that has fiber a healthy lunch full of vegetables and usually chixken. A snack before dinner and make sure my dinner is healthy with no less than 100 ounces of water a day
  • Brienunn
    Brienunn Posts: 4 Member
    Ive been only eating around 1000-1200 calories a day since march, working out everyday and drink a gallon of water everyday also. Ive lost 15 pounds so far. I think its just whatever works for you and your body!