tried almond milk for the first time today...



  • notdebby
    notdebby Posts: 58
    I also like the Almond Breeze Unsweetened plain. Regular milk has started to bother my tummy since I've gotten older and I don't trust soy. I like rice milk well enough but it has too much sugar.
  • USA2007
    USA2007 Posts: 18 Member
    I've never been a huge milk drinker but I made the swap to plain unsweetened almond milk and thought it was fine. I use it for cereal, and even drank a glass of it to wash down a 100 calorie blueberry Special K crisp, and the combo was pretty darn good. I used blue diamond, because it was what the local grocery store had and was the least expensive of the 2 brands carried at $2.88- didn't want to waste money on an unknown. Now that I know I like it, it'll become a staple. If you LOVE milk, I guess I can see how it could be a big change but I didn't really think it was a big deal, actually kinda enjoyed the taste.
  • jeromykaplan
    jeromykaplan Posts: 205 Member
    was it sweetened cause unsweetened taste like raw almonds, but i like that
  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member
    was it sweetened cause unsweetened taste like raw almonds, but i like that

    it was unsweetend
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I've only tried almond breeze and I don't like it at all with cereal, but it's fine in smoothies, shakes etc. Honestly though I just use milk now.
  • SibylDiane
    SibylDiane Posts: 177 Member
    I love unsweetened vanilla almond milk in my protein shakes (usually use half that and half Hood Calorie Countdown) and I like it in my chai tea. Otherwise I don't know what I would use it for. I would never drink it straight or put it on cereal, for example.
    I have tried soy and coconut milks and really don't like either one. I think I will stick with my almond milk, Hood, and skim milk for various different things.
  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member
    I love unsweetened vanilla almond milk in my protein shakes (usually use half that and half Hood Calorie Countdown) and I like it in my chai tea. Otherwise I don't know what I would use it for. I would never drink it straight or put it on cereal, for example.
    I have tried soy and coconut milks and really don't like either one. I think I will stick with my almond milk, Hood, and skim milk for various different things.

    I just tried it with a scoop of vanilla protien powder this morning, and it wasn't too bad... so maybe I can at least use it for protien drinks :) I was going to try it in chai tea as well hoping to cut the calories of that because its more of a treat for me...
  • marioalberto1
    marioalberto1 Posts: 142 Member
    I never drink Almond milk straight up. I use Almond Breeze Unsweetened Vanilla for my protein shakes. I also use it on oatmeal, the vanilla flavor really adds something. Switching to the unsweetened almond milk allowed me to cut 240 calories daily without eating less.
  • davidjkirk
    We drink So Delicious unsweetened coconut milk and find it quite good. It's also only 52 calories for one cup.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I have an allergy to cow's dairy, so no "real" milk for me, and for some reason my body can't tolerate soy milk. I grew up on rice milk, but I can't stand the taste of it now. I actually make my own almond milk (or other nut milks for that matter - cashew milk is delicious too!). It comes out creamier than the store-bought brands and you can also flavour it yourself to your liking. The only problem is that it only lasts a few days in the refrigerator. I would never drink a glass of it straight-up though - maybe because I never did as a kid either? I solely use it for my smoothies when I want something a bit creamier than water...

    Be careful with soy milk - a lot of soy products are genetically modified, especially in the US. Plus the whole estrogen in soy thing makes me a tad nervous.
  • Vehicon
    Vehicon Posts: 22
    Yuk not sure why anyone uses commercially produced soy, almond, or coconut "milks". They have nothing nutritionally in common with milk, they have a bunch of fake crap in them, no protein, and no real taste blech...

    It's an issue of convenience and it seems to last longer in the fridge.

    Unlike almond milk, soy milk does have protein so I'm not sure why you said it doesn't have any protein. Do you mean it's not naturally from the soybean?

    I like unsweetened almond milk but I don't think I'm going to attempt making my own almond milk until I get a nut milk bag.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I prefer the Trader Joe's brand but I also don't drink it straight, I use it for protein shakes, in my coffee, and in recipes.
    But I can't drink dairy milk straight either lol

    If you're willing to give it another shot, try to TJ's brand or Almond Breeze instead of Silk.

    I love love love the TJ brand. Smoothies, cereal and post run chocolate milk couldnt be had without that Trader Joes almond milk.
  • tennyllia4
    tennyllia4 Posts: 36
    I find Almond Breeze to be the best but I can do silk. I also mainly use the vanilla flavored unless cooking and the chocolate milk is AWESOME!!!! Try the vanilla and chocolate before giving up I BET you'll love them. The regular is just kinda bland is all... : ) I wont use anything else--- SOY>>>NOW THATS GROSS!! YUCK!!
  • Nikki_XC
    Nikki_XC Posts: 69
    Almond Breeze, unsweetened plain was my favorite next to Pacific Natural Foods organic plain almond milk.
    It's all preference. Some dairy makes me feel gross, so I weaned off regular milk as much as possible. I get fleghmy from it.
  • SusanKKO
    SusanKKO Posts: 45 Member
    I use the unsweetened kind in protein shakes that have some sweetener in them and it's pretty good. I like Almond Breeze over Silk for almond milk. As many have said, the sweetened vanilla Almond Breeze taste good to most to drink straight, but it's a matter of preference. I don't use cow's milk anymore, mainly because I love being able to keep the Almond or Soy for long periods of time where cow's milk goes bad so quickly. I've thrown out a lot of cow's milk over time and I hate wasting food.
  • nutti72
    nutti72 Posts: 5 Member
    Currently use unsweetened almond/coconut milk blend. I find it really yummy in my coffee. Prior to that unsweetened vanilla almond milk. I don't drink it straight either. Currently it goes in coffee or shakes as I don't do cereal anymore. Having pretty much been lactose intolerant my whole life I'm not used to drinking milk or a milk like substitute.
  • Gmtribble90
    Gmtribble90 Posts: 463 Member
    I might be the exception to the rule, but I absolutely love almond milk and prefer it to cow milk for almost everything. The only thing I don't like it in is coffee, where I absolutely must have half and half.

    I didn't like soy milk, and I can tolerate coconut milk. Haven't tried rice milk yet, although the ice cream made with it is good. You might want to explore those alternatives to see if one appeals to you.

    I love soy milk, but only the flavored ones lol especially the vanilla... which is weird because I ussually don't like vanilla haha maybe I could try the flavored almond milk? but then its not really much less calories than regular milk...

    I buy Silk Vanilla Almond milk (regular, not unsweetened) and LOVE it in my Kashi Simply Maize cereal.
  • dbabyx91
    dbabyx91 Posts: 63 Member
    aw. what kind did you get?

    It was the silk brand

    Try Almond Breeze Vanilla Unsweetened. I was very unsure about trying it, but i miss eating cereal with milk because it was so hard to give up the calories for regular milk and cereal. I recent got the almond breeze and it turned out great with cereal! i don't drink it alone, but i never was a plain milk drinker anyways!
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    gross it is
  • RTheHutt
    RTheHutt Posts: 46 Member
    I find silk brand almond milk to have this slimy mouth-feel that I don't like. I also find that any commercial almond milk can get an off flavor I don't like. I don't know if it's a freshness issue, or what, but I am not crazy about most of the commercial almond milks.

    Fortunately, it's easy to make with a blender and fresh almond milk is really tasty and (in my opinion) far better than packaged. You can soak the almonds before you blend them, but it's not critical. Lots of recipes online if you're interested.