What secret vice food do you have hidden somewhere?



  • Jonesingmucho
    Jonesingmucho Posts: 4,902 Member
    My secret vice....welll....it makes me....wait? secret vice FOOD? Oh! nevermind....
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    I have to "hide" my bread because my cat likes to eat it. Including the plastic... :grumble:
    My cat shreds through wrappers to eat bread. He is so naughty!

    I was so scared when I first got my cat because he actually eats the plastic. He does the same with donuts when they're in the little box thingy.

    Are our cats twins? Seriously one of my cats will eat absolutely anything, including attempting to eat insulation... YUCK!

    Edit: To answer OP, the only things I keep hidden are the bags of Easter candy that I don't want my children to devour without thought to the repercussions...
  • Katkamm77
    Katkamm77 Posts: 108 Member
    I don't hide anything....anymore. I don't buy anything I don't feel is in my health plan. My willpower is getting better but, why tempt myself? Oh, and I've learned, If I've got something that I don't want my family to eat, I mark it, "MOM's". Hell hath no fury like a hungry mom. LOL
  • welly5
    welly5 Posts: 293 Member
    I have to hide crackers (like those garlic triskets) deep in the cupboard. I'll still eat them and measure out a serving, but if I can see them and start just absent-mindly snacking then I'll eat an entire box

    I also do recipe development and food writing so I bake 4-6 times a week, like really delicious bad for you stuff. And I have to eat as I go to make sure it works but once I've eaten one cookie/small piece of cake or whatever I package it up RIGHT AWAY to be given away. Otherwise I pick, pick, pick at it when it's sitting out
  • Karabobarra
    Karabobarra Posts: 782 Member
    It's crazy but I have to hide my Amy's organic lentil vegetable soup from my son, I buy him his own stash but he will usually eat through mine also if I don't hide it. Also my gluten free cereal, he doesn't have a problem with gluten ... I get him glutenous cereal but he will still attack mine if he runs out of his.
    Basically anything that I want to eat later I have to hide from the human vacuum...er.... I mean my teenage son... except my Kombucha.

    (I secretly keep the bottles and put other liquids in them just to deter him....lol)
  • BenchPressingCats
    BenchPressingCats Posts: 1,826 Member
    I have to "hide" my bread because my cat likes to eat it. Including the plastic... :grumble:
    My cat shreds through wrappers to eat bread. He is so naughty!

    I was so scared when I first got my cat because he actually eats the plastic. He does the same with donuts when they're in the little box thingy.

    Are our cats twins? Seriously one of my cats will eat absolutely anything, including attempting to eat insulation... YUCK!

    Edit: To answer OP, the only things I keep hidden are the bags of Easter candy that I don't want my children to devour without thought to the repercussions...

    My other cat licks the adhesive off of tape. The one who eats bread will seriously eat anything. Bacon, noodles, chocolate, beer (he drank beer I spilled), broccoli, peanut butter (funny as fvck to watch), cupcakes, absolutely freaking anything. The only thing I've ever seen him spit out was a tomato.
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    I don't keep tempting foods anywhere at home.

    If I'm really craving something I go to the store and purchase it, and usually just thinking about all of the time/energy to do so outweighs my urge to eat it.
  • tjthegreatone
    It's crazy but I have to hide my Amy's organic lentil vegetable soup from my son, I buy him his own stash but he will usually eat through mine also if I don't hide it.
    Love the Amy's kitchen soups (the lentil is super yummy). Just discovered the spanish rice and bean one today. Almost went back to tesco to buy 5 more cans it was that good haha. Shame they are so high in sodium.
  • Carolw12
    Carolw12 Posts: 36 Member
    I don't really hide anything but I keep my almonds, granola bars and any candy I buy in my room. I stopped buying the candy though because I didn't feel good eating them all by myself.
  • wdeem
    wdeem Posts: 4
    Carbonara con cipolla. I keep it hidden in Italy. It's been nearly 20 years since I've had a bowl. :ohwell:
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    my drug and alcohol addiction......................

    .:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    no wait, did you mean FOOD????? muahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    I don't have to hide food, cuz I live alone. But I sometimes will stash chocolate or something sweet, and forget about it, and then FIND it weeks later................that always makes me kinda happy :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Pre mfp I realised I had a problem when my son said 'Mummy hides her chocolate in the cupboard.' Clearly he had seen me secretly eating whole family bars of Dairy Milk. Luckily for me I have a ridunculously high metabolism (or something) so I maintained rather than gaining, but it wasn't mentally healthy.

    Now nothing is hidden, but Gestational Diabetes means a lot is not going to fit my carb restrictions. A colleague is going to bring me back some French chocolates and those I will have to hide, from both me and my DH, so that they're still there after baby comes :laugh: