Have you mourned?

jaga13 Posts: 1,149 Member
The great thing about counting calories is no particular food has to be off limits. I just have to not overeat each day. Most days I follow this rule, and been for overs year. But mentally it's a struggle every day. Even when I follow the plan, I still wish I could go crazy and eat recklessly. I'm not saying I do it (at least, not that often) but I WANT to. The habit of logging hasn't turned off the desire to overeat. I wish it would. I know overeating makes me feel awful and full in the short term, and obviously prevents my weight loss goals. But these desire is still there anyway.

Have you "mourned" overeating and completely moved past the desire to eat with no control? (I'm not talking about a yearly special holiday indulgence or occasionally saving up calories for a big weekend indulgence. I'm talking About the desire to just eat too much with no planning or control)


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    My days of wanting to do that are few and far between now. At this point I know I could do it for a day and have no lasting ill effects like weight gain but the temporary bloating and overall icky feeling make it not worth it to me. There's just no pull to do it anymore.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    I have mourned but it is not food.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited April 2016
    For me it's a difference between desire and want - I still have an occasional desire to overeat, but I want to just eat what I need. I won't mourn something that isn't "me". I never liked overeating, and I always knew I shouldn't, it was more that I believed I couldn't stop, didn't have the power, it wouldn't make any difference (I was already fat, or, could never be thin, so why bother), or maybe because I'd already blown it, I could as well go on.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Overeating by a lot wasn't really something I wanted to do. Once I was aware of calorie counts of foods and correct portion sizes for me I just felt like things made sense finally. I don't feel sad but more relieved that I can say "this is all I need."
  • Cindy01Louisiana
    Cindy01Louisiana Posts: 302 Member
    capaul42 wrote: »
    I do miss being able to sit and eat half a bag of ruffles at one sitting :'(

    Yeah! For me Doritos!! Especially on a road trip!!
  • distinctlybeautiful
    distinctlybeautiful Posts: 1,041 Member
    No, it's not something I miss. There are days when I feel like I want to eat everything, but I almost never really want that. Once I eat something, that feeling tends to go away. What I think happens sometimes on those days is that I eat less nutritiously, but I don't go crazy overboard with how much I'm eating. I've also been really diligent about logging everything, which I do with a food scale, and it's pretty well impossible for me to eat without control and keep that up. I also think I have enough of those indulgent days that I feel totally satisfied - and I don't even "save up" calories for those days or reserve them for holidays only.
  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    OP, you surprise me that after years you still haven't come to the realization that we CAN eat completely freely the way you describe quite often. In fact 1 or 2 times a week for me.

    Last week actually 3 times. I'm talking about really eating until I couldn't eat anymore!!! Beef for main courses, over a pint of ice cream with all the toppings, beef jerky, mac and cheese, you name it. After the three days my weight showed a 5 lbs gain. Then, one day with cutback and became a bit more active, the weight dropped 2 lbs.

    During the these times I felt more energetic than ever and none of the food hang up.

    It's definitely not possible, and right down stupid, for me to watch the calories everyday. Doing so would mean I have to forgo family gathering, friend hangout, my curiosity. It's not really necessary.

    It's quite difficult to eat over 5000 calories (without feeling sick or still having an appetite). There are too many meals/days in between for us to cut back with. You are too dramatic with the "mourning". :)

  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I wouldn't call it mourning...what I find is if I have set aside a day for "eating whatever I want in the qty I want" I can't...I am not comfortable physically doing that and the next day I have food hang overs if I "stuff" myself.

    it can be a bit of a "disappointment" I guess but at the same time eh...I have other things to make me happy.
  • serasmommy
    serasmommy Posts: 61 Member
    I had to learn to deal with m emotional issues with something other than food. That forced me to face some things I had been avoiding by self medicating with eating. Only once I dealt with those issues could I really begin to tackle the 200+ pounds I had packed on.

    Honestly though, how do we do this? Counseling I suppose, but I hate that for an answer.
    I've recently gone back on antidepressants because I'm having an incredibly difficult time with stress and I have to admit that I cannot do this thing called life like this! I'm either overeating or drinking way too much alcohol.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    I struggle with it too, I guess I'm still adjusting but really I am happy to be moving away from those behaviors. They never once made me happy, I was never once proud of buying a two pack of cake slices at a bakery and eating both in one sitting then following up with dinner as usual. It disgusted me and the behavior of mindless eating is what disgusts me. I'm working very hard to at least be present and mindful when I don't log what I eat but I'm planning to start logging even the junk on weekends this week. 4 weeks of awesome weekdays, and 4 weeks of unlogged weekends. That changes now, and I'm proud of it and what's to come.

    What I did mourn was the body I had after losing 100lbs and then gaining half back. Not going to focus on a lack of stuffing myself mindlessly. If I need to stuff myself I'll eat my chicken stir fry plate. I was so full last night it was insane.
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    Eating is not a big deal for me so but I haven't gotten past wanting to drink margaritas all day every day. For something that makes me feel so awful I sure do love it. It's how I gained all my weight and what I've had to mostly give up to lose it.