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  • ReaderGirl3
    ReaderGirl3 Posts: 868 Member
    edited April 2016
    LPflaum wrote: »
    Re: your granola post above... there are definitely better options. Granola has a TON of sugar. As a result, most recommended serving sizes are impossibly small and they won't keep you full. If you need a better breakfast option try any of the following- oatmeal (whole oats if at all possible, if you need instant, try to buy the unflavored and add sugar/flavor yourself), grits (again, unflavored, season yourself), hard boiled eggs, protein shakes (muscle milk light is great for weight loss), greek yogurt (plain is best, add fruit, most of the low cal stuff has stevia in it), or bananas.

    There's absolutely nothing wrong the granola I recommended. The sugar content isn't bad either-the serving I had tonight with my oats had 7 grams. Hardly an earth shattering amount :p And I was recommending the granola as an add-in for oats, which is how I eat it, not as a meal by itself. I also said that you need to be mindful of portion sizes and make sure to measure it out on a food scale set to grams.

    And just because someone wants to eat healthier doesn't mean they have to make drastic changes to their diet like you're recommending (seriously, cutting out everything white? oh good grief). That's not realistic, sustainable or frankly any fun. I'm assuming the OP actually wants to make improvements in his diet that are doable for the long term. Adding things like oats, whole grain bread, brown rice and whole wheat pasta are simple, inexpensive and easy things he can do that will up his nutritional game, without adding a lot of calories. But I just offered suggestion that have worked for me, he's of course free to disregard them if he wishes to!

  • lizzelspark
    lizzelspark Posts: 178 Member