Name your favorite 200 calorie dinner- HELP!



  • JaiDessaT
    JaiDessaT Posts: 74 Member
    Canned lentil stew (tons of fiber and protein) and about 130 calories and about 150g fresh strawberries. Yum!
  • TrickyDisco
    TrickyDisco Posts: 2,869 Member
    Quarter tin of chopped tomatoes, dessert spoon of tomato puree, 25g red lentils, chopped celery stick, half a sliced carrot, 50g diced sweet potato, quarter tin of kidney beans, 25g sliced red pepper, sliced quarter of a parsnip, loads of black pepper, two chopped sun-dried tomatoes, about 400ml water, dried mixed herbs, teaspoon fennel or caraway seeds, teaspoon smoked paprika - simmer together for about 40 mins, add a teaspoon of cornflour/water to thicken towards the end of the 40 mins. Around 250 cals.
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,222 Member
    edited April 2016
    I guess you can eat a 1.5kg lettuce. Or just have normal dinner for a couple more hundred calories today.

    When I have only 200-300 left for dinner (if this ever happens) I just eat over. Can't sleep otherwise.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    My dinner tonight is actually 200 calories. My dinners are usually in the 400-600 range, but that's not how it worked out this week. I'm having an egg white omelet (200g egg whites + 1 oz spincah + seasoning) topped with a laughing cow cheese wedge and two slices of turkey bacon. This meal is so unlike me, but it gets the job done.
  • skinnymalinkyscot
    skinnymalinkyscot Posts: 174 Member
    edited April 2016
    Would be helpful to know the quantity of alcohol and calorie content pre logged. Even 1 large glass 250ml of wine packs a hefty punch of wasted calories , I say that not to be critical in anyway but because you could eat a normal dinner 400-600 and have a night out drinking sparkling water and maybe just one or two gin and tonics or 1 small glass of white wine made into a tall drink for example, as someone said earlier drink lowers inhibitions and too much could lead to the munchies later. Good luck and enjoy your evening out.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Lentil soup
    Half a bagel
    Yogurt and fruit
    Cottage cheese
    Cereal with milk
  • ziggy2006
    ziggy2006 Posts: 255 Member
    Saute some onion and celery. Add a can of Progresso Light Clam Chowder. Eat the whole thing.

    Of course, that only works if you like clam chowder.
  • jen_bush
    jen_bush Posts: 679 Member
    Pea and mint soup! If prepared right, you can get a big big bowl for 210ish calories
  • MultipleHigh5s
    MultipleHigh5s Posts: 49 Member
    4 oz chicken, 90g cooked kale, 90g cooked carrots
  • Barbs2222
    Barbs2222 Posts: 433 Member
    Soup, 1/2 can of Amy's lentil vegetable is 160 cals and my husband likes to add in 2 big handfuls of spinach.
  • a0akley
    a0akley Posts: 36 Member
    Sooooooo at the risk of throwing in a whole new conversation topic, I got home to husband "surpising me" with delicious homemade chicken cordon bleu (my fave) with potatoes and salad. Oops. He wasnt supposed to be home till later, that was part of the whole plan. Oh well. I couldnt NOT eat it. I ate half of one chicken cord, most of the salad and a few bites of potato and I guess I will just hope for the best. Well-meaning family members can reek havok on your diet!
    That being said, I just finished my last day at a very stressful job that I HATE (not to mention is sedentary at a desk) and so that is what the celebrating is for. Very sweet of him really. Tomorrow I am being taken out by coworkers and was trying to save up for that.
    This is hard people! There is always some reason to start over tomorrow so to speak. Thanks for all the tips and for listening. Maybe I should just skip the scale for a week and enjoy this time of transition?! I think the new job will bring much joy (caring for pregnant ladies, my passion!) and maybe I will be less stressed and all of this will be easier.
  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 798 Member
    Chicken breast and steamed broccoli:) filling and low cal!
  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 798 Member
    2 pcs 45 cal toast with 1-2 eggs or egg whites with a little cheese....easily 250 cals or under
  • a0akley
    a0akley Posts: 36 Member
    Just gonna point out that when I eat a very light dinner like that and drink a couple of glasses of wine, my inhibitions go down and my noticing hunger goes up. Then all the things get eaten, and instead of being a little over my calorie goal, I'm way over.

    That said, make sure you get a good chunk of protein, a small dose of fat, and as much volume of veggies as you can. That should help with satiety.

    Hoping to avoid that, but yes, totally true!
  • a0akley
    a0akley Posts: 36 Member
    Would be helpful to know the quantity of alcohol and calorie content pre logged. Even 1 large glass 250ml of wine packs a hefty punch of wasted calories , I say that not to be critical in anyway but because you could eat a normal dinner 400-600 and have a night out drinking sparkling water and maybe just one or two gin and tonics or 1 small glass of white wine made into a tall drink for example, as someone said earlier drink lowers inhibitions and too much could lead to the munchies later. Good luck and enjoy your evening out.

    I drink white wine with seltzer mixed in to make it last longer... And vodka seltzer/diet soda. Still adds up quickly though!
  • cesser1
    cesser1 Posts: 63 Member

    Tabbouleh with Fennel and Pomegranate

    Servings 12

    calories per serving

    11 Ingredients Edit Recipe

    • 225 g, Bulgar Wheat (Uncooked)
    • 300 gram, Fennel Fresh
    • 30 g, Red - Fresh
    • 2 Tbsp, Lemon
    • 2 lemon yields, Lemon juice, raw
    • 1 Tbsp, Olive Oil
    • 1 med stalk (40g), Celery
    • 8 spring onion, 1 Spring Onion
    • 6 tbsp(s), Raw
    • 6 tbsp, Peppermint, fresh
    • 1 cup arils (seed/juice sacs), Pomegranates, raw

    soak the bulgur in water for half an hour. Chop everything else up and then mix it all together. Give yourself a double portion of this, or add a lean bit of chicken, grilled.

    A lot of veggie soups are also under 200.
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member

    Boil the carrots and add brown sugar after draining.
    Sauté the snap peas in Pam or another calorie-free spray. Add salt & pepper.
  • withoutasaddle
    withoutasaddle Posts: 191 Member
    Green bean casserole, stir fry (no oils), any cooked veggies, vegetable broth with shiritake noodles, huge salads,
  • karmelpopcorn
    karmelpopcorn Posts: 77 Member
    I like green giant steamers with a side of chicken
  • Jelenajelenajelenajelena
    I don't know why people are freaking out. If you cook at home, this could be a great size meal. Lots of veggies, salads, soups etc. I just looked back at some of my days to check and most of my lunches and dinners are 200-300. I eat a big breakfast and snack too.