May 2016 Running Challenge



  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    @Stoshew71 I'm looking at my training plan, and it has 4-6X800 Cruise intervals with 1 minute recovery on the schedule for this Thursday and 3-4x1 mile tempo intervals with 3 minute recovery for next week. Any suggestion on the number of repeats I should consider doing? I usually program my Forerunner for interval type training, so I don't have to think about it while running.

    If this is your first time, I would 4x800 then the next time you do it do 5, and then do 6 from then on out. Main thing to concentrate on is hitting the actual pace you are supposed to achieve each and every interval.

    When you do the tempos, I would start with 3 or possibly even 2 of them the very first time you do them. Build up on the number of reps according to how well you are progressing. Again, if you hit your tempo pace for the first mile then rest 3 minutes, then hit that pace again on the second mile. Great. But if you don't recover enough to hit that third at that exact same pace you are supposed to hit? Then it's no longer a tempo workout. Save it for the following week.

    I hope you are doing an easy mile or 2 warm up and an easy mile or 2 afterwards as a cool down for each of those workouts.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @_nikkiwolf_ "racing" a 10K means different things to different people. Without knowing a lot about your running experience, it's hard to say one way or the other. If you are truly all out racing it, then you will be running at or above LT pace. This is generally not recommended two days in a row. If that is the type of effort you are planning to put forth here, then I would agree that racing the first and casually running the second is the way to go. Or you can sign up for both and feel it out the day of the race. Maybe the conditions won't be that great for you on day one, and you will want to hold off and give your best effort on day two. Either way, running back to back 10Ks should not be an issue. It's the level of effort that you will need to consider.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    edited May 2016
    Stoshew71 wrote: »

    If this is your first time, I would 4x800 then the next time you do it do 5, and then do 6 from then on out. Main thing to concentrate on is hitting the actual pace you are supposed to achieve each and every interval.

    When you do the tempos, I would start with 3 or possibly even 2 of them the very first time you do them. Build up on the number of reps according to how well you are progressing. Again, if you hit your tempo pace for the first mile then rest 3 minutes, then hit that pace again on the second mile. Great. But if you don't recover enough to hit that third at that exact same pace you are supposed to hit? Then it's no longer a tempo workout. Save it for the following week.

    I hope you are doing an easy mile or 2 warm up and an easy mile or 2 afterwards as a cool down for each of those workouts.

    Forgot to say, yes, I am planning on doing an warmup about a mile, or a little more at E and the same for a cool down, for each workout. Thanks for the advice. I like the idea of building into the distance, and I'll do just that.
  • PoppetsMaster
    PoppetsMaster Posts: 200 Member
    5/14...................31.50...............76.50 GRT 50k Ultra



    2016 Races
    5/14: Glacier Ridge Ultra -- 50k (Portersville, PA)
    7/9: Buckeye Trail 50k -- 50k (Brecksville, OH)
    7/16: ColorRun --5k (with my 15 year old)(Pittsburgh, PA)
    7/17: Presque Isle Half-Marathon (Erie, PA) -- This is a maybe.. road races have too many people...
    9/10: 1st Annual Possum Glory Endurance Race -- 50k (Northern Cambria, PA)
    10/1: Cloudsplitter 100 -- 100 Miles (Pine Mountain, KY)
    10/15: Buffalo Creek Half Marathon (Sarver, PA) -- This is also a maybe.. because people...

  • perk1960
    perk1960 Posts: 9 Member
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    Wow, I really need to update my log more often. Been a week apparently.

    5/1 - 2.66 mi walk
    5/2 - 30 min indoor cardio, 12 min lower body pilates
    5/3 - 3.1 mi run
    5/4 - rest day
    5/5 - 30 min indoor cardio, 15 min lower body pilates
    5/6 - .5 mi walk/4 mi run/1 mi walk
    5/7 - 3 mi run, 40 min strength&pilates, 2.3 mi walk
    5/8 - 3 mi run
    5/9 - 1 hr 40 min of indoor cardio mixed with light strength training, not all at once
    5/10 - 25 min indoor cardio A.M. then 3 mile run P.M.
    5/11 - 15 min light cardio, 15 min lower body pilates
    5/12 - active rest with 40 min light walking throughout the day
    5/13 - 3 mi run, 20 min pilates/lower body exercises
    5/14 - 3.5 mi walk that should've been a 5 mi run :-/
    5/15 - rest day
    5/16 - 1 hr 25 min indoor moderate cardio mixed with light strength training

    Run goal: 19.15 of 45 miles

    4 miles behind as of yesterday since my knee got all weird. But if I ran 5.5 today I'd be back on track. However, 5.5 ain't happening on a Tues with my schedule. Maybe I can get 3 done. We're having awful dreary weather that isn't motivating me at all.

    My knee held up well last night and the indoor workout I did had some light jogging in place and "air jumping rope" type stuff. So I think this will be a short-lived ache vs an injury.

    COMING SOON: Pics of new shoes :smiley: Someone gave me a Kohl's gift card with which I ordered a pair of Adidas trail shoes (hopefully they are comfy) and several pieces of Nike athletic wear. And I had a $20 reward at DSW so I grabbed a new pair of Brooks in there (Launch 2) since I got them down $50 with discounts. I don't NEED new shoes right now so the Brooks are for later. The Adidas I'll have to try out for some trail running. I was also recently given a Marshall's gift card and also bought athletic wear with that. I have a problem. My husband is constantly saying "More new workout clothes?" Ha.
  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    edited May 2016
    @_nikkiwolf_ on the same topic of Jack Daniels, he has a phase where he puts 2 workouts back to back. His reasoning is that muscles are most sore 48 hours after a hard workout so you can squeeze 2 consecutive workouts followed by enough easy runs. His plans also have you do a tempo day followed by interval days on Wednesdays and Thursdays and the long run Sunday. He also says this makes you keep the right pace since you know you have 2 hard days in a row so you won't over do it. So yea it won't be that crazy just make sure to take enough rest before and after. Obviously your second race may suffer
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    What a difference a few days make. I can now walk normally and was able to take the stairs up the two flights to my floor at work. I've been in this office building since January and Monday was the first time I'd ever taken the stairs. Oddly, my Achilles pain was gone within a day of the marathon and only my quad pain lingered. I'll likely start running Saturday. My son has a soccer tournament in Appleton WI and I can't resist the lure of running in a new city between games.

    I have my next race a week from tomorrow already. This is the first in a series of 4 trail races of the Endless Summer Trail Race Series, for which I hope to enter 3 races. This particular race is 10K and is at the park I did most of my winter trail running. I don't plan to race it, just comfortably run it.

    @_nikkiwolf_ I'd go for both of them, (heck, @9voice9 races twice in one day!) but as others said, just race the first one and see how you feel the next day. There's more to races than just finishing as soon as possible, particularly when they're so close. Are you in Switzerland? This whole time I thought you were in France. BTW, I in the last few water stops of the race I remember to try a technique for drinking water that worked pretty well. Grab the cup at the rim. rotate your hand around so the gap between your thumb and finger is closest to you, squeeze the cup so the rim bends and pushes out towards you. Bend it just enough so that it creates a narrow pour spout, then drink. This made it much easier to drink while still moving.

    @RespectTheKitty the more you run on pavement, the more your joints will adapt. Just make a gradual shift from treadmill to pavement. I'd also suggest seeking out asphalt over concrete. I choose my routes I'm looking for asphalt trails or asphalt roads I can run in. I *hate* concrete sidewalks and avoid them as much as possible. Not only is the concrete harder but the sidewalk tiles can shift and if you're not paying attention, can reach up and trip you.

    @orphia, one of the things I really like about my honey water strategy is that I can take in little bits at a time. Sometimes an entire gel packet is a bit much at one time, particularly if it's hot. With the flask I use, I can take it in as gradually as I want to, making it easier on my stomach. I also don't have to lose my rhythm by having to screw around with the gel packs.

    @ddmom0811 I added molasses because I had read that it contains a lot more "stuff" in it than just plain honey, including potassium. The amount of molasses I used was only 1 or 2 tablespoons (I eyeballed it) to 12 or so tablespoons of honey, it didn't affect the taste too much. Perhaps start by adding a tiny bit and taste it, then keep adding just a bit at a time until the taste is too strong, then you know to back off for the next time. Or avoid it all together. I absolutely love honey so in addition this being a cheaper, easier way to go, I love the taste.

    @4leighbee, new trails to run followed by $1 mimosas?!?! Sounds like an awesome day you had!

    @WhatMeRunning, one of these days I'm going to find one of the races on your list that fits my schedule and come down and join you. Or maybe stop by on my way to or from Lawrence and join you in a run? If the Jenks HM wasn't during our pheasant hunting trip I'd join you and @Elise4270 for that.

    @whatang, welcome back to the world of running! I sure hope your knee and hamstring are ready!

    @PoppetsMaster that muddy trail picture is awesome!! Looks like miserable fun! It makes me really want to find an ultra to sign up for. What water pack are you using? I need to find one that would fit a tall guy (I'm 6' 5")

    A few more items from my race that I forgot to mention
    - On the drive up there, I saw a really cool sight. A tom turkey in full strut trying to impress his lady turkey friend while 20 feet away a deer casually grazed on the weeds.
    - Right at Mile 26 a rooster at a farm along the trail starts loudly crowing, pulling me out of my pain-induced stupor and making me smile for the final 0.2
    - I got to thinking about my fade at the end. Was it a bonk? I had assumed it wasn't but perhaps it fit the definition. I found this site and nope, no bonking. Plenty of fatigue and a little bit of cramping. That got me thinking about what else I'll do
    differently next time. Because of a knee injury in the middle weeks of training this time, I pretty much quit doing any sort of speed or hill work out. Next time I will include this but be smart about incorporating it gradually. This should help strengthen my quads. Another component of my training plan that I neglected was the fatigued long run. My plan had me running a shorter run, say 7 or 8 miles one day, then my long run the following day so my legs would be fatigued at the start. This would allow my body to adapt to the pounding of a 26 mile run without having to actually run 26 miles. Since I preferred to take Friday off and do my long runs on Saturday, I missed this key development.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited May 2016
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    @WhatMeRunning, one of these days I'm going to find one of the races on your list that fits my schedule and come down and join you. Or maybe stop by on my way to or from Lawrence and join you in a run? If the Jenks HM wasn't during our pheasant hunting trip I'd join you and @Elise4270 for that.

    You can't pheasant hunt and run in the same day? :lol:

    @WhatMeRunning find @7lenny7 a race and make him come down!
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    5/1 - Rest day after HM to finish April. Another ugly, rainy day.
    5/2 - 4.25 miles.
    5/3 - 3.1 miles. Quick 5k while my daughter had soccer practice.
    5/4 - 4.53 miles. Cool, pleasant morning run. Mostly base pace, but last mile tempo.
    5/5 - 4.95 miles on treadmill (Trek class).
    5/6 - 4.47 miles. Base pace.
    5/7 - 4.84 miles, Market to Market Relay Leg 4
    - 4.01 miles, Market to Market Relay Leg 11
    5/8 - Planned rest day
    5/9 - Unplanned rest day
    5/10 - 5.17 miles
    5/11 - Misty, foggy 5.01 miles
    5/12 - 4.31 miles.
    5/13 - 3.1 miles on treadmill, plus weights/abs
    5/14 - 6 miles. Abbreviated 10k. Ran first 5k with my daughter...her 1st! Then 2nd loop in what would have been a 5k PR. Had so much fun!
    5/15 - 9.02 miles. Gorgeous afternoon!
    5/16 - Planned rest day.
    5/17 - 4.39 miles. Cool, pleasant, misty morning.
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    Darned andoid...
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    Would it be very crazy to do two 10k races in one weekend?
    Well - I was crazy enough to run a 5K and a 10K last Saturday, with my usual (but shortened to 10K) long-run inbetween, so 25K for the day. None of them were especially "race pace" but I'm not terribly fast anyway.
  • PoppetsMaster
    PoppetsMaster Posts: 200 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »

    @PoppetsMaster that muddy trail picture is awesome!! Looks like miserable fun! It makes me really want to find an ultra to sign up for. What water pack are you using? I need to find one that would fit a tall guy (I'm 6' 5")
    The mud is miserable fun for 7 or 8 miles, but after that it degenerated into just misery. 24 miles of it is horrendous and you will have no problem whatsoever in knowing exactly where your hip flexors are. I am running another 50k trail race in Ohio on July 9... come run it. :) My water pack is an older Camel-Bak... and is a very basic model. It works really well, but I am thinking about getting something with more storage for my longer runs. I can't help you with sizing... I am only 5'7", but I would imagine they make a Jolly Green Giant size as well.
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    Another component of my training plan that I neglected was the fatigued long run. My plan had me running a shorter run, say 7 or 8 miles one day, then my long run the following day so my legs would be fatigued at the start. This would allow my body to adapt to the pounding of a 26 mile run without having to actually run 26 miles. Since I preferred to take Friday off and do my long runs on Saturday, I missed this key development.
    This is a really good point... I take Mondays and Fridays off and use Saturdays and Sundays for the long back-to-backs when they show up in my training plans. Doing 10 miles on Saturday followed up with 15 more on Sunday is tough, but pays big dividends. Knowing how to run on dead legs is crucial for distance running.

    I just got my training plan from my brother for the 100 miler in October... I'm looking at the scheduled back-to-backs as I am typing this... and he has rocks in his head.. lol... in July I see a 6 and 25, 6 and 20 and 10 and 12... which is manageable, but in August and September he has us doing 13 and 20, 10 and 25, 12 and 25, 16 and 31, 10 and 20 in consecutive weeks.

    This will certainly get you ready for a distance race, but it's a huge time commitment and is not conducive to a happy relationship or family time. Unless you are married to ultrarunner who doesn't want kids. Then you are golden.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Tomorrow is supposed to be 30-45m of cross training...I'm really feeling no motivation for it. Don't have a bike right now, and no pool near by. Thinking about doing some HIIT cardio or ab killer for the time, but just not feeling it.....cut back weeks stink....but are so necessary.
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    Tomorrow is supposed to be 30-45m of cross training...I'm really feeling no motivation for it. Don't have a bike right now, and no pool near by. Thinking about doing some HIIT cardio or ab killer for the time, but just not feeling it.....cut back weeks stink....but are so necessary.

    How about a little kickboxing to let our your frustration over not running? :wink:
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    I just got my training plan from my brother for the 100 miler in October... I'm looking at the scheduled back-to-backs as I am typing this... and he has rocks in his head.. lol... in July I see a 6 and 25, 6 and 20 and 10 and 12... which is manageable, but in August and September he has us doing 13 and 20, 10 and 25, 12 and 25, 16 and 31, 10 and 20 in consecutive weeks.

    This will certainly get you ready for a distance race, but it's a huge time commitment and is not conducive to a happy relationship or family time. Unless you are married to ultrarunner who doesn't want kids. Then you are golden.

    Over the winter I met an ultra trail runner who's goal is to always be in ultramarathon condition. When I met him he was coming off an injury so he was *just* doing 20/20 on Sat/Sun, but he says he normally does 30/30 EVERY weekend.

    Time...that's the one thing that keeps me on a leash. If i do anything more than a half the rest of this year I'll ahve to keep it on the down low or my wife will freak. She agreed to my time training for this past race because of my reasoning that training is before our busy summer and fall. I have to (and want to) be fair to my family and make sure I'm spending the right amount of time with them.

    I think I can maintain a fitness level for running HM's at any time, but will need to be careful about scheduling anything longer.

    That said, there's a 50K on July 2nd with an 8 hour time limit. I'm tempted to just to sign up and see what happens. For some reason I feel much more willing to take it easy on a trail race than I do on a road race.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    How about a little kickboxing to let our your frustration over not running? :wink:
    Funny you mention that. I'm on fitness blender right now....I used to do Muay Thai, so I might do a Kick Boxing routine tomorrow, Will have to see. Have cruise intervals on Thursday, so I don't want to kill myself too much...