4 am work out, 1200 calorie diet, & no energy!!!!



  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    If this is just your second day, give your body at least a week to adjust to your new routine....I'd be exhausted too if I suddenly started waking up that early. I'd give it a week (at least) and re-evaluate at that time.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    mpt1110 wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    mpt1110 wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »

    And are you talking 1200 net, or gross?

    Absolutely disguise math so I'm going to say that I was set at 1200 to eat daily, if I burned 400 calories...it would add 400 to 1200 - does that give you the answer?! lol

    So you're actually aiming for 1600 calories total?

    I agree with everyone else that you're probably having a tough time with only 6 hours sleep. That's about what I get in per night if I go to the gym the next day, but almost always find a day in the middle where I can sleep in an extra 45 min's or so.

    I wasn't particularly aiming for 1600 calories, I was set @ 1200 calories on MFP from last year's goals....here I just picked up where I left off but my routine drastically changed, didn't think of changing my settings on MFP. I think I'm okay now! lol Thank you for your help :)

    I was more getting at, if your goal was 1200 and you burned 400, we're you eating a total of 1200 or 1600? Sounds like you're aiming for the 1600. That's all I was wondering, and it sounds like you are.
  • maxit
    maxit Posts: 880 Member
    It seems like you have 1.5 hours of commute time each way to/from work - that's a lot of time out of your day. If it was me, I would prioritize sleep, quite frankly, and find time to move as much as possible during the day (stairs instead of elevator, using the restroom in a diff part of the building, parking far as possible from destination (or getting off transit short of your usual stop) and walking briskly to get there, mid-day brisk walk even if only 10 minutes, e.g.) I'd also try for a 30-40 min resistance training workout 2-3 times a week - you could start with body weight and not have to bother with a gym to begin with. If you do want to utilize a gym, find one on the way to work if you are driving yourself -