ketogenic diet?

Has anyone else done tried this? What is there to expect, is it a lifestlye change or when ive reached my goal should i find ways to adapt it back to "normal"? because i dont want to yo yo diet back to what i weigh. Anyone have any huge draw problems?


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Keto may make it easier to stick to a calorie deficit, or maybe it won't; anyway, without a calorie deficit, you won't lose weight. After you've lost weight, you have to eat less than you have been doing, because your body will be smaller and lighter and need less energy.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited May 2016
    I've being eating keto for close to a year now and have had no problems, only benefits. As of now, there are no long term health problems, or short term ones for that matter, linked to a nutritional ketogenic diet.

    I started a very LCHF diet to address my IR and lower inflammation for autoimmune issues. I was also hoping to lose my sweet tooth, and was very happy when it was exchanged with a decreased appetite. I lost 40 lbs within a few months, and my blood glucose is better, as is my skin, inflammation, and cognitive abilities.

    Most of us who experience success on a ketogenic diet, and there are many of us in the Low Carber Daily group, who are sticking with keto, or a LCHF diet, after reaching our goals. It was a diet that worked for us, made us feel better, and we liked the food, so there was no reason to go back to a "normal" diet... No real urge to either. Besides, the "normal diet was what led to weight gain and health problems for some of us. We can't expect to go back to that and not expect weight gain and health problems again. KWIM?

    If you use keto to lose weight, that's great, but you can expect all old problems to return if you go back to your normal diet. It's best to kiss that good bye and embrace the fact that you will most likely need to eat differently to maintain a weight loss once you've lost it, whether it is LCHF or not - you'll still need to watch what you eat.
  • jessiethe3rd
    jessiethe3rd Posts: 239 Member
    It's the kissing it goodbye that most people cannot do because lo-carb is considered a diet.

    I'm keto for weightless and paleo normally (I live my plantain chips too much)