married chit-chatters?



  • saragd012
    saragd012 Posts: 693 Member
    Thanks everyone! :) I am just now buying the ring, I dont plan on actually asking until November. It's a little terrifying, but also very very excited.
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    Thanks everyone! :) I am just now buying the ring, I dont plan on actually asking until November. It's a little terrifying, but also very very excited.

    Any idea how you're gonna do it? You've gotta do something cool! lol
  • brandonation_81
    brandonation_81 Posts: 373 Member
    Welp, I'm happily married. So, call me 10%!!
  • karlschaeffer
    karlschaeffer Posts: 1,506 Member
    @saragreen012 Sounds very romantic and great fun!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Thanks everyone! :) I am just now buying the ring, I dont plan on actually asking until November. It's a little terrifying, but also very very excited.

    Any idea how you're gonna do it? You've gotta do something cool! lol

    Our anniversary is in November, but on a Tuesday, so I am going to suggest that we walk down to the bakery to get desserts on Tuesday and save our special date night for the following weekend. Except truthfully, a friend will help me set up a picnic in the park Tuesday night so we "happen upon" it on the way home it'll be stocked with wine, flowers, and other goodies. My friend is already 100% on board, and will stick around to sneakily take pictures (and make sure no one swipes the basket before we get there). Hopefully it goes well and we can enjoy a nice picnic, I'll propose, and we will celebrate with delicious cake, otherwise I will have a bottle of wine and cake to console me... lol....

    Definitely romantic! I'm sure she will love it! So exciting! :heart:
  • nahmm83
    nahmm83 Posts: 67 Member
    Do y'all ever play pranks on each other? Alright y'all. Yesterday my hubby left $200 in his pocket wrapped in a receipt and i told him that I threw it away so when he asked me to go in the trash and look for it I told him the trashbag was full and i took it out and it was trash day so there was no way that was happening. I, of course, was joking. I later told him it was a joke and we laughed it off. Well, last night my hubby was complaining about his back hurting and so he took some ibuprofen. About an hour ago he sent me a text from work saying he was on his way to the doctor by our house, the back pain was worse and was having one of the guys from his work take him to our doctor by our house. Then, he texts that he's there. There are 2 doctors by our house that we go to for emergencies so i rushed to both of them frantically asking about my hubby.....calling my hubby but no answer. He then sends me a text asking "love, where are you....theyre about to call me in". So i ask him where he's at, which office....he then tells me he's at work and that he was just joking. Yep......he got me back pretty good. Lol!! :D So any suggestions on how to get him back???? Or should i just let him have the win?
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    Thanks everyone! :) I am just now buying the ring, I dont plan on actually asking until November. It's a little terrifying, but also very very excited.

    Any idea how you're gonna do it? You've gotta do something cool! lol

    Our anniversary is in November, but on a Tuesday, so I am going to suggest that we walk down to the bakery to get desserts on Tuesday and save our special date night for the following weekend. Except truthfully, a friend will help me set up a picnic in the park Tuesday night so we "happen upon" it on the way home it'll be stocked with wine, flowers, and other goodies. My friend is already 100% on board, and will stick around to sneakily take pictures (and make sure no one swipes the basket before we get there). Hopefully it goes well and we can enjoy a nice picnic, I'll propose, and we will celebrate with delicious cake, otherwise I will have a bottle of wine and cake to console me... lol....

    Awww! Good luck!!

    My friend proposed with a picnic basket in the park. He made up this company (oh so creatively called "Picnic in the Park") and told his girlfriend they would set up a picnic basket for you in your desired location at a set time. He took her there, and his friend had laid out a picnic blanket with a basket. In the basket along with wine and cheese was a pair of customized dumbbells (because fitness is their thing) that said "Will you marry me?" on one and the date of the proposal on the other. This his friend hid in the bushes and got amazing photos of him proposing to her. Fingers crossed that your proposal goes as well as his did!
  • Lonestar5715
    Lonestar5715 Posts: 466 Member
    nahmm83 wrote: »
    Do y'all ever play pranks on each other? Alright y'all. Yesterday my hubby left $200 in his pocket wrapped in a receipt and i told him that I threw it away so when he asked me to go in the trash and look for it I told him the trashbag was full and i took it out and it was trash day so there was no way that was happening. I, of course, was joking. I later told him it was a joke and we laughed it off. Well, last night my hubby was complaining about his back hurting and so he took some ibuprofen. About an hour ago he sent me a text from work saying he was on his way to the doctor by our house, the back pain was worse and was having one of the guys from his work take him to our doctor by our house. Then, he texts that he's there. There are 2 doctors by our house that we go to for emergencies so i rushed to both of them frantically asking about my hubby.....calling my hubby but no answer. He then sends me a text asking "love, where are you....theyre about to call me in". So i ask him where he's at, which office....he then tells me he's at work and that he was just joking. Yep......he got me back pretty good. Lol!! :D So any suggestions on how to get him back???? Or should i just let him have the win?

    Imo pranking can escalate quickly but I know every couple is different and some people thrive on it. To me your hubs went over the line with the fake back emergency which caused you to be frantic and might have even put you at risk rushing from one office to the other (I know that may be stretching it). To me if something causes a loved one distress that brings no joy to me.

    Any time my SO has pranked me it is simply verbal and she almost immediately fesses up that she is joking. She mostly likes to see my reaction or facial expression. I would let him "win" in this case but that is just me.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I also only prank with funny things in the moment. One funny example. I had a yogurt that said: This milk is made from the milk of human kindness. I held it up with my finger covering the word kindness. And said, "Omg, look, this yogurt is made from the milk of humans!" My husband reacted so much that he almost fell out of the chair. Little things like that. But, hard to remember. That one just stuck in my memory. We play little April Fools tricks on our kids such as putting a packet of gravy into their lunch box.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    We joke around so much that when we had kids we realized we had to be careful not to trick them. We lived in a place with Wind energy. So when it was windy we would say stuff like, "Uuug, I wish they would turn those giant fans off" and when it was hot we would say, "Of course they never turn the giant fans on when it's so hot out!"
  • Lonestar5715
    Lonestar5715 Posts: 466 Member
    I also only prank with funny things in the moment. One funny example. I had a yogurt that said: This milk is made from the milk of human kindness. I held it up with my finger covering the word kindness. And said, "Omg, look, this yogurt is made from the milk of humans!" My husband reacted so much that he almost fell out of the chair. Little things like that. But, hard to remember. That one just stuck in my memory. We play little April Fools tricks on our kids such as putting a packet of gravy into their lunch box.

    Now that is hilarious, things like that I think are funny and harmless. That's quick thinking to cover the one word on the label.
  • DarleneReid577
    DarleneReid577 Posts: 4,401 Member
    Okay I am curious. ...what is your cheat food? I don't cheat, I always log my calories but when my husband comes home, he loves chicken wings and so do I. But we have packed away the deep fryer when I started this fitness journey , so the first place we go together when he returns from work is the Canadian brew house for wings. :o
  • karlschaeffer
    karlschaeffer Posts: 1,506 Member
    Oh, but my list of cheat foods is way too long... wings, cookies, pizza, cookies, beer, cookies, peanut m&ms, cookies...
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Chocolate. I'm not trying to lose weight. But, have to be on a strict diet for medical reasons. So can't cheat. I tried a glass of wine a couple months ago (after a year with no alcohol). But, didn't turn out well.
  • DarleneReid577
    DarleneReid577 Posts: 4,401 Member
    I quit smoking 4 years ago and traded cigarettes for Pringle potato chips. Gained almost 80 pounds. So now I am working very hard to get back to my weight before I quit.
  • karlschaeffer
    karlschaeffer Posts: 1,506 Member
    Oh yeah, I forgot all things chocolate...
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,232 Member
    This married chat group is about as exciting as my marriage!
  • sceleratis
    sceleratis Posts: 89 Member
    I'm married! And I have an almost 3 year old! And 7 animals! And I've had a few drinks but I think that's a topic for a different post.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    sceleratis wrote: »
    I'm married! And I have an almost 3 year old! And 7 animals! And I've had a few drinks but I think that's a topic for a different post.

    Hiii! Welcome!