SWaT Team Challenge - Week 3



  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I hoped to make my goal of 100 miles and came really close--97 miles. I know I'll make it next month.

    As for weekly challenges--to be honest I really don't want to add any more workouts to what I'm already doing--a 40 minutes morning routine that varies and then walking in the afternoon for about an hour.
    I would like to see something to promote healthy eating habits, maybe adding additional or different vegetables, or increasing water intake--something along those lines.

    I am 54, divorced and have 3 children--a son--22, and 2 daughters--almost 21 (in August) and 18. I have 2 grandsons--Aidan, who is 2 1/2 and has been adopted by 2 of the most wonderful people in the world, and Isaac, who is almost 2 weeks old.
    My son, my 20 year old dd and her bf (and isaac, of course) and I share a house in Western Washington state. My 18 year old (who is the mother of Aidan) is with friends 'finding herself' as we used to say when I was her age!
    We have a cat--Krispy, who was named after a donut shop (don't ask!) and a gerbil.
    I work as a Live Goods Merchandiser. I unload and place plants and trees in a local Garden Canter. It is a VERY physically demanding job which is why I'd rather not have more exercise added to my day--I already spend most of the day in some kind of a workout!
  • need_to_lose
    I walked 75 miles instead of my 50 mile goal.
  • butterfly08uk
    I did more miles this week than I hoped for....
  • DST513
    DST513 Posts: 140 Member
    ok so know its late but i just found you guys. My goal for the remainder of march is 25miles. i did 2 miles today so i have 23 more to go.