How to burn big tummy??



  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited May 2016
    I'm a bit confused and I hope someone can help me understand. It sounds like we need at least 1200 calories a day to be healthy. MFP allows me 1200. If I have a calorie deficit then I'm under the minimum 1200 to stay healthy. I exercise 30 minutes a day but I don't eat the amount of calories it adds to my daily intake. Is that the deficit everyone is talking about?

    MFP estimates how much it would take you to maintain your current weight based on your stats and selected activity level WITHOUT exercise. You then tell MFP how much you would like to lose and MFP subtracts the required deficit to give you your NET goal. NET on MFP refers to food consumed minus exercise burned equals goal.
    • 0.5 lb per week / 250 deficit
    • 1 lb per week / 500 deficit
    • 1.5 lb per week / 750 deficit
    • 2 lb per week / 1000 deficit

    If you have been given a 1200 calorie goal, that typically is a sign that you are not active enough or have enough weight to lose to have the deficit you selected since it would take you below the minimum 1200 calories.


    MFP estimates at Sedentary I burn 1600 calories a day.
    Lets say I want to lose 1 lb per week.
    1600 - 500 = 1100
    MFP gives me a goal to NET 1200 (since it's the minimum) and as a result my deficit is 400 calories per day WITHOUT exercise.

    If I exercise and burn say 300 calories.
    1600+300 = 1900
    1900 is my new estimated burn for the full day.
    1900-400 = 1500
    1500 is the amount I should eat to keep my 400 calorie per day deficit. 1500 consumed-300 burned= 1200 NET
  • SLLeask
    SLLeask Posts: 489 Member
    Maggie2083 wrote: »
    Planking works very well and half your body weight in water a day a lot of leafy greens the darker the better if you don't like to eat them make a smoothie but add sugar maybe some honey like everyone else calorie deficit that's why although it's annoying tracking your calories actually matters

    I agree planks are great for tummy muscle improvement, but half your body weight in water? Seriously? I'm 72kgs, so you're telling me, in order to lose weight I need to drink THIRTY-SIX KILO's of water?! That's THIRTY-SIX LITRES of water A DAY???? I certainly hope not!!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Maggie2083 wrote: »
    Planking works very well and half your body weight in water a day a lot of leafy greens the darker the better if you don't like to eat them make a smoothie but add sugar maybe some honey like everyone else calorie deficit that's why although it's annoying tracking your calories actually matters
    SLLeask wrote: »
    I agree planks are great for tummy muscle improvement, but half your body weight in water? Seriously? I'm 72kgs, so you're telling me, in order to lose weight I need to drink THIRTY-SIX KILO's of water?! That's THIRTY-SIX LITRES of water A DAY???? I certainly hope not!!

    Maggie left out ounces. And it's based on pounds. Not agreeing or disagreeing, but this is how it's supposed to work:

    Water accounts for approximately 70 percent of an adult's body weight. While we get a lot of water from the foods that we eat, it is important to drink plenty of water to replenish any that gets used throughout the day. Adults should try to drink half of their body weight in ounces of water per day, according to Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj. This means that a 160 lb. man should try to drink 80 oz. of water per day. This number increases if you live in a warm or dry climate.