Am I fat!



  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I won't to lose weight bc I'm not comfortable in how I look in the clothes I want to wear especially around the stomach area I'm 5'4 160 pounds I wand to lose about 15 to 20 pounds people tell me that I look great I don't need to lose but they don't see what I see I currently don't have a problem with my weight I just feel like it wouldn't hurt to lose a few
    So tell me
    Am I fat?

    These people who are telling you you don't need to lose weight - do you consider them to be overweight?
  • geministyle67
    geministyle67 Posts: 22 Member
    Yeah, weight looks SO different on people. I am 5'5" and look my best at 145-150ish. If I was 125 I would look ILL, even though some women may look great at that weight.

    It is really helpful to understand how much lean body mass you have and go from there. I carry 118 pounds of lean mass right now, so you can see why 125 wouldn't even be possible for me. I have a friend my same height who carries just 100 pounds of lean mass, she looks and feels best at a lower weight.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,890 Member
    It's your body. You get to decide, not other people. And - as so many above have said - different people carry weight differently, plus have different ideas of how they want to look and feel.

    BMI is not a recipe, it's just a screener/rough guideline, and it's helpful for most people as such, but it gives wide ranges for a reason (and it doesn't work well for extremely athletic/muscular body types, for one).

    So, why worry about whether "you are fat". IMO, it's more about: How do you feel? Can you do the daily activities you want to do, reasonably easily? Do you have any weight-related health problems (high cholesterol, bad knees/hips, etc.)? Do you have any familial risks for diseases that can be more likely if at a higher weight (hypertension, some cancers, etc.)? Do you like how your body looks, in the sense that there aren't particular things you think would change in a positive way if you lost weight?

    You say you'd like to lose 15-20 pounds. If that would make you feel better, it seems likely you can do that and still be in a weight range that would be healthy for most body types. If you'd be happier and healthier at 15-20 pounds less, go for it.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I won't to lose weight bc I'm not comfortable in how I look in the clothes I want to wear especially around the stomach area I'm 5'4 160 pounds I wand to lose about 15 to 20 pounds people tell me that I look great I don't need to lose but they don't see what I see I currently don't have a problem with my weight I just feel like it wouldn't hurt to lose a few
    So tell me
    Am I fat?

    I can't decide that for you (and haven't seen you), but I think 140 to 145 is a perfectly sensible weight for someone 5'4, so if you don't feel comfortable in your clothes and would like to lose, ignore other people. Some people told me I didn't need to lose 20 lbs ago, and I just smiled and said thanks and didn't share my plans with them. People are busybodies sometimes.