20 in 20: Week 3!



  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    My way too saying good bye to all of the excuses and self sabotaging......I rewarded myself with a hair cut these last pass 6mnths have been rough but I am over that it's time to make these next 6 all about improving and getting better!! I promise to stop looking at all the negative factors in my life and start building on the positive ones no matter how big or small they may be!!

    On to bigger and better things to come!!
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    I'm really looking forward to this weekend! My husband and I work almost every weekend, but we decided to take this weekend off so that we could just relax and spend time together. I'm starting Medical School in less than 3 weeks, so this will be our last chance to fully relax and just be together!

    We don't have any big cookouts or parties planned, so making good decisions won't be nearly as hard for me, thankfully! And I don't think I'll be craving bad food any time soon. Last night I had like 600 extra calories left from my intense workout with Abbey, so we went to Five Guys and just got some french fries for a small indulgence. Well, 310 calories later, those fries didn't taste nearly as good as I remembered them tasting! They weren't really worth it! It's funny how my brain tricks me into thinking something is going to taste like heaven and it just doesn't....

    Hope everyone makes good choices this weekend! I'm 232 out of 180 minutes, hoping to get to 360!! I'm only 3.6 pounds from reaching my first mini goal and I set the due date for July 8th! Got to work hard and hit that goal or at least get as close as I can!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Good morning everyone,

    I'm just coming in here to stay accountable over the weekend and not over do it I did great yesterday I didn't track my food but it was a good day breakfast was kind of high but I curved the rest of the day to fit!! I actually haven't logged food or exercise for the last 3 days so I am going to be back on track with that today

    Have a happy Saturday everyone!!
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    How's everyone doing this weekend??

    I'm at 293 minutes this week! One more workout tomorrow and I'll meet my goal of 360 minutes!

    I'm down another 1.8 lbs today; only 1.8 lbs left until I meet my first mini-goal of 15 lbs!

    Happy 4th of July!
  • johnjely
    johnjely Posts: 99
    I'm away from my house and equipment, so I feel like I'll be swimming pretty hard in the lake tonight. Lots of walking, and lounging. I'm also without a scale up here at the lake, so I hope that'll keep my accountable and keep me behaving, knowing that when I get home I'll have to weigh in and won't have any time to try to fix my errors while I"m on vacation :)

    Everyone have a great fourth!

    AND -- great job! Only 1.8 to go, and you'll be there in no time!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Well everyone I will settle for 2 out of the3 days yesterday wasn't so great I don't really feel like I went over board as far as eating but I had a few drinks which I haven't done in a long while but hey this weekend has been way better than the last 2 by far so I am very proud of that.

    Another goal for myself is if I can't figure how to track it then I can't eat it I wont miss another day tracking this month!!

    Still up on weight but I weighed in this morning and my measurments are down and the funny thing is I didn't feel bloated during TOM but now that it is going away I'm bloated is that crazy or what so anyway that leaves great promise for next week may mean even more inches!! Oh and also I put on and closed my size 8 jean skirt Woooooooohoooooooo!!! I was totally stoked by that!!

    Have a great week everyone we survived the 4th!!!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Name.............................. Start Weight ............................ Current Weight ......................... + / - LBS
    Emmylou13...........................157.4...............................................154.2 ................................ -3.2 LBS
    Dusty73085...........................168.7............................................166.4.................................... -2.3 LBS
    NaokoHeart............................196.4............................................192.2....................................-4.2 LBS
    Cnbethea................................162.6............................................163.8.................................... +1.2 LBS
    Breathe_Glamour...................175.0............................................173........................................ - 2 LBS
    00trayn...................................177.0.............................................173.4..................................... -3.6 LBS
    kaymiller2.................................155.0............................................154.0...................................... -1 LBS
    salvirez.....................................138.................................................134........................................- 4 LBS
    stephlewis...............................204.2.............................................205.2.................................+ 1.0 LBS
    whittrusty................................216.2...............................................215.6...................................-0.6 LBS
    dk82.........................................184.8..............................................184.8........................................0 LBS
    sarahgallienne81.................223.0............................................223.0...........................................0 LBS
    Curvykatie..............................145.6............................................145.6............................................0 LBS
    wildfiery..................................195................................................195...............................................0 LBS
    kalibsmom..............................187.................................................187............................................0 LBS
    maggiecharles...........................193...........................................193...............................................0 LBS
    Sweetheart6lk ........................ 221.2............................................. 221.2........................................0 LBS
    Johnjely....................................185................................................185..............................................0 LBS
  • dk82
    dk82 Posts: 142 Member
    Good morning everyone!!!

    Name.............................. Start Weight ............................ Current Weight ......................... + / - LBS
    Emmylou13...........................157.4...............................................154.2 ................................ -3.2 LBS
    Dusty73085...........................168.7............................................166.4.................................... -2.3 LBS
    NaokoHeart............................196.4............................................192.2....................................-4.2 LBS
    Cnbethea................................162.6............................................163.8.................................... +1.2 LBS
    Breathe_Glamour...................175.0............................................173........................................ - 2 LBS
    00trayn...................................177.0.............................................173.4..................................... -3.6 LBS
    kaymiller2.................................155.0............................................154.0...................................... -1 LBS
    salvirez.....................................138.................................................134........................................- 4 LBS
    stephlewis...............................204.2.............................................205.2.................................+ 1.0 LBS
    whittrusty................................216.2...............................................215.6...................................-0.6 LBS
    dk82.........................................184.8..............................................184.6................................... -0.2 LBS
    sarahgallienne81.................223.0............................................223.0...........................................0 LBS
    Curvykatie..............................145.6............................................145.6............................................0 LBS
    wildfiery..................................195................................................195...............................................0 LBS
    kalibsmom..............................187.................................................187............................................0 LBS
    maggiecharles...........................193...........................................193...............................................0 LBS
    Sweetheart6lk ........................ 221.2............................................. 221.2........................................0 LBS
    Johnjely....................................185................................................185..............................................0 LBS
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Week 4 is up!! Look for 20 in 20: Week 4.