I've hit my short term goal! What are yours?



  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    To get my waist back.under 88cm. Currently 91cm
  • carolinaem
    carolinaem Posts: 58 Member
    To get under 150. I managed to get down to 150.6, but switched from tons of running to mostly lifting and some HIIT and my weight loss stalled, crept up, stalled, and then I got lax for a month. 154 now and back on track.
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    @sindirella21 those shoes rock!

    Being a nerdy finance gal, I've got a whizzy spreadsheet chock-full of data with graphs and charts. And I love that I can download all my fitbit data into this spreadsheet.

    My goals are split into 'short-term', 'mid-term', 'long-term', and 'anything else is gravy'. None of them are dated because I don't like the pressure of trying to get to somewhere by a certain date. I've passed all my short-term goals - they included things like losing 5lbs, losing 5% of my body weight, and getting to a particular weight.

    I've just passed all my mid-term goals too. The latest one being losing 10% of my body weight. And I'm now halfway through my long-term goals. The next one I'm aiming for is losing 21lbs - I'm very close, and could probably get there this week, but seeing as it's my wedding anniversary tomorrow, and a slap-up meal and champagne are planned, it ain't gonna happen. Maybe next week.
  • AmandaIsherwood3
    AmandaIsherwood3 Posts: 47 Member
    I've been a yo yo dieter for years 17st at my heaviest and 13st 7lb was the lowest I could ever get to on every diet I did so my first goal was to get below that 13st 7lb, I've managed it recently and I'm currently 13st 1lb, my next goal is to see a 12 on the scales. My exercise goals when I started was to last 5 minutes on the cross trainer, now I can do 30 with ease, I'm running, planking, doing weights. Every week I try something new and continue to push myself without being scared anymore
  • lml852014
    lml852014 Posts: 243 Member
    Good luck to everyone!!
  • smiles4jo
    smiles4jo Posts: 202 Member
    I just hit one of my mini-goals last week when from obese to simply overweight. Never thought I'd be so happy to be overweight!

    Right now, I'm working on getting to 175 lbs because that's the weight I was at when we got engaged. (Unlike most people, I actually gained weight before the wedding and I'm already below my wedding weight).

    I'm also about halfway though C25K, so I really want to finish that.
  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 798 Member
    I am 4 lbs away from being at the very top of the 'normal' end on the bmi chart! I know they're not always accurate, but I can't wait to be classified 'normal' again after a very long while in the overweight range:)
  • kandeye
    kandeye Posts: 216 Member
    My first goal is 20lbs, which I'm 5 lbs shy of. Next goal is to be under 200lbs by the end of this year. I started at 257 in march, currently at 242 so I feel I'm on track and should hit my goal by mid-October. Fitness goals mostly revolve around weight lifting. I want to squat 200lbs by the end of the year, currently at 130 so I have quite a challenge ahead of me.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    My short-term goal is to get 7.4 lb off in 22 days. That's possible with my average daily loss, but not possible with any excursions from plan.

    That would put me at or below 220 for my birthday.

    Now it is to get 6.2 lb off in 21 days.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    smiles4jo wrote: »
    I just hit one of my mini-goals last week when from obese to simply overweight. Never thought I'd be so happy to be overweight!

    Right now, I'm working on getting to 175 lbs because that's the weight I was at when we got engaged. (Unlike most people, I actually gained weight before the wedding and I'm already below my wedding weight).

    I'm also about halfway though C25K, so I really want to finish that.

    I'm below my wedding weight, my first date weight, and any weight my wife has ever seen me in 36 years.
  • itsthehumidity
    itsthehumidity Posts: 351 Member
    My short term goal was to reach less than 155 pounds (starting at 161) within 10 weeks. I'm just over 5 weeks in, and the last time I weighed myself a few days ago I was 155.2 pounds.

    The long term goal is to be less than 10% body fat, which I'm guessing is somewhere around 150 pounds, but we'll see.
  • sourpower434
    sourpower434 Posts: 47 Member
    135 pound bench press and the ability to do more than one pull-up!

    Wow 135! I'm still aiming for a triple digit bench press. Currently at 95...won't be long now!
  • ridge4mfp
    ridge4mfp Posts: 301 Member
    junodog1 wrote: »
    Go from Obese BMI to Overweight

    This. Only 7 lbs to go.
  • elkhunter7x6
    elkhunter7x6 Posts: 88 Member
    I am 46yrs old. When I started 50 weeks ago I wanted to loose weight to the point that my gut and luv handles were gone, and get in much better shape. I was practically out of breath just bending over to tie my shoes. I have been exercising and working out 5 times a week since the start and am in much better shape. I can jog 3-5 miles now and not feel like I am going to die! I started out at 226.6lbs and am now down 52.3lbs and currently weigh 174.3lbs. I still have a little fat in the belly and luv handle area but I am almost there!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    135 pound bench press and the ability to do more than one pull-up!

    Wow 135! I'm still aiming for a triple digit bench press. Currently at 95...won't be long now!

    Nice! I was up to 128.5, but I've jacked up my elbow and am having to take some time off from lifting. When I'm able to get back, I'm going to have to de-load... :'(

    You'll have that 100 in no time!
  • Pam_1965
    Pam_1965 Posts: 137 Member
    edited May 2016
    My goal is to be at 145 by my Bermuda Cruise on June 17. 8 pounds to go. I don't think I will make it, but I will be super happy if I am at least 149! :) I am down 30+ pounds since January, so doing well.

    I will then shoot for another 10 pound loss by the time school starts again in September. Teacher here!
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,100 Member
    Oh thought of another one.

    To actually run the stupid 5k with the jogging stroller in under 35 minutes. For some reason that thing and me do not get along and I can run a 5k without it just fine but when I try to run with my daughter I just can't keep pace/rhythm.